The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 01, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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W$t 'SaitcIIor's (Column.
Many istudeUts. ask ifor P.tlviceconccrning
1theoih6iceofa (profession, and xcomettotmc
about (his wery 'early tin their University
course. Inquiry prove? that a large ipropor
tionof 'these seem to be under some outside
pressure in this direction ; that is, they,nre
not sedking'to Pdttle tlvur future because the'
'iedltthemecessityof making a choice at 'the
present (time, but because there seems tto 'be
a (family or .popular tradition that the man
who 'entersihenjniversity ought 'to determine
tthen:andlthero as to what lhc will do, and
imake .afllhis work shape toward that end.
(Occasionally a unan or woman seems Iborn
tto.a:givenwork,lbuttthese areirare exceptions,
iforetgenerallyiis iit'truethatimen and women
tfind ttheirurue 'places tin the world by 'trying
-several places. If many men stay at 'the
work which they have chosen before the'
are thirty 3'ears df age, it may be said to be
.generally 'true that they do so not so much
'because they could do no other work just as
well and possibly some work better, but'be
cause havingmade the choice there seems 'to
'be mo special incentive to change. The
shiftiness and adaptability of the American
character lis one of its most noteworthy traits.
"Most of' our people are .good all-around men
and women, and could do about equally well
almost. any piece of work assigned 'them.
'There iisireally sno hurry Kboubchoosing
(one!sllife wofk. 0ne should Iknow gome
tlhing about Tnen and motives and .aims and
ambitions (before he 'selects this -vocation. It
seems (hazardous, sometimes almost tcfim
inallylhaxardous, to set one's self-early in
life tin .a. given direction.' It is far 'better 'to
imake the rman or woman rst ; and 'the 'law
yer, ihe doctor, the mechanic, or the 'busi
ness man, afterward. iJc is well today a
broad foundation for matihood before the
special foundation (for some special work is
ik undertaken. one dftthe places iin
fcich 'haste genentflyinakes waste. 'Observ-
ationwhowstthat imast imon Who (determine
cafly iin Uife whattthey wllbdoeithertdhtmge
itheir (course -dNife:afteiwnrd,negrettingttheir
Minuted iprepanttion Ifor dther .anfllbroafler
:fidlds:;'or stay vvheretthev.areiun3eriirritation
anil a sense of (limitation .and mrifitness.
IDoindtlhurry lin'thisima'tter.. UDomd' rundor
take tto imake ;;p wour imind mUtil you lhave a
'mind tto ima'keuip nnd a mind with Uiidh 'to
'make it tu,p.
(Glasses iin tchina painting ;nnfl wood(cnnv
iing will Ibe 'organized -soon.
Richards will give a (course iin ts'hqp worik,
'mechanical 'drawing, etc.
The quality:, of tthe worle tturned (out Iby
3'oung American sculptures IhaslheemnnccdP'"
the surprises 'of'ihe World's XEair.
01ay modeling nnd tcaat (drawing, wariefl
iby nn occasional sTcetch 'from llifeiis -substituted
'for the regular cast drawing.
The membership ofthelife-clRss tin-sketching
is increasing. The. ability tto imake irn,pid
sketches of ,persons and places give pleasure
as we'll as profit,
(Glasses arecarriedcniin (oil ipaintingianfl
water colors. The worTt lis ifrom still llife.
Practice in painting metals,iflowers,elc.,ris:a
Heading (feature.
ThelErench ;prqpoee tto ihave. an Interna
tional (Exhibition iin 11900. UDecrees lhave
been tissued authorizing lit tto (open .at Paris,
liiloy 1st, and 'to-close (October -gist.
A 'heroic- group ifor .a 'triumphal jarch :at
iriding in.chariot, with out-rciders .and -symbolical
ifemale figures lcadirjg'the ihorses.
Itis .proposed to ;haveat (Chicago, a rniarii- '
kin irqpreaenting GoluniKuB. It will lhave .a
flesh-colored India -rubber -countenance. nnd
will 'deliver an .address of .a tthousand words
in imore natural 'tones ithan a jhonogrqrJlu
"The 'Children's Saturday (Clsssciin (day
modeling will Ibe continued 'through tthe