The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 19, 2001, Page 9, Image 9

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    Students spend break serving others
“Qavos" was the word of the
vveekfor 25 University of Nebraska
students during spring break.
“davos" is Spanish for nails.
And the word symbolized a new
life for some Mexican-American
residents of southern Ttexas.
Students from the University
of Nebraska-Lincoln and the
University of Nebraska at Kearney
participated in the Alternative
Spring Break, which was spon
sored by the Nebraska
Consortium for Service Learning
in Higher Education.
The students spent part of
their week helping to build houses
for low income families who live
around Edinburg, Ttexas. They also
: tutored youth at the Evins
I Regional Juvenile Center, a state
' run boys’ correctional facility and
* spent some time on the River Walk '
in SanAntonio and in South Padre
£ IslflnH
They worked with Proyecto
IAzteca, an organization that
builds houses in a central location
: before moving them to their final
locations. Several houses are built
at once, level by level and day by
Carmen Hernandez, family
support unit manager for
Proyecto Azteca, said volunteer
groups typically spent a week
helping with the project
Volunteers receive little
instruction on what to do at
Proyecto Azteca. Verbal commu
nication is minimal because most
of the foremen know only a few
words in English; their rapid
Spanish is peppered with English
words such as hammer, saw and
Volunteers must work by imi
tating the foremen and by
depending on the occasional vol
unteer who knows Spanish.
Volunteers help out in every
phase of house-building, from the
floor to the roof On Monday, they
laid plywood flooring on seven
houses; in the afternoon some of
the group crawled underneath
houses to nail up chicken wire that
supported fibeiglass insulation.
They put up walls on Thesday,
and on Wednesday they cut and
placed rafters.
Several students said their
work at Proyecto Azteca was a wel
come break from studying, as wefl
as an opportunity to get some sun.
But others learned a lesson.
Robin Ostendorf, a UNK
freshman from Gothenberg, said
she came from a county where
native Nebraskans were expected
to adapt their lives to accommo
date Mexican immigrants.
She admitted she had precon
ceptions of the immigrants before
the trip.
Ostendorf said the ethnic
environment of Proyecto Azteca
gave her a new perspective.
"I never thought I would
respect a Mexican,” Ostendorf
said. “But I really respect the guy in
charge of the building site because
he has a choice to move, but he
would rather help solve die prob
lem than run from it”
The NU group' split up on
Tbesday and Wednesday, with half
the students visiting the regional
center each day. At the regional
center, each student was assigned
to a classroom Though the inten
*tion was for the NU students to
tutor die youth in whatever sub
ject they were studying, the class
es turned into unstructured ques
tion-and-answer periods - with
the NU students taking center
The youths asked about col
lege. They wanted to know about
degree requirements.
And, they were curious about
college parties.
Trip organizer Carolyn Nolte
said the students set a precedent
“You are the first group of
peers that has come into the
regional center and worked with
them,” Nolte toki the student vol
The NU group held a meeting
on Wednesday evening to discuss
their reactions to their experi
ences at the regional centra:
Dan Hill a freshman criminal
justice major at UNL, was one of
the volunteers who voiced an
“These guys were me - bom
three neighborhoods over,” Hill
said. “If I had been bom into that
I’d be in the same place they are.”
But the trip wasn’t all work.
The students took a day off
Thursday to visit South Padre
Island. Some went bungee jump
ing, and a few took a dolphin
viewing cruise. The sky was over
cast and the ocean was very salty,
but everyone spent some time in
• the water.
Melissa Nosal, a junior English
major at UNL, said the week had a
strong impact on her
“The thing IH remember most
is the feeling about how this
affects me,” Nosal said. “It’s very
Gun burglary leaves police
with no suspects
The then of Items worth
more than $1,100 at a home at
the 200 block of D Street left
police with no suspects.
The burglary happened
between 330 p.m. March 11 and
2:20 p.m. March 12, Lincoln
Police Officer Katherine FinneU
Among the items stolen
were three guns: a SKS rifle with
a folding stock, a 30-30 rifle and
former police-issued handgun ,
and a 357 Magnum.
Also reported stolen were a
man's wedding ring, a silver and
mother-of-pearl Donald Duck
ring and a sex toy.
ifondak use BB guns to shoot
out car windows around dty
Sometime Itiesday evening
about 40 car windows were shot
out by vandals in southeast and
southwest Lincoln, said Lincoln
Police Capt David Beggs.
' Beggs said the car windows
were shot out by BB gpns.
' No arrests were made, but
the suspects’ BB guns were
taken by police.
