The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 28, 2001, Page 2, Image 2

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    PROTEST: Police
lower an anti
niidear activist
Tuesday leading
storage fadfity
in northern
Germany. Four
attached them
selves to the
bridge In an
effort to block
ade the ralroad
tracks running
across it An esti
mated 1/400
activists block
aded the tracks
to stop the
facting shipment
of spent nrrdear
iua oi i rv my
front France.
Pohce arrested
hundreds of the
activists, some
af whom wen
Bush stresses
tax cuts, rates
Rejecting criticism that he’s been
too gloomy, President Bush told
Midwesterners who endured the
Rust Belt recession a decade ago
that tax cuts are vital to reversing
recent layoffs and the stock mar
ket slump.
"The need for action is
urgent,” he declared Hiesday.
Bush made his case in a city
that took an economic beating on
his father’s watch. He called the
economy "winded but funda
mentally strong” and predicted it
would cpme roaring back if taxes
are cut by at least $1.6 trillion over
10 years as he has proposed.
"I strongly believe that mean
ingful, real tax relief can ignite
another generation of growth,"
Bush said.
The president embraced
Republican lawmakers’ plans to
backdate the tax cuts so
Americans get an injection of
spending money this year He dis
missed a Democratic alternative
introduced Tuesday for a one
time $300 tax rebate.
He also traced the roots bf the
sputtering economy and energy
shortages to former President
Clinton's tenure as he sought to
apply pressure to Democratic
lawmakers, including Michigan’s
two senators.
He broke no new policy
ground in his 30-minute speech,
but addressed Democratic criti
cism that his gloomy assessments
have helped lower consumer con
fidence and weaken the economy
“It's the president’s job to lode
for warnings of economic trouble
ahead and to heed them,” Bush
A CNN-Time poll suggests
that 60 percent of Americans
believe Bush’s talk about the
country heading into tough times
may have hurt the economy. By
the same percentage, they said
they believe the economy is head
ing into a recession.
Still, the New York-based
Conference Board reported
Tuesday that consumer confi
dence made a forceful comeback
in March, with its index climhing
117 points.
Bush raised the possibility of a
recession in his speech to the
Kalamazoo Chamber of
Commerce, saying that even if the
economy dips to the point it did
during 1990 and 1991 -the heart
of his father’s term as president -
the federal surplus would shrink
byjust 2 percent
He also spoke bluntly about
energy shortages-“The lights are
dimming in California” - and
blamed “years of neglect” under
Qintonforlack of a national ener
gy strategy.
Bush reaffirmed his opposi
tion to price controls, saying they
would bring the return of “the gas
lines of the 70s.”
UM admittance question of race
■Michigan law schools may face
the Ui.Supreme Court if standards
remain based on skin color.
DETROIT - The University of
Michigan law school’s admissions stan
dards are unconstitutional because they
use race asafactor in judging applicants,
a federal judge ruled Tuesday
In a case that could wind up before
the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. District
fudge Bernard Friedman granted the
plaintiff’s request for an injunction and
ordered the lawscbool to stop using race.
"There is no question about the long
and tragic history of race discrimination
in this country,” Friedman wrote in his
ruling. However; he said, die law school’s
justification for using race-to assemble
a racially diverse student population-is
not a compelling state interest -
Even if it was in the state interest, the
law school has not narrowly tailored its
use of race to achieve that interest the
judge wrote.
Showers Mostly cloudy
High 44, low 32 High 59, low 33
Miranda Massie, an attorney for a
group of students who intervened in die
case on die university's side, vowed to
appeal, saying Friedman’s opinion
intensifies existing racial inequalities.
"This decision threatens to resegre
gate higher education and to increase
the unfair racist stigma that is faced by
minority students in higher education,”
Massie said. “We don’t need any institu
tions in this society to be reserved for
white people alone. If this decision is
sustained, that would be its impact’'
A university spokeswoman said she
was waiting to read Friedman’s ruling
before commenting on Thesday^ ruling.
Friedman heard more than 64 hours
of testimony.
His job was to determine whether
affirmative action is needed to offset
biases that minority students face,
whether die law school uses a double
standard to admit minorities and to
what extent Michigan uses race when
malting admissions Artanns
In a separate lawsuit, another federal
judge ruled late last year that the univer
sity's undergraduate admissions policy,
which also takes race into account, is
• constitutional. Both suits are being
closely watched by educators and could
wind up in the U.&. Supreme Court
The suits were brought by the
Washington D.C.-based Center for
Individual Rights, a conservative group.
