Omaha man dted for alcohol and marijuana possession After a man lying in his front yard ran from University of Nebraska-Lincoln police offi cers, he was given a citation. Assistant Police Chief Mylo Bushing said officers saw Omahan Kim Edwards, 21, tying in the front yard of the home at 3248 Starr St at 2 a.m. Officers went up to Edwards and could smell a strong odor of alcohol, Bushing said. When officers began check ing Edwards for weapons, he ran north between two houses and fell, where officers approached him again, Bushing said. Bushing said Edwards was taken to Cornhusker Place Detox where a bag of marijuana was found in his pockets. Edwards was then issued a citation for possession of less than one ounce of marijuana. Stairway urination continues in Smith Hall An ongoing problem of uri nation in die stairways of Smith Hall has left police with no sus pects. Around 7:30 a.m., a resident assistant from Smith Hall reported urine in the west stair well of Smith Hall between the eighth and ninth floors, Bushing said. Urine in the stairwells has occurred about eight times on or below the ninth floor, he said. The resident assistants have had floor meetings to discuss the problem, Bushing said. Anyone with any informa tion about the urination prob lem is urged to call the University Police Department at 472-3555. Complied by JUl Conner The nation’s largest publisher of college and university campus ^ telephone directories INTERNSHIPS 2001® Is offering paid full time summer sales and marketing internships. Tremendous practical business experience and resume booster. Position begns in May with a week-long, expense paid progem in Chapel Hill, NC. Interns market official directories locally, selling advertising space to area businesses in specific college markets. Earnings average $3200.00 for the 10-week program. AH majors welcome! Call 1-800-743-5556 x375 or email for more information and to apply. 88VHCom Circle Fax: (919) 968-8513 , , GET AN EXAMJ P Planned Parenthood* ofLkiGotn 2246*0* Street Clinic*441-3300 • 3705 South Street Clinic *441-3333 Education 4b Administration • 441*3332 www.ptanncdparcnthood.oig • Blacks: Racism still exists ■ Panelists and audience members tell stories of discrimination in Nebraska. BYGWENTIETGEN Some people say the state of Nebraska and the city of Lincoln aren't friendly places to live. And UNL isn't the most friendly college campus, accord ing to the stories told by a group of blacks at a law panel discus sion in the East Union Thursday. Panel and audience mem bers told their stories of racism, discrimination and ignorance in Nebraska, the city of Lincoln and at UNL They told stories of security guards following blacks around grocery stores while they shop, of waiting at a red stoplight and seeing the white person in the car next to them locking their car doors, and stories about the racial profiling training Lincoln police officers go through. The law panel, which was sponsored by the Midlands Black Law Students Association, identified the issues facing blacks in Nebraska. Earl Key, president of the MBLSA, invited NU Regent Drew Miller to the panel discus sion. Miller was criticized by uni versity officials and UNL stu dents for comments he made about recruitment of minority students at the March 3 Board of Regents meeting. Key said he wanted Miller to understand why Miller's com Click on it! (Margie says: "It’s not tacky!”) ments were hurtful and that everyone needs, to understand the issues. ‘In 2001, people don't understand that racism is still going on,” Key said. ‘Who in this room thinks the University of Nebraska is com mitted to diversity?” said Earl Key, as the crowd kept silent The law panel, rribderated by Ben Gray, the host of KETV's ‘Kaleidoscope” program, fea tured Edna Atkins, Douglas County Court judge, T.J. McDowell, director of The Lighthouse, Velda Ford, assis tant professor of nursing at Creighton University, Leroy Stokes, president of the NAACP Lincoln, William Thompkins, president and CEO of the Urban League of Nebraska, and Rev. Dr. Michael Combs, pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church and UNL political science professor. Combs defined racism and spoke of what it was like being black. He said whites don’t know what it is like to be the only black child in a classroom, and they have a