The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 01, 1892, Page 2, Image 2
; :: : sVHttt. Mirn'R A sir ATJ. -- .-.- .-. " -. .. lb 7 r. r i a " .. .. ..:: personal. Galen Tait, formerly of '92 living in Chicago, visited among old time friends at tfhe University during the past week. He will enter the Chicago University. Miss Helen Lau has recovered from her illness Harry B. Hicks ''91, will enter the 'law school this year. George L. Sheldon "92, dS attending Har vard University, " ' The University grounds have been greatly Charles Chandler '92,. is doing railroad improved during the summer. (Lorealtefc. work in Wyoming. Dan Schell '92, is taking .Bible study at Cotner University. Sam Avery '92, is teaching the sciences In the Beatrice High School. Manual training is added to the work of the second preparatory class. The Sigma ChS's have moved into their new quarters in the Montgomery block. The tools for the manual training depart- E. A. Thom-vs '94, is assistant principal in ment to the value of $1,000 have arrived. &. the Falls City Iiigh School. Man' of the Lincoln High School grad- Miss Nellie Griggs y$6, and Miss Ella Cox, "ates, class of '92, are attending the Univer- sity. The Union Society will improve the ap pearance of their hall by putting up new curtains. The Debating Club will resume its regular meetings this evening. A large attendance is expected this year. The Independent Club held an enthusiastic meeting last Saturday evening. New mem bers were given at opportunity to join. The Delta Gamma fraternity has initiated Misses Joy Webster and Helen Harwood. Miss Anna Broady was initiated by the Kap pa Kappa Gamma's. At the reception given by the Christian associations several ol the faculty gave in teresting talks. Each person attending was given a badge bearingWeir name, to aid the new students in getting acquainted. The democrats met Saturday after the Hesperian meeting and organized for the first semester. Their officers are? A. E. Wiip Sawyer has returned from Evans- Guilmette, president; F. D. Eager, vice ville, Indiana, where he has worked at elec- president; H. G. Whitmore, secretary- W trical engineering during the summer. F. WolfCf treasUrer ; W. M. Johnson , histor- Prof. P. Rydberg of the WNqhoo Academy, ian ; G. H. Hall, 3ergeant-at-arms. Charlie is still doing scientific work in the Univer- Skiles wrote up from Cass county inquiring sity. He was down last Friday and Satur- for some oratorical thunder to help him out at spent Sundajf at home in Beatrice. J. B. White '92, leaves soon to tako up a course in the Ann Arbor law school. H. A. Reese '91, has left for Ann Arbor to complete his couir.e in the law school. Homer J. Edminston '92, is now an in structor in Latin in Cornell University. Fred Breckenridge is with a surveying party and will not be in school this year. Supt. Carey of the Fairbury schools, was a welcome visitor at the University last week. Brook and Porterfield of '92, are at Sheri dan, Wyoming, in the employ of the B. & M. George Sumner '95,1s attending the Mass achusetts Institute of Technology at Boston. Miss IdacBonnell '91, of cChicago, visited among her University friends .for several days last week. E. E. Nicholson and Jese Beclvr arc at work in the government experiment station at Medicine Lodge, Kansas. daj' for that purpose. Alvo on October 5th. Of course the Univer- '.