Woman dies after car collides
with semitruck trailer
One Lincoln woman is dead
after her car collided with a
semitruck trailer Tuesday after
Beggs said shortly after 5:00
p.m., Goldie Aden, 76, was rid
ing with her husband, who was
driving their Buick, when they
turned left in front of a semi
truck trailer headed east-bound
on Nebraska Hwy. 2.
Beggs said the woman was
pronounced dead at the scene,
while her husband was taken to
Bryan LGH West for injuries and
placed in seriqps condition.
The driver of the semitrailer
was from Evanston, Wyo., and
was not cited with any charges.
. - _ f
Compiled by Jill Conner
UNL names chancellor
PERLMAN from page 1
He also served for (me year as
acting senior vice chancellor for
academic affairs in 1995-96.
In his new role, Perlman will
earn $220,000 annually, a raise of
about $40,000.
Perlman's salary hike is the
result of a study conducted fay the
firm ot Ernst and Young for the
University of Nebraska
The study showed that the
average annual salary for chan
cellors of comparable universi
ties is $230,999.
Richard Edwards, senior vice
chancellor for academic affairs,
said he thought Peiiman worked
well with members of the univer
sity community.
“I think it’s an excellent
choice,” Edwards said
Perlman has been instru
mental in pushing die academic
prioritization process, Edwards
”1 think he’ll do a good job
moving die university forward,”
Edwards said
James Griesen, vice chancel
lorfor student affairs, said he was
pleased Perlman was named as
chancellor because Peiiman had
already demonstrated a commit
ment to die university.
“I think he's the perfect
choice," Griesen said.
Perlman earned respect in his
roles as interim chancellor, act
ing vice chancellor for academic
affairs and as the law school
"The entire mission of the
university will be accelerated
with Harvey’s long-term com
mitment” Griesen said.
Perlman was not only praised
by administrators, but students
One of the primary contacts
between the students and the*
administration is the ASUN pres
ident, who periodically meets
with the chancellor.
Nathan Fuerst, Association of
Students of the University of
Nebraska president-elect, said he
had been impressed by Ferlmanfe
actons as interim chancellor.
“I think he shows great con
cern for all students," he said.
Fuerst said he especially liked
Perlman’s stance on attracting
and recruiting all students to
UNL - including out-of-state stu
dents, minority students and stu
dents with high academic ability.
Outgoing student body
President Joel Schafer said he
thought Perlman had an advan
tage because he wouldn't need to
spend die beginning ofhis tenure
getting to know faculty members
and learning the ropes of the job.
Perlman has the support of
both faculty members and stu
dents, which Schafer said he
thought was unusual.
He also works well with the
agriculture community as well as
die business community, Schafer
Schafer also said he thought
students could trust Perlman.
“There's not the sort of suspi
cion of what the administration
is doing,” Schafer said.
“Harvey has brought an atti
tude of an honesty.”
AsASUN president, Schafer
has met with both Moeser and
Schafer said he enjoyed
working with Moeser, but his
experiences with Perlman were
"With Moeser; it was very for
mal ^-1 frit like Iwas entering into
a negotiation,* Schafer said.
Perlman was more easygoing
and open with issues, Schafer
said. ,
"It doesn't seem like he’s try
ing to spin something on me,”
Schafer said.
"He genuinely wants to get to
know the students and student
concerns better."
California woman with much low to giw wtohao
to adoj* Caucasian baby. Lat me haip with all
madical, lajd and Mving expanses. Attorney in
volved. I can offer your baby a wonderful futuml
Ptaaaa call Dabble collect, (310)788-0101.
Thank you.
*85 Satun SCI, Odd, 2-door, manual, 1 owner,
43,000 milaa, axcallant conitton, $8000 OBO.
477- 6833.
Auto Accidents A DWI *
Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack,
478- 7474.
rregnancyi esi
Birthright is s conRdsniisI helping hand. Please
call for appointment or more information,
, 483-2609. Check out our website
Male or female roommate to share 4 bedroom
house near UNL $20CMnonlt plus utIMee. Cal
Female nonsmoker to share 38R apartment,
$181/monlh ♦ 1/3 uMMse, available April 1. Cal
476- 1139 or 472-6364.
Looking for male of female to share two bed
room apartment in Havelock area. $170/month
plus V2 utilities. Available now. Cal 466-8165,
Need 1 M/F to share large, nice home. Cloee to
UNL Hot tub, W/D. $250 pius 1/4 utikboa. John
Roommate needed tor 2BDR duplex. W/D, gar
age, available Immediately. 6250+utiHties. Cal
Roommate needed. Nice house, capital beach
area. $225 per month + 1/4 utilities. Call
477- 2480.
