The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, December 01, 1892, Page 30, Image 2

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for an Annual at $i, admitting the good
work of both? Is it morally right to give
50 cents to the Athletic association, and
morally wrong to give 50 cents for a class
representation in an Annual? We want to
be enlightened. Where shall we draw the
line? The theory calls for ths: abandonment
of athletics, oratory, societies, fraternities,
Nsbraskan and everything else but text
books and tablets.
Of course, the actual work of preparation
and publication falls on a few, but they can
stand it for what they get out of it. The ed
itorial work does not amount to any more
than the aggregate work of a similar nature
put on college papers, and the same is true
of the management. The bulk of the work
last year came on four students, but they are
' all on derroV this year and expect to graduate ;
of course it was warm work last spring, but
uoae of them got a written notice to discon
tinue any class work on account of incom
petency. As to the personalities, we think the Chan
cellor takes au extreme view. We do not
believe that last year's Annual had any more
"bitter" personalities in it than did the col
lege papers for that year. We believe
further, that almost without exception, every
body mentioned in the "sparks" was a little
bit proud to have his same in the book in
stead ot mortified at an imaginary insult.
We do not believe thatNeWaskaraises men
mean enough to make capital of such things
against the University, aad if there be any
we do't want their sons hereasyway.
We think, in conclusion, that '94 will do
well to reconsider its rathwhasty actionem
this matter. We do not think they have of
fered a single worthy excnsefor breaking
What '93 hoped last year to establish as a
tradition. By making the publication of the
Annual a matter of tradition and a matter of
course, we will but fall into line with our
sister colleges from the largest to many of
the most icsigaificant a thing we usually
have good seuse enough to do promptly.
A statement sent to the Nkbkaskan throws
the cause upon increased school work from
change of courses and the breaking ol no
tradition ; 'o's increased work from change
of courses is only a trifle more than '938,
which is practically nothing. As to broken
tradition we believe '94 will do far more
harm if it nips this promising branch of
student enterprise in the bud, than if it
simply discontinued for one year a long es
tablished custom. '04 ought to consider the
University as well as herself in this matter.
The banqueting season for the foot-ball
players has approached, and generous fac
ulties all over the land are showing their ap
preciation of the boys efforts in various
ways, and especially b' giving them ban
quets. What reward do the members of our
team receive for their ten weeks hard labor
for the triumph of the University? No ban
quet indeed, but instead some have received
those cream notices from the Chancellor's
office, to discontinue work in certain classes
because of deficiency. Is this the right way
to treat our team? Is it fair to drop one of
them from class without a fair show ? If at
the end of th . term these players cannot
pass their examinations, then they should be
dropped, but not before. It is true that all
who have attempted work upon athletics, or
atory and journalism have beeu hampered
in their work as much as possible by superior
powers, and allowed no credit for their ef
forts. Yet it does not seem right that one
step more should be taken and men on the
foot-ball team uacermoniously dropped be
cause their work at this time was not up to
the mark. We trust that the faculty will not
allow any of the fooUball players to lose their
standing in class without fair show.
Another season of foot-ball has passed
away, as the first chilly blasts of a northern
wind sweep the campus. Now for oratory.
With over 900 students in school, some good
oratorical talent can surely be secured.
While the University has always bee first
in foot-ball and base ball in the state, our