"The University of Michigan spent
millions qnd millinns of dollars assem
bling the best possible legal defense,”
saidTerenceP^, the group’schief execu
tive. “For Judge Friedman to strike down
the law school admissions system after
all that money and time to the defense,
that represents a huge shot across the
bow for the entire higher education
The center brought down affirmative
action at the University of Texas law
school in 1996. The Texas school, like
Michigan, argued that race-conscious
admissions foster diversity. But die 5th
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New
Orleans ruled that while schools can
consider an applicant's economic and
social background, race cannot be taken
into account
The Supreme Court chose not to
hear the Itexas case because the school
had already decided to end affirmative
The law school case was brought on
behalf of Barbara Grutter, who claimed
that she was denied admission in 1997
because less-qualified minorities got
unconstitutional preferential treatment
As a white applicant, she said the law
school discriminated against her while
accepting minority students with lower
test scores and grade-point averages.
University attorney John Payton has
said the law school has one set of stan
dards and a policy that is compliant with
California’s Bakke case of1978.
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Professor rewarded
for focus on students
AWARD from page 1
In his classes, he said, he has
students read each other’s work
to leam to recognize what makes
each person’s writing good. Then,
Bernstein said, students will have
an easier time producing quality
He also enforces reading
“Students leam a great deal
by reading,” Bernstein said.
“What I need to do is change the
world in my class, so that it is
important for students to do their
reading. That has been a big
The other crucial element in
promoting student understand
ing, Bernstein said, is the
teacher's dedication to the cause.
“The most important thing is
for each faculty member to reor
ganize his or her teaching to
make student understanding the
real goal” he said. “Once they do,
they tend to be more motivated
to change their teaching to help
Bernstein organizes a collab
orative group of professors to dis
cuss how they can refocus their
teaching on student learning.
The group, this year com
posed of about 20 professors, he
said, is organized thematically,
from English, political science,
anthropology and business
administration fields.
He said one issue the group
considers is howto promote and
celebrate student success with
out lowering the ban
To keep the standards high,
he said professors in the group
look at each other’s student work
to make sureahigh quality of out
put is maintained.
Bernstein said he has two
hopes for his students - that they
will be able to apply what they
leam in his classes to real life situ
ations, and that they leave his
classroom with a desire to keep
“I would like them to realize
that the ideas we study are useful
in everyday life, and I would hope
that they would want to continue
learning more,’ he said.
Bernstein said he knew at age
12, after seeing both parents
teach high school, he wanted to
teach college. He said he plans to
be around UNL for a long time.
“I’m a borderline lifer," he
sakL “It’s very enjoyable."
\ l
Albanians seek
to end ethnic
rebellion, revolt
TETOVO, Macedonia - The European Union’s
security chief on Tuesday reaffirmed his push for a
peaceful solution to end Macedonia’s ethnic
Albanian insurgency, urging the rebels to let the
political process run its course.
“You have to achieve a solution to these prob
lems - not by weapons, but by negotiations, by
participation in the political process. This is what
Europe is all about” Javier Solana said after meet
ing with ethnic Albanian
leader Arben Xhaferi.
“We cannot
change the
reality. The
only thing
we can
change is
the concept
of the state.”
Arben Xhaferi
Albanian leader
Solana declined to
comment on proposals put
forth by Xhaferi, whose
Democratic Albanian Party
is a partner in the coalition
government. But Xhaferi
told reporters he would like
the constitution to be
changed to ensure a multi
ethnic state, proportional
representation in political
bodies and a new census.
F.thnir Albanians make
up at least one-fourth of
Macedonia's 2 million peo
ple, although they have
argued that their numbers
are actually mucn mgner.
Xhaferi said it was time
for Macedonia’s ruling offi
cials to make changes in the way the country was
run to reflect the growing numbers of ethnic
Albanians living there.
“We cannot change the reality. We cannot
cleanse the territory,” he said. “The only thing we
can change is the concept of die state.”
Hie guerrillas say they are fighting for greater
rights and recognition for Macedonia’s ethnic
Albanians, accusing the Macedonian government
of discrimination. The government, however, says
the rebels are separatists seeking to split away
northern Macedonia to create an independent
state with mostly ethnic-Albanian Kosovo.
