The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 30, 2001, Page 6, Image 6

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OUT: Junior
major Ben
Davy talks to
junior edu
the band X
Nelo per
form on
front of the
Study shows 'crack baby' phenomenon is biased
CHICAGO — The “crack
baby” phenomenon is
overblown, according to a study
that suggests poverty and the use
of cigarettes, alcohol and other
drugs while pregnant are just as
likely as cocaine to cause devel
opmental problems in children.
Blaming such problems on
prenatal cocaine use alone has
unfairly stigmatized children,
creating an unfounded fear in
teachers that "crack kids” will be
backward and disruptive,
according to the study, an analy
sis erf 36 previous studies.
“I'm not trying to be
Pollyanna-ish and say there are
not problems with cocaine use
by pregnant women,” said Dr.
Deborah A. Frank, an associate
professor of pediatrics at Boston
University who led the analysis.
“I’m saying there are many
more serious risks to children’s
The analysis appears in
Wednesday’s lournal of the
American Medical Association.
The perception that crack
babies are a unique phenome
non stems from an overreaction
to research that did not ade
quately take into account such
factors as family environment
and cocaine mothers’ use of
other substances while preg
nant, the researchers said.
Women who use cocaine
while pregnant often smoke,
drink, take other illegal drugs
and live in poverty or otherwise
unhealthy environments.
These factors can explain all
or some of the problems once
solely blamed on cocaine’s pre
sumed effects on the developing
fetus, such as low birth weight,
small head size, low scores on
mental-development tests and
behavioral problems such as
attention deficits, the
researchers said.
Alan Leshner, director of the
National Institute on Drug
Abuse, said that while
researchers believed the effects
of prenatal cocaine exposure “are
not nearly as dramatic as people
initially thought,” the study
should not be misinterpreted to
suggest that cocaine during
pregnancy wasn’t harmful.
“Most of the effects are
thought to be on behavioral
characteristics, most of which
won’t be apparent until kids are
getting older,” Leshner said.
Whether prenatal cocaine
use can cause developmental
problems that do not appear
until after age six or at puberty is
being studied.
In an accompanying editori
al, Dr. Wendy Chavkin of
Columbia University said the
crack baby “has become a con
venient symbol for an aggressive
war on drug users because of the
implication that anyone who is
selfish enough to irreparably
damage a child for the sake of a
quick high deserves retribution.”
“This image, promoted by
die mass media, makes it easier
to advocate a simplistic, punitive
response than to address the
complex causes of drug use,” she
The JAMA study follows last
week’s Supreme Court ruling
barring public hospitals from
testing pregnant women for
drugs and giving the results to
police without consent. That
case involved a South Carolina
hospital’s now-abandoned drug
testing policy, designed to stop
pregnant women from harming
fetuses by using crack. It resulted
in 30 arrests.
Frank was among doctors
and medical groups, including
the American Medical
Association, who filed briefs
opposing the drug-testing policy.
Pharmacologist John A.
Harvey, co-editor of a 1997 New
York Academy of Sciences report
that linked prenatal cocaine
exposure with subtle neurologi
cal damage, said Frank’s review
, muddled science with politics.
MThey play up the problems
of tobacco and alcohol very
appropriately... and then they
say, ‘Well, cocaine is no worse,"’
Tm not trying to be Poltyanna-ish and say there
are not problems with cocaine use by pregnant
Dr. Deborah A, Frank
Boston University associate professor of pediatrics
said Harvey, of MCP
Hahnemann University in
Philadelphia. "Well, that makes it
pretty bad.”
Smoking and drinking during
pregnancy have been linked to
developmental and behavioral
problems in children.
Animal studies suggest
cocaine use alone in pregnancy
hampers nerve cell development
in the fetal brain, resulting in
behavioral problems that get
worse with age, Harvey said.
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2 roommates needed in 4 bedroom house on
Hew Hampshire. $200/month. 435-7232. leave
IProommates wanted to share 3 bedroom
townhouse. Central air. washer/dryer, no pets.
