The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 01, 1892, Image 1
I i ! . ; . hi , : : : ' . i i 'mi , I J The NebrasMW ' Vol. I. Lincoln, Nebraska, October, 1892. No. 1. j ' i Eo r rt The Nebraskan. A Heutkly PaiwT, Ism4 at tie University of Ncbouskiu SUBSCRIPTION, ONE YEAR, $1.00. publishers: R. E, Johnson. Gko. Putxam The Representative College Paper. --' - - i - (Editorial Wc think it unnecessary to produce a salutatory with this issue. As we simply take up the work which was so successfully "carried on by the Lasso last year, we do not think any further introduction is necessary. The Nkurasxan vrill be a representative col lege paper, not standing for any single faction or class, but for the whole University. It can be truly said that the Nkbraskan is the only representative paper in the University, and as such we ask your patronage. It is feared that there will be a tendency to allow class organization and class spirit to disappear on account of the adoption of the new plan. This should not occur. A Uni versity that is not lively is not worth attend ing, especially in the western states. Let the members of the different classes keer their class organization. up It seems that the hopes of the college jour nalists, that they might receive credit for work accomplished in the newspaper line, are about to be realized. Chancellor Can field informs us that in conjunction with Prof. Adams, he is trying to briag about that wel come result. This will be of much consols turn to those who have soughtto advertise the University through the columns of the, Newspaper; Another season of athletic activity ap proaches. Last year an additional interest in foot-ball was awakened on account of the organization of the Interstate Foot-Ball Asso ciation. It is plainly realized, however, that the finances of the athletic association must be considerably augmented to carry ou the the club successfully in that organization. The necessit' for new suits, for a competent coacher, for association dues and numerous other expenses appeal to the .friend of athletic success in the University for finan cial aid. The bo3's are already hard at work, and their enthusiasm is greater than at any previous time, A committee on finance has been appointed, and arc now at work solicit ing subscriptions to the foot-ball fund. It is to be hoped that every student will give as liberally as possible, as the foot-ball team will be a great advertisement for the Univer sity. Steps should be immediately taken to adopt other college colors. Over thirty-one colleges in the United States have old gold. Many others have orange or some shade of yellow. It is especially jlesirable to change before the foot-ball games, as Iowa and Missouri both have old gold and it will be difficult to distinguish Nebraskans. Let us adopt, if possible, some :olor characteristic of the state, and though Nebraska is a sunny state, let it be something besides yellow. We should also have a new college yell. The . present, one is too long. When shouted by a crowd, listeners are unable to understand -it. No; one would dream it meant the simple words, University of Nebraska, It is partic ularly hard on the throat. To give it a few times exhausts one. With die chaagc of systems let us also change both our otters and our veil. The Nebraska will k-- j . -j-r ... . - : ..yrr3. in me next issue, any suggestions mm ucrcceivcu. W&k BBS? 3 J i i $ 1 JP G,0"! 2- f?-' p