2 Bedroom, Oarage, Washer/Dryer. 820 New
Hsmpshke 3t SBOwnonth. Cal 890-5965.
3 bedroom, >S50/month, $550 deposit, range,
isktgerator. microwevs, osntral tk indudsd. 311
N 24th- 430-3123.
3 bedroom, 1 bath, W/D hookups, C/A, dish
washer, 918 8.10* $825. Recently remodeled.
2,3 64 Bedrooms
Excslsnt locations near dty and east campus.
AvMhBle May and June. Cal 489-5168.
960 North 42nd. Newer 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car
garage, C/A, Applances. $1000.476-6599.
1138 Charleston-walk to class-5 bedroom 3
bath. Bring room, tv room, dan, off street park
ing, wather/dryer, dishwasher. Available May 1st
2721 NW 8th. New 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car
garage. C/A, Applances. $900.476-6599.
Close to UNL great houses available in May
• 726 V 8L 3 Bedroom-$660
• 2K1Vlnp,3Bor
• 1426 N. 21,4 B
• 1641N. 26,6
Brand-new 3 bedroom, 2 balti, 2 garages, full
basement, patio, washer/dryer. $1050 Call
432-0415. Available August 1st. Reserve yours
Great houses does to UNL available in August -
•1B7 Court, 3 Baftoom, 11/2 Baft_i860
*706 M.286y 4 Bedroom, 2 Baft $660
Half duplex, 1 bedroom, near aaat campus, $315
plus deposit, 890-8909.
Housing Fair
10 a.m.-Tp.m.
BuBroom, Nebraska Union
✓ Meat Housing Managers
✓Discover other housing services
*. . ^ - t
a |S,-■■■.. . A
' i t'-'
Newer 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 garages, large
rooms, family room .appliances. $1100 plus.
Avajjabk^May 1.432-0415. _
We Love Students!!
Groat 3,4,5 and 6 bedroom homes near UNL.
Summer and B8 both sveaebla, Al have A/C and
laundry. 423-1535.
Available for May and August. Newer 3 bed
room, 2 bath, 2 garage, deck, washer/dryer.
$895. Cal 432-0415^ Reserve yours nowt
Minutes From Campus
4BR, 3 fu8 baths, garage, deck, 2 family rooms,
washer/dryer, available monthly. $1250.
Near new 3 BR townhouee for rent. Available in
August. AM appliances including W/D. Double
$40^58.5 minutM t0 campus. Call Julie,
Three plus one bedrooms, two bathe, two twn8y
rooms up, one down, fenced yard. Double gar
age. Washer/dryer hookup. 3347 Micfcaela Lane,
5 minutes from downtown. $1100.474-2024
Walk to campus. Large remodeled 2 bedroom.
Central Air. Washer/drier. Off-street parking.
2410 Vine. $425.432-6476_
Walk to campus. Large, remodeled 1 bedroom.
Washier/dryer, central air. $375/month. 2410
Mne. 432-6476.
ASUN Student Government
136 Nebraska Union—*72-2681
***Ck>se to City Campus***
1 & 2 bedroom, electric-entry, 20/G street, $348
to $479.475-7262.
*1 Bedroom Heat Paid*
Appliances, dishwasher, mini-blinds, coin-op
laundry, parking, gas/watar/trash paid, cat ok, 3
or 6 month leases, super clean, 1109 N. 28th,
$375, 1121 N. 28th, $385. Outdoor pool.
1 bedroom extra nice, 1141 South 10th Street,
<38Qftnonth airaiable now Cal 474-2729.
1 Bedroom, 2338 E St., mostly graduate stu
dents. New paint, microwave, ceiling fans, ap
pliances. All electric. Reserved parking, no
amofcjry'pets. $385. Cal 432-3686.
2 bedroom, 2 bath, W/D, fireplace, balcony,
<575.42nd 6 Normd, (402)489-3067.__
2 bedroom, reconditioned, dean, laundry room,
. parking, central air, bua. 931 G St 483-0090.
3 bedroom. 2+ garage, 1 bathroom and laundry
room only $750. «01E Sheet 432-6476.
1950 South 15th Street »3. Emaculate 2 bed
room, large rooms, utilities paid except electric.
No pets, security deposit $490,483-4867.
3010 Center. Brand New. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, al
appliances, fireplace, double garage. $1125.
1910-20 J Street, 1 & 2 bedrooms, $340 and
$440/month. Glean, quiet. No pets. Call Jim
m § § ZfT
1,2 and 3 Bedrooms
Clean, 3 bedroom apartment for $4151 electric.