$185/month+$185 deposit+1/3 utilities.
t^male/female roommates wanted tor May
move-in. Nice apartment, utilities paid,
ssaag&flasamu. uBBBesT
40th 6 Holdrege. Available May 7th. Call
^emakmxxnmate needed in lour bedroom du
piex mid-May—mid-August. Call 472-4004 eve
nfoos. Ask for Jodi
Southeast home available to share with 1-2 peo
ple. $300/month. All utilities paid. No lease.
See^cfommate for 2 bedroom downtown
bedroom duplex. Great old building with nigh
ceilings, wood floors, lots of windows, central
air, off-street parking, free washer/dryer, ample
storage. Move in anytime. Cali 478-1365 for de
tails/leave message.
Near downtown. Available now. $150 phis de
posit 435-8588._
'Summer Leases
washer/dryer. Basement, no finish. Garage. No
oets $^2^3 & ^ Bedrooms
Excelant locations near city and east campus.
refrigerator, microwave, oertrai air included. 311
TB/RSBafhSStall Garage. $935.00 N/S, N/FT
Call Julian 432-7030 or Rembolt Homes
washer/dryer, ceiling tens, no pets. 5141 Y St.,
T201 New Hampshire, 3 bedroom, finished
basement, walk to UNL. $650 plus utilities.
560-6439or 423-6779.
2302 Holdrege. new interior, 3 bedroom, 2 bath.
Garage. $725 plus, utilities or land contract.
560-6439 or 423-6779.
2721 NW 8th. New 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car
garage. C/A. Appliances, $900.476-6599.
4645 South 52nd Street, fantastic 5 bedroom,
$^>00plus deposit. Available May 1. Call Kim
Brand-new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 garages, full
basement, patio, washer/dryer. $1050 Call
432-0415. Available August 1st. Reserve yours
now! _
Campus close 2608 Q street. 4 bedroom, 2
bath, garage, all appliances. $1000.310-6328.
Close to UNL great houses available in May
• 2301 Vine, 3 Bedroom, 11/2 Bath_$750
• 1531 N. 22nd, 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath_$750
• 2200 Dudley, 4 Bedroom, 11/2 Bath—$800
• 1436 N. 21,4 Bedroom, 2 Bath-$800
• 1541 N. 25,5 Berfeoom, 2 Bath_.$900
• 821 N. 24,5 Bedroom, 2 Bath_$800
Gas paid 1 bedroom, large room, 1607 Pros
pect. $475.432-1300.
Great house close to UNL available in August
>1237 Court, 3 Bedroom, 11/2 Bath..$850
House for rent
4322 N. 60th
Remodeled 2 bedroom w/ basement, garage
Clean & quiet
No smokers, no pets
$895 + deposit and references
467-2885 or 440-0063
Newer 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 garages, large
rooms, family room .appliances. $1100 plus.
Available May 1.432-0415.
We Love Students!!
Great 3,4,5 and 6 bedroom homes near UNL
Summer and fan both available. AH have A/C and
laundry. 423-1535.
3 B/R 3 Bath, 2 Stall Garage. Living and family
rooms. 746 Bridger Road. $925.00 N/S, N/P
Call Julian 432-7030 or Rembolt Homes
4 B/R 2 Bath. 3720 J Street $940.00. N/S, N/P.
Call Julian 432-7030 or Rembolt Homes
488-9222. www.remboltcom
4 bedroom, 1.5 bath, completely remodeled.
$900.560-9331.1747 South 16th.
4 bedroom, 2 bath, new. W/D included. 115
West B street. $895/month. May available.
1405 idylwild. 3 bedroom. Hardwood floors.
Lots of windows. Newly remodeled. Central air.
Washer/dryer hook-ups. $65Q/month. 473-9663
or 430-7593
Available for May and August. Newer 3 bed
room. 2 bath, 2 garage, deck, washer/dryer.
$896. CaH 432-0415. Reserve yotss now!
Minutes From Campus
48R, 3 fufl baths, garage, deck, 2 famUy rooms,
washer/dryer, available monthly. $1250.
Near new 3 BR townhouse for rent Available in
August. All appliances including W/D. Double
^ara^^minutes to campus. Cali Julie,
Newer 3 and 4 bedrrom duplexes near campus.
Newer 4 bedroom, 2 bath
Lease now for
May & August!
•WSsher and dryer furnished.
•Plenty of parking-some with garage.
•Computer friendly.
