The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 01, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    '1ME iNUMSK&iK.
year. 'Hrne. -advanced fldlt (dlas will woft tfien Kiev. JLyimsn Abbdtt, . ., tsmIi-
.fromflire.Hntt tfhe IbejfiBBrag dlas ffrmHtfhe nneritei lby :a jjeuitwalidtts (flesoiition dF Ilitfle-
lartfigue. Bonown jphaseo oT iWew Ifiarlk lliFe, .and ;h
A ffidblic Antt ILeague lhas Ibera fFoundea iin 'Famous (3itedfive tfh'ii years (experiences
IBwttan.vwHh. tfhe dettihi NvtwiidTIbejrimiing & (dbsenvations, Pay Cdi. TTJhomas W. pnox
iimaueiseaBon.Uhe.aittajaucitticn'dTtfhejraRSBes. nB inspector Ttlhomas IByumes. TI1W tfitle
Moddle .and idbjeots cdF:art WflUbe Jsu.npliedtto IFJ? l& ;5n mwighttto some dF tthe futures
une ipuouc sonoois.
(Cast (drawing iis mow ttaufht iacoorfling tto
tfbfi-wyrttonvdr tfhe '"Art iSftiJk)rtfk ffijeague" dr,
New lifrorlc. TThe woilkiis igraaed .and (dlassi
Ihefl tthe :same ;hb iin .a irej5arorgariiea;aitt
'gdhodl. TEhis prqparesttuaents !ior tfhe Uarge
art tsdhodls.
TDhecdloreflpeqp1e iin tfhe QGJm'hea State
'lhave lraisefl Jochooo ttowarfl tfhe (erodfionoT:a
riiii n - tMt T-i - :ii .- hi -r- tt
oi une iwwic. ana vsmmraimr us une uau ;at
ipresorit, if his writame wiill rttti.aat tmudh -attention.
Although tfhe tfifle its -sensational, tfhe
authors irecorfl lha.ppenings .alreaay 'intro
iduced to tfhe ireading piiblic lby IRiiis '"Mow
tfhefherHairiL'ive" :aufl 'fhe(daiflcide(dF
iNew Uforlt lliFe iis presented wif hout ;any :at
ttetnpt :at ttoriing (down.
TThe (Coritiiibutons Odb iin. (one (dF iits
otaniblhurs ttells idf "(Souvenirs -df Viictor
rnionumerit.ritpirinEeia,n;iIindis,iinimemo Mua,'"(Ocnttainediin ;a sfleqpy (did house En
oi unose oi uneir .race khk um ve (umu uur aucii o fdher (OTitortrihnng tf Kings are
(country. meimonurneritwilllbe.a ipyramid tfheipersonalouveriirifoJt6,tfwaiTdR,;ndtfhe
.drrariite,Triainglfrom:ap,UtTomn,.Wproadhea liseiinwhidhifltorlHugovcarriieatiheTOan
ibyilburlbrcm stairs. Mdtween tfhe tairs are m8CIt (oTILes Miseries iFrora (Guernsey tto
inle (figures iin Ibronxe. IBhe ttqp df tthe BruMdlB$ that ihe iniigbt xwiiite on tf he ibatfle
hdftvwill lhave Ibdlveflere (For :a Qedoiit, ,fiatfhe'.aescrfiondFW.kteiiloo. Mere,tto
tihettqp(dFNWKidh will .sqppoitt ;an .enormous .MrenB ive1 hj he podt tto Ihis iFriena
statue. tfhe iimmoittal (qiiills wifh vWh'ich Ihe wrote ILes
SfeWl Ctaraifes. THhe ,ailfhor df '"Anglomariiacs" lhas a mew
.'SirlEaWinATndldlreoeriflyireaavatiaimeet- Ibe ipriatea iin tfhe (Century., Ibeginuing vw'ifh
ling wFlHis tFfienas til ILonaon, ;a jpoem (on tfhe tfhe iNosnibcr tnmriber..
tFaifh&ilnese (dFtfhe jjpanese vwlie. ffiislhear- JSauia IReeve AUaradhiiscdeaa. IHeroerrjs,
tersjpronouneeaiitid'iarraing. Itwlll aoon Ibe wiiidh lhave .ajipearefl so. Soribner's ;anfitfhe
tpublihed. i ff (Cosmajdlitan,werekadIightFiil:aTia lreFrcs'hing.
umu- ..-:-.t 'tim...- .tlmmnf SheHssmoeFely'nnourneaibyUovers.dFmatural
:gtoiy lby Slhoraas JJanviai, was (one (dF tfhe
Ihrifhtifbingsiintfh August rauraibr(dFIHar
iperels Monfhly.
a3laffcneiB;ana Haajayfht:; for IL'ights .ana
Shaflows oF JTew YcDikHjiie:' "AWommls
Story oF(GojJl, inenperwwx, IMKwion :an3
HUwsue'Workf 'ln Mk Slawe;' vwlfh Ihun-
William Q3)eanlHowellB,ny);amongtfheC3at
kiiHs,iis wnifing lh'is mew atory vwiidh wJll
;ajipear iin tfhe ILiadies' IHome Jounnal.
IBatariiatB ;and 'Students idf jplatit llore, will
Ibe !gla3 tolhearwihat (Charles JJordt, proFeBT
.at Aiix, lhas jpdblighea .a irose iin .antiquity iswl
rfKp TPffiflrTlp -A'BfPR. Hf- iis .a fitnu'll innta.un iriT
careas riFtihiiaiing ,aneoat jn tnwleilt, oueaibylBmilelBouiUEaris.
irwaal ,experiemiet riketdheS (df flife vana Firof . jjoret tto m ttui gySBfeke
4hKatfteclhirou itons, tleudhgmome (GettmlB wo& (of feHieiaea, (nfce
tsceci, .aai tta'les dF ttesier ptb, (drawn pHriicaiaiOyrwifhireapect tto tfhe tmyihnaua
tfromttke!bcifkt;ana:ihly;sMl ecitylliFe!s, lhmckw irgardiag tf he irose .aoaong aLoman'ic
lby1rs.iHeienCanyJbdH, wifh .aniintroauG- ipeqpleB. - o