The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 01, 1892, Page 9, Image 9
THE NKBRASKAN. wouldn't take me long to say which Fd take. Hainry Dale is as big and strong and hand some a feller as you'll ever meet, and he'd -ride through fire just to set his eyes on yer purty face-1' Moyne looked steadily ahead, her face srew red as a rose at the mention of that name so dear to her heart, but she made no replv and the old man continued. 4SI tell yer that you've got to choose soon, and the quicker tth better or there'll be trouble. Not that Fm at all anxious to lose ye ; not thai iiny darter, but there's bad blood alween "em, though ther hain said nuthin'. They'll fight, and it'll be a hard one, loo, one of these days. 1 seen 'em pass th'other day and the scowl they give each other meant bizness. I tell ye somelhin" must be done soon." The girl's face blanched a little at this announcement and grew sad and thoughtful. Her father had told her nothing that she did mot already know, but ccming from other lips it had a force which startled her. The question with her was not which to choose, for this she had done long ago, but with the instincts of a sensitive woman she wanted to make this choice without giving offense t the other. Therefore, woman-like, she had shown no preference to either of her deter mined suitors. But her father's words cut deeply into her heart and added to the dis quiet that had been raging for weeks in her breast. TB&e old man was about to continue the subject, now that the ice was broken, when hie daughter exclaimed : "See, father, look at thatT Jackson looked in the direction her finger pointed and saw the intumed moccasin tracks of fully a dozen Indians. ( ,' I don't like this, father, and Tm goliig back. Our cattle are all out on the range and the boys are at the house. They will be surprised and the slock run off- I'll go back and together we will drive the cattle into the larral. This turn in affairs rather pleased him as he thought more of the 'good time" he would have with his chums at the fort than of the danger that might befall his children or his properly, fsom the few Indians that-had strag gled across his path, so lie jogged on toward She (bit- The Sicux were seen occasionally but they had always been friendly and the old man never thought of danger. He chuckled a bit to himself and murmured the oft repeated say ing that "wimmin is queer critters anyhow." He reached the fort before noon, mcl his friends,, looked long and lovingly on the red liquor which the suiter sold to all comers, sung his gay old songs, danced and made merry for the crowd that always welcomed him because he had money and would "set "cm up," and in due time was happily un conscious of Indians or anything else. The soldiers who liked the jolly old man picked him up late in the evening and gave him a warm bunk in the guard house, where he spent the night in drunken slumber. to be coxnxuED. Cfje profs. Miss Josephine Treeman has been ap pointed instructor in Latin. Prof. Bowen was happily married to Miss Helen Stirling at MtL Pleasant, Mich-, Aug ust 25. Chancellor Canfield addressed the Y. 31. and Y. W. C. A. meeting in the chapel at 3 o'clock last Sanday. Prof. Nicholsoii lias resigned the direct or- 11 ship of the experiment station. The press of other business necessitated this move. w The attendance of the faculty during chapel exercises is increasing. This a1one is a sign of increased activity among the leaders of onr school. The Chancellor and Mrs. Canfield enter tained the members of the faculty very pleas- 1