bad habit of assuming all minority groups are die same. “Lincoln has not been a friendly environment for me,” Combs said. “My family and I dread going out to dinner because we know someone, somehow is going to discriminate against us.” Combs said he was tired of people talking about what hap pened in 1960s. “Racism didn’t stop. It is the use of power by those who have power to deny others their indi vidual rights,” Combs said, as the crowd erupted in applause. One of the most emotional points in the discussion came from Jon Hatemi, a law student and a member of the MBLSA, as he told of the discrimination in a video he viewed during one of his law class at UNL In the video, two white lawyers were discussing the numerous things wrong about “those educated black boys.” Because Hatemi was afraid of what might happen to his made in the class if he spoke up, he kept quiet during class. When Hatemi questioned the professor about the video after class, the professor said it was "an educational video.” “An educational video?” Hatemi said in disbelief as he started to cry. People question why there isn’t a white law students associ ation, he said. “This is the white law stu dents association,” said Hatemi, as he paused to regain the strength in his voice. “I go to school everyday in the white law students associa tion.” William Thompkins, presi dent and CEO of the Urban League of Nebraska, encouraged all blacks to come together and “get busy." “If we can get hyped about Big Red then we can get hyped about issues that concern us," Thompkins said. “Let’s make it happen. Let’s get it done." Merger bill could be doomed AMENDMENTS from page 1 the lawmakers definitely didn't have a “simple process" before them. But she said the plan has the potential to help large and small communities. Therefore, she said the bill is a bit more like a “Frankenstein monster" rather than a “scabby amoeba." Sen. Jim Jensen of Omaha also said the bill could aide* many Nebraskans. "I do believe in the philoso phy that consolidation can be a good thing," he said. Sorting through all of the legal riddles, though, could be tough, he said. Wickersham of Harrison tried to shed light on some of the legal mysteries by guaranteeing his fellow lawmakers that small communities would have "absolute veto power" when it came to joining with other cities. Chambers wasn't convinced that lawmakers could sort out the legal wrangling anytime soon. He hinted the senators had only a limited amount of time left to work with and reminded them the constitutional amend ment didn't force senators to do anything. The discussion could get so complicated that Chambers equated the debate with a per son trying to design a triangle with four sides. "Were going to end up with somebody trying to square a dr- . de," he said. 1 Nebraska Repertory Theatre in collaboration with University Theatre presents LAST TRAIN TO NIBROC an old-fashion( love story by ARLENE HUTTON directed by Stan Brown March 8,9,1< March 20-2* 7:30 p.m. Studio Theatr third floor Temple Bldg. 12th & R street: TICKETS: .ied Center Box Ofl 12th &Q 11 a.m. - 5:30 pjr Mon-Fri 472-4747 800-432-3231 -WINNER mmjm MBienR mtcm msmm -BB- <*■&■ =5gg wriunmn #/ AFI 2000 \ 11 MOVIE OF THE YEAR| I THE BEST HLM OF 2000T Itv Slnliil IN* iHlil, lircl III Click lit lilt, intiiHr, ir lill lcr Ilia Haiti " .. . yMMfll MUM '■ (402)472-2588 $5.25/15 words m FAX: (402) 472-1761 $3.50/15 words (students) K $0.15 each additional word lUWW I I $0.75 billing charge $0.75/line headline • _ Deadline: 4 p.m. weekday prior 200* NTH* |S 1996 Schutt Mobile home. 16 by 80,3 bedroom, 2 bath, deck and shed. 435^6860. Surplus City Scooters, camoflauge, anoft pistols, jsens end much mom. 3241 Sou* 13*. 420-5151 ADOPTION: Happily married couple wishes to adopt newborn. FuR-tims mother and successful father to love, care and nurture. Expanses paid. CaiTeny A Bob 1-800-652-6183. AFFORDABLE LEGAL INSURANCE Only $16 a month. Contact Ryan at (403476-5305. __ . Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack, 478-7474. Free Pregnancy Test Mrthrtglit is a confidential helping hand. Please call for appointment or more information, 483-2609. Check out our website dn classifieds 472-2588 fax,472-1761 2 roommates needed in 4 bedroom house on Hew Hampshire. $20Q/month. 