i8 THE NEBRASKAN. 'V Oje Stage, Patti Rosa, the clever and popular come dienne, played a very successful evening's engagement. She presented the pretty little comedy, "Dolly Varden." Her company is an excellent one. Patti Rosa stands high in her school of acting, many thinking she has no superior. growing every year. He has been called Joe Jefferson's successor. Mr. Russell was called before the curtain and gave a charac teristic talk of his reminiscences of Lincoln as he first saw it, twenty-seven years ago. Mr. Roland Reed and his excellent com pany presented his new play, "Innocent as a Lamb," last night, for the benefit of the "Lincoln Light Infantry." It was made quite a dressy affair, Lincoln's "four hun dred" turning out. In this play Mr. Reed takes the part of Tobias Pickington, an ec centric New York stock broker. The play is of the same type as Mr. Reed's other plays, abounding in laughable complications and situations. "The Operator," a spectacular drama, was presented during last week by the twin brothers, William and Willard Newell. The brothers look very much alike, the plot hing ing on this resemblance. Elaborate scenic effects were used. A full rigged steamship was wrecked in mid-ocean. One scene rep resented a tropical island in the South sea ; another one van a depot scone with a full display of night signals, the passing of a "limited express" train, followed by a storm scene, and the wreck of engine and trestle. The past month has been an active one in local theatrical circles. Many plays have been here. Sol Smith Russell was with us for a night, presenting "A Poor Relation" before the largest audience ever in the Lan sing. The play has not been altered since its presentation here a year ago. He is the starved and unlucky, but proud and happy inventor, a character full of humor, wit and pathos. Mr. Russell's hold on the public is The Union girls' branch of the University Dramatic club has given two performances in the past two weeks. The plays given were "The Fatal Pin," a laughable farce of one act, as a curtain raiser, succeeded by "Shakespeare Up to Date," a one act "emo tional drama." Both performances were in every way a success. Most of the students are familiar with the former play, as it was first presented last winter. The "drama" opens with Juliet cursing herself and lament ing the fact that she ever married Romeo. Soon Portia joins her, she too having a story of woe concerning the man she once saved. Ophelia enters, and though married to Ham let is still in love with him and quotes him for everything, "as Ham says." Lady Mac beth arrives and tells them what dreadful things "that young man Shakespeare" has libeled her witli, warning them to beware of him. They all vow vengeance against him and getting excited, assume the characters originally given them in Shakespeare. The curtain drops while Lndy Macbeth is calling on the powers to aid her ; Ophelia, her hair loose and garlands in her hands, has gone insane ; Portia rendering her judg ment against Shylock and Juliet is acting the balcony scene. All are raving and shouting together. Miss Olivia Pound played Ophelia ; Miss Cather, Lady Macbeth ; Miss RulifFson, Portia ; and Miss Louise Pound, Juliet. All parts were well played and show ed study and ability. This is the first at tempt made in the University towards theatricals and should be encouraged. All eastern universities have theatrical organiza tions and considerable attention is given them. Some of them own expensive houses. We hope the Dramatic Club will furnish some production in the near future. ic