•Low utilities
Call for locations. $1015-1060. Sorry no pets.
Three plus one bedrooms, two baths, two family
rooms up, one down, fenced yard. Double gar
age. Washer/dryer hookup. 3347 Mtckaeia Lane.
5 minutes from downtown. $1100.474-2024
Walk to campus. Large remodeled 2 bedroom.
Central Air. Washer/dryer. Off-street parking.
2410 Vine. $425.432-6476.
Walk to campus. Large, remodeled 1 bedroom.
Washer/dryer, central air. $375/month. 2410
Vine. 432-6476.
•—Looking For An Apartment****
Off Campus Housing Guide
ASUN Student Government
136 Nebraska Unior>-472-2581
***Close to City Campus***
1 & 2 bedroom, electric-entry, 2G/G Street, $349
to $479.475-7262.
1 bedroom newly remodeled 2726 W Street,
$345. Discounts Available. 2 Bedroom utilities
paid 4326 North 66th. $425. Call Rick at
1 Bedroom, 2338 E St., mostly graduate stu
dents. New paint, microwave, ceiling fans, ap
pliances. All electric. Reserved parking, no
smokingfoets, $385. Call 432-3686.
1 -bedroom condo for rent in historic Hayward
Place. Within walking distance from downtown
UNL campus. All appliances, secure building,
12' ceilings, parking and on site laundry.
Available now. Call 421-2316. Leave message.
3 bedroom, 2+ garage, 1 bathroom and laundry
room only $750.2501 E Street 432-6476.
700 S.17th-Fumished!
Two bedroom in 14 plex. Heat, AC. cable, paid.
Laundry. $410.488-6707,450-8895.
3010 Center. Brand New. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, aM
appliances, fireplace, double garage. $1125.
1256 South 26th, 3 bedroom, 1 bath. Clean, low
unities, central ar, no pets. $550.466-9526.
4210 Huntington, available April 1. East Cam
pus, large 2 bedroom, fireplace, appliances,
parking. $450/month. 423-0902 or 560-0902.
1910-20 J Street, 1 & 2 bedrooms, $340 and
$440/month. Clean, quiet. No pets. Call Jim
Available mid-April, 2 bedroom near Haymarket,
A/C, D/W. $420, references, 474-4054. Leave
Between UNL campuses. On bus route, two
bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace. Storage closet for
bike, NICE. Units available May 1 and June 1.
Clean, 1 bedroom apartment for $295+electric.
Clean, 3 bedroom apartment for $415+electric.
Newly remodeled kitchen and bath. For more in
formation. call Pat, (402)434-2610 or hearing im
pared/TDO, (402)434-2613. •
Fountain Glen
3 bedroom, 2 bath, W/D, ground level w/patio.
$835/month. 438-7964._
Dishwasher, blinds, 3 closets, off street parking,
outdoor pool, cat ok. gas heat/water/trash paid,
coin op laundry, 3 or 6 month leases, $375-385,
1109 61121 N.28th, 402-489-4857.
One bedroom near Capitol, 819 South 12th.
Washer/dryer, $285. Available now, 432-6476.
Quaint 1 bedroom apartment downtown. Wash
er/dryer, cats ok, lots of storage, garage
$50/month, furnished possibility. S399/month
plus utilities. 466-3392 or 476-1073.
Spacious, main level of house. 2 bedroom.
Nice 2 bedroom in 18-plex. $425. (402)
Studio and 1 BR
Vintage-studio and 1 BR dose to both campus
06, $300-$350.432-2288.
Studio, at Fountain Glenn Apartments, to take
over lease immediately. $37Q/month. Call Dons,
TWo bedroom, fireplace, central air, $460,3541
Baldwin Avenue, perfect for students. 2 units
available In August 420-7331/310-7331.
♦ Two Bedroom. 1501 S.19th. Near IGA $41 a
♦ 3 Bedroom, 5242 Cooper, laundry. $730.
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We are now Wring for summer positions. lYane
figuration is looking for caring individuals to
teach life skills to children and adults with de
velopmental disabilities. Residential Instructors
needed for a variety of full and part-time posi
tions. Must be 19 years of age; have a good
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tion. Apply in person at Transfiguration. 1316 N
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