The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 01, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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white woman on the frontier is am alttractiom
oti: to be resisted by the average son of the
JjorderlbHl "OW Jackson's gal," would have
made friends and attracted a brilliant thinon;
of gallants to her side in line best drawing
rooms of the east.
Tnme passed and old Jackson's possessions
grew and multiplied amid his "gal"" camme to
be known as am heiress- The bays, how
ever, were as liber boys of their age and
surroundings, (fat, ragged amid aparemlly with
out aim or ambition. (They assisted ttnueir
father in Ibis work and at might piled oST to
Ibed and soom lost! comisciousmiess inn a sinoxe
which carried with it the only romance of
their hum drusE existence. But Moyme had
a taste tor tllae beautiful which sine culttivatted.
She adorned tlihe rough walls with pictures
cat from the papers and magazines which
travelers liiad Befit inn her heeroims' : sloe mead
books and was cultured far bevoirad liner smr-rosuadings-
Sine was something of a musician
as well, and tine old melodeonn wlniidn sat inn
ime corner amd Bner father's 'fiddle'" spoke a
different language wlbenn touched bv tine nmagnc
of her fimgeirs.
Sine Bnad the nmiimd of tine family. There
must have beem some rare old blood amiomg
the giiTs ascestav- jSTobodv kmiew or aslbed
how she Ihad acquired Iner ltasle for reading
nor how she had collected her well thumbed
little library of books, newspapers amd maga
zines. No one wondered winy her clothes
always fitted her mounded figure with such
neatness, nor bow she ihad learned fio coin
her golden hair so gracefialllyv mpcrcn her
shapely head, nor why she, so dim! ianeat from
all flherai, had such a beautiful compieiion
They wcmbM hare been both surprised amd
shocked to see her Hooking any other way.
The whole community amd the soldiers at
the fort as well, came to acknowledge her as
the beautiful queen of the prairies. It is aaol
to he supposed that a girl with such a reput
ation, aad am heHrefici at thai, would waml for
ssitors. There was mot a single imam tor one
hmmtHxed miles aro-amd hul what would have
gome down on his kmees hetaui her if she
would let Mm. Bat she woulds'l and they
knew itt, amid kept a respectful disttaace. She
gave emcounragnaeiBl to mo ome.
1 lamry Dale, a tall, snuB-hrowmied ramrliinaai: ,
lived some twenty mailes below her father's
place, and 'Fmamk Fisher, a slick looking
yonnmg tfellow with store clothes, who was is
some way comimecled with the sutler's store
at the ford, were the maosl persistent of her
Along with Jackson's pnosperily had come
a sort of good fellowship, which often degem
eratles into a condition of good for nothing
ness. He had boon companions, and with
themm he drowned his sorrows and the macm
nry of his lost love in the flowing bowl, and
they celebrated their respective good fortunes
in the same manner. Of late he had seldom
gone to the tort alone, without coming home
imitoxicated. One bright October morning
he had annonnced his intention of visitinsr
the tort. Moyne demnrred. Her word had
previously been law to him, but iMs time he
rebelled. He went to the stable, saddled his
pony, and soon was on his way. It took but
a moment for her to determine her course,
she mmommled her favorite, a big black stal
lion, and was soon at his side, leaving the
boys at play about the place. He did not
like this interference with his plans snd for
some time they rode in silence. But what
moan could scold such an imperious beanty
or carry a frown or a scowl long in her
presence? Gfradmlly his ejes met hers and
soom they were chattering merrily as they
jogged along the dusty road. They had
gone about hzilf the distance when he tmnsed
suddenly, and Booking steadily at her, said
with mnch more animation than usual :
"What is it father?" was her good nafared
"Well, gal, I"m not blimd mor deaf if I am
getting old, and IVe seen them two youmg
fellers hanging "romrnd 3'ou right smart of
late. Now Vd like to know, its a tether's
due, what yer goim to do with W Seems
to me if I was a gal amd had the choosim, it