435-7232, leave message. Male or female roommate to share 4 bedroom houae near UNL $20Q/month plus utilities. CaN 438-5719.. Do you enjoy kids? Tired of paying room and board? We're looking for a live-in student to ex change 14 hours/week providing transportation for older-aged children and cleaning in rattan for free room and board. Private quarters in large southeast Lincoln home. Flexible hours. Refer ences and a dependable car necessary. Start August 2001. Can Penny or leave message at 42S-1310. Female roommate wanted to share NICE 2-bedroom apartment. Near Holmes Lake • 58th & Normal Blvd. Rent $285 + 1/2 deposit, and electric, cable and heat paid. Many extras pool, fitness center, dub house. Please call (402)327-8015. Need 1 M/F to share large, nice home. Close to UNL Hot tub, W/D. $250 plus 1/4 utilities. John 467-1014. Roommate needed for 2BDR duplex. W/D, gar age, available immediately. $250+utilities. Call 476-0332. 2,3 & 4 Bedrooms Excetent locations near city and east campus. Available May and June. Ca» 489-5168. 3 bedroom, $550/month, $550 deposit range, refrigerator, microwave, central air inck rded. 311 N 24th. 430-3123. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, garage, appliances include washer/dryer, ceiling fans, no pets. 5141 Y St, $800,432-8180.__ 1138 Charleston - walk to class - 5 bedroom 3 bath, living room , tv room, den, off street park ing, washer/dryer, dishwasher. Available mid August 440-8046. 1613 North 33rd. 4 bedroom, 2 bath. Newly re modeled, central air, dishwasher, washier/dryer hook-ups. $80Q/mooth. 475-9663 or 430-7593. 2721 NW 8th. New 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage, C/A, Appliances, $900.476-6599. 4645 South 52nd Street, fantastic 5 bedroom, $J500pk» deposit Available May 1. Call Kim Close to UNL, great houees available in May 432-0644. • 726 Y St 3 Bedroom_S6S0 • 2301 Vine, 3$750 • 1531 N.2&«d, 3 Bedroom, 2 Beth_$750 • 2200 Dudsy, 4 Bedroom, 11/21 • 1436 N. 21,4 Bedroom, 2 Both • 1541N. 26,5 Betfroom, 2 Badl • 621*24,5 Bedroom, 2 Bath Brand-new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 garages, full basement, patio, washer/dryer. $1050 Call 432-0415. Available August 1st Reserve yours now! Gas paid 1 bedroom, large room, 1607 Pros pect $475.432-1300. Great houses dose to UNI available in August 432-0644. •1237 Court, 3 Bedroom, 11/2 Balh__$6S0 •708 N- 25th, 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath_$875 Half duplex, 1 bedroom, near east campus, $315 plus deposit 8904909. House for rant 4322 N. 60th Remodeled 2 bedroom w/ basement garage Ctean&quiet No smokers, no pets $695 + deposit and references 467-2885 Newer 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 garages, large rooms, family room .appliances. $1100 plus. Available May 1.432-0415. We Love Students!! Great 3,4,5 and 6 bedroom homes near UNL Summer and fat both available. A1 have A/C and laundry. 423-1535. 4 bedroom, 1.5 bath, completely remodeled. $900. 560-9331.1747 South 16th. 1405 Idylwild. 3 bedroom. Hardwood floors. Lots of windows. Newly remodeled. Central air. Washier/dryer hook-ups. $650/month. 475-9663 or 430-7593. Available for May and August. Newer 3 bed room, 2 bath, 2 garage, deck, washer/dryer. $895. Cal 432-0415. Reserve yours now! Minutes From Campus 4BR, 3 fuH baths, garage, deck, 2 famSy rooms, washer/dryer, available monthly. $1250. 476-4905. New 1700 square-feet 2 bedroom, 11/2 bath, finished basement at tached garage. 4318 North 60th. $795. Call 467-2885 or 440-0063. Newer 4 bedroom, 2 bath Lease now for August! •Washer and dryer furnished. •Low utilities Call for locations. $1015-1060. Sorry no pets. 474-5327.' Three plus one bedrooms, two baths, two family rooms up, one down, fenced yard. Double gar age. Washer/dryer hookup. 3347 Mickaela Lane, 5 minutes from downtown. $1100,474-2024 Walk to campus. Large remodeled 2 bedroom. Central Air. Washer/drier. Off-street parking. 2410 Vine. $425.432-6476. Walk to campus. Large, remodeled 1 bedroom. Washier/dryer, central air. $375/month. 2410 Vine. 432-6476. ““Looking For An Apartment**" Off Campus Housing Guide ASUN Student Government 136 Nebraska Unioo-472-2S81^ ***Close to City Campus*** 1 & 2 bedroom, eiectric-entry, 20/G Street, $348 to $479.475-7262. *1 Bedroom Heat Paid* Appliances, dishwasher, mini-blinds, coin-op laundry, parking, gas/water/trash paid, cat ok, 3 or 6 month leases, super clean, 1109 N. 28th, $375, 1121 N. 28th, $385. Outdoor pool. (402)489-4857. 