The former Yugoslav republic was quiet for a
second day TUesday, but in neighboring Kosovo,
German KFOR troops said they were holding 30
suspected rebels intercepted in the mountains of
the Serbian province.
Clashes erupted Tuesday near the town of
Presevo in southern Serbia, where ethnic Albanian
militants are fighting for a key road to Kosovo.
The government press center in Bujanovac
said ethnic Albanian insurgents fired mortars,
rocket launchers and machine guns at a Serbian
police checkpoint at Cerevajka, near Presevo.
Fighting continued into the afternoon.
Meanwhile, some of the 30,000 Macedonians
who fled from their homes this month because of
fighting around Tetovo have started returning to
the country’s second-largest city, a U.N. official
said Tuesday.
“Some of the displaced people are now seen
going back to Tetovo,” Kris Janowski, spokesman
for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, told
reporters in Geneva.
“There is an easing of tension in Tetovo, with
shops opening up. Cars loaded with personal
belongings were seen moving back from Skopje
toward Tetovo.”
The Associated Press
■ NewYort
Rules'co-author loses her
Mr. Right to divorce
It seems some rules are made
to be broken.
Ellen Fein, co-author of the
“Rules" books that teach women
how to snag men by playing hard
to get, is getting a divorce.
The announcement comes
just three months before the
release of the third book in the
series, which Fein again co-wrote
with Sherrie Schneider: AOL Time
Winter is expected to releaseThe
Rules HI: Time-Tested Secrets for
Making Your Marriage Work" in
Fein, 43, has been married to
pharmacist Paul Feingertz, 41, for
more than 15 years, People maga
zine reported. The publisher will
insert a paragraph into the new
book's introduction, stating that
Fein arid her husband are divorc
Schneider is still married.
There are more than 2 million
copies in print of foe original 1996
book, “The Rules: Time-Tested
Secrets for Capturing the Heart erf
Me Right"
■ California
Killer dies by lethal uijedon,
assists in finding vein
SAN QUENTIN -A killer who
spent 28 years on death row and
finally dropped all appeals after
tiring of “this charade” was exe
cuted by injection early Tuesday,
nhligmgfy helping his wrandioner
find a von for the needle.
Robert Lee Massie, 59, had
spent two stretches in prison as a
condemned man, longer than any
other inmate now on California’s
death row
Massie pumped his fist to help
his executioners find a vein, and
toki the warden at San Quentin he
was ready to die. His last words
were: “Forgiveness: giving up all
hope for a better past”
Massie was the ninth inmate
executed since California rein
stated die death penalty in 1978.
The state’s last execution was in
Massie killed Mildred Weiss in
1965 during a Los Angeles-area
crime spree.
■ England
Ban on swill demanded after
foot-and-mouth outbreak
LONDON - Britain’s devastat
ing outbreak of foot-and-mouth
disease originated in swill fed to
pigs on a northern farm, die agri
culture minister said Tuesday as
the government considered vac
cinating livestock against the dis
Agriculture Minister Nick
Brown told the House of
Commons that it wasn't dear hew
the disease was introduced into
the swill fed to pigs at a farm at
Heddon-on-the-Wall in northern
Brown said the infected food
may have been meat illegally
imported into the country or it
could have come from food
brought in fay an arriving passen
ger. He announced a nationwide
News reports said the infec
tion had been traced to a ship
ment of imported meat to a
Chinese restaurant
The British news agency Press
Association said some of that
meat was fed to pigs in swilL
Smoking becomes leading
cause of death for women
Women who smoke like men
die like men, die surgeon general
said Tuesday in an exhaustive
report that finds tobacco became
a leading killer of women in just
two generations.
{federal regulation of a tobac
co industry that spends nearly $1
million an hour promoting its
products could help, said Health
and Human Services Secretary
Tommy Thompson, but that will
require Congress to act
Women now account for 39
percent of the nation’s 400,000
plus smoking-related deaths each
year, a proportion that has more
than doubled since 1965.
One woman dies from smok
ing every 31/2 minutes.
Yet women may not fully real
ize the threat Lung cancer caused
by smoking is now die top female
cancer killer, claiming 27,000
more women’s lives each year
than breast cancer.