1 Bedroom, 2338 E St., mostly graduate stu dents. New paint microwave, ceiling fans, ap pliances. All electric. Reserved parking, no smoking/pets, $385. Call 432-3686. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, W/D, fireplace, balcony, $575.42nd 8 Normal, (402)489-3087. 3 bedroom, 2+ garage, 1 bathroom and laundry room only $750.2501 E Street 432-6476. 1950 South 15th Street #3. Emaculate 2 bed room, large rooms, utilities paid except electric. No pets, security deposit $480,483-4887. 3010 Center. Brand New. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, all appliances, fireplace, double garage. $1125. 1910-20 J Street, 1 & 2 bedrooms, $340 and $440/month. Clean, quiet. No pets. Call Jim 430-9014. AVAILABLE NOW! 1,2 and 3 Bedrooms 402-465-8911 Between UNL campuses. On bus route, two bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace. Storage closet tar bike, NICE. Units available May 1 and June 1. (877)723-4253. Clean, 1 bedroom apartment for $295+eiectnc. Clean, 3 bedroom apartment for $415+eiectnc. Newly remodeled kitchen and bath. For more in formation, call Pat, (402)434-2610 or hearing im paited/TDO, (402)434-2613. Efficiency apartment, dose to both campuses. $235 month. 310-5200. One bedroom near Capitol. 819 South 12th. Washer/dryer, $285. Available now, 432-6476. One bedroom, near Capital, 819 South 12th. Washer/dryer, $285. Available now, 432-6476. Studio and 1BR Vintage-studio and 1 BR dose to both campus es, $300-5350.432-2288. I ♦ One Bedroom 2000 J St Parking $310. ♦ One Oedroom 1507 S 19th. Roomy $335. ♦ 3 BR 5232 Cooper, w/d hookup, fire-place, MB $730. No Smokers/Pets 440-3000. We Offer. ♦ 1,2 and 3 bedrooms •Apt, Duplexes and Houses ♦ 24 Hour Maintenance cal 438-0946 We provide: ♦ Locations throughout Lincoln 8 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance • Professional & Personable Leasing Staff Call us today! 402-437-8300 Newly remodeled 3 bedroom good condition $19,00. Must see* Cal 438-6976 500s MS X •••Permanent Part-Time*** Do you like diverse tasks? Are you computer It erate? Want to work part-time, and maybe even full-time during the summer? We have the per fect Office Support Staff position for you. Cal Dee 486-3000. 17th a Washington Spirits Clarice- PT (mHrvnum age: 21) Horn between 4pm-1am Cashiers- FT (min. age: 18) Courtesy Clerks PT (mrv age: 16) Positive work environment! Flexible schedul ing, some weekend available Required. We ana an EOE offering 401k, profit sharing, Health/Dentai ins., tuition reimbursement, direct deposit, and much more. APPLY TODAY! Contact Jeff at 477-1238 for de tails. I-1 63rd ft Havelock Grocery Stocker - FT Deader*-PT Be a part of a winning team! MMmum Age 18, some weekend available requested. We are an EOE offering self-direct 401k, profit sharing. Health/Dentai insurance, tuition reimbursement direct deposit, ft morel Contact Dave at 464-5804 - APPLY TODAY! Attention Special Education Majors: 6 hours/day para position opening at Waverty High School. Part-time moderate/severe part-time regular ed. Competitive wages. Short drive from Lincoln. Call 786-2765 to apply. I AVAILABLE NOW! 5-20 hr^wTFlexhoursl East Campus. Possible extension to 40 I hrs/wk during summer. Cali 472-2435 I (Dana) or 472-1562 (Dr. Russell). I Busy Tanning Salon NowHiri For part-time sales people a -time room attendant. Apply in person j TANNING PLACE at Cotner and R Streets, Thursday and Friday before 3pm ONLY. Client Services East Lincoln Computer Services Firm looking for a responsible individual to work m our client ser vices department. Duties will include telephone support, analyze client information, data entry and use of 10-key calculator. High degree of ac curacy and attention to detail are essential. FuM time with benefits available. Please send resume to office, PO box 80639, Lincoln 6851a Convenient Store needs clerk, Monday and Comhusker Place Detox Seeking individuals to work part-time as Addic tion Service Workers. Must be a team player wtd have an interest in the human services field. Must possess a current driver's license, have excellent communication skills and the ability to work with a diverse population. Apply m person at 721 K Street or call Patti or Pamst 477-3851 . EOE.