Nflwiy remooetea Kitcnon ana oam. ror mow w
formation, cel Pel, (400434-2610 or hearing im
pakedTDO, (402)434-2613.
Efficiency apartment. Ctoee to both campusee.
$235 month. 310-5200.
One bedroom near Capitol, 819 South 12th.
Waahsr/dryar, $285. Avdablo now, 432-6478.
Studio and 1 BR
VWage-atudio and 1 BR does to both campus
es, $300-$350.432-2288.
♦ One Bedroom 2000 J St Parking $310.
♦ One Bedroom 1507 S 19th. Roomy $335.
♦ 3 BR 5232 Cooper, w/d hookup, fire-place,
MB $730. No 9M*ars/P«s 44030001
n «mi r i ( i
We Offer
• 1,2 and 3 bedrooms
• Apt, Duplexes and Houses
• 24 Hour Maintenance caB 438-0646
We provide:
• Locettone throughout Lincoln
♦ 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance
rTOfessKXiai & KersonaD*© Leasing otart
Call Us today!
1967 Krppf, W/D hookups, 12X60,2 BR. Cloee
to East Campus. Baautiful condition. $7500
OBO. (402) 580-2115, leave message.
Newly remodeled 3 bedroom good condition
$19,00. Must seel Cal 438-6076.
Work on campus F/T or P/T for as Httle as 5-10
hours a weak or as many as 40 hours a weak.
Be your own boss. Create your own schedule.
Limited positions. CaR 1-800-008-7442 x 80.
***Pennanent Part-Time***
Do you like diverse tasks? Are you computer lit
erate? WSnt to work part-time, and maybe even
full-time during the summer? We have the per
fect Office support Staff position for you. CaU
Dee 486-3000.'
1318 N Street #104
rsArw xrwi a—
(402)438-7642 FAX
Transfiguration INC. 1316 N Street, Suite 102.
Providing ssnricss to poopts with developmental
disabilities. Weekend Overnight staff needed
from 10pm-8am, get paid up to $6.50 an hour to
sleep! Applicants must be 19 years of age, have
a good driving record and a reliable form of .
transportation. Apply within.
Special Education Majors:
6 hours/day para position opening at Waverly
High School. Part-time moderate/severe
part-time regular ed. Competitive wages. Short
drive from Lincoln. CaR 786-2765 to apply.
Attention! Work from your home. Up to $25-$75
per hour. Part-time/fuil-time, intemet/mall order.
I AVAILABLE NOW! 5-20 hrs/wk. Flex hours. I
East Campus. Possible extension to 40 ■
hrs/wk during summer. Call 472-2435 I
(Dana) or 472-1562 (Dr. RusseR).I
. Comhusker Place Detox
Seeking IndMduals to work on-caR as Addiction
Service Workers. Must be a team player and
have an interest In the human services field.
Must possess a current driver’s license, have
excellent communication skills and the ability to
work with a diverse population. Apply in person
at 721 K Street or caR Patti or Pam at 477-3951.
Customer Service/Sales
$13.10 BASE-APPT.
Filling 32 part-time openings by 3/28. No
telemarketing. Flexible scheduling. Condi
tions apply. CaR 477-8663,0, vwit.
Does Your Summer
Job Suck??
If so can me. I'll take five more students to help
run my business and make $600-$700 per
week. 477-8204.
Stephenson School Supply is looking for
part-time help at our downtown store to contin
ue through summer. Unique educational prod
ucts for teachers, teachers-to-be, parents and
organizations. Good atmosphere and hours to
work with your schedule and needs. Apply In
person at Stephsneon*, 1112*0* Sheet
Customer service, part-time job avalabie, 15-25
hour per week Flexible schedule. Must have
flood people and phone skills. Apply at Sperry
TV.1115North 47th, Monday-FfidayVi^pnv .
Fantasia Fresh Juice Company is looking for
students to be product samplers. Must have a
Car. Weekend hours and weekday lunch hours.
We will work around your schedule. $1Q/hour.
Contact Attia at (800)407-7406 sat 26.
Fast Bucks
Check Cashing
Part time help needed Monday-Friday
4ptw-8pm. Wb wi train.
Fast growing National Automotive Company
Seeks part time and full time people for ware
house and packaging positions. CaN 323-3115
or fill out application at Speedway, 340 Victory
Fundraising Manager
National company seeks self-motivated gradu
ate or bachelor* candidate for fu« time employ
ment. Successful applicants wtl conduct train
ing seminars to help students raise funds for
their groups and clubs. $40,000/year salary
plus bonuses. Have), vehicle Is a must Contact, personnel department
at (888) 923-3238, x. 103, or fax resume to
Christy Ward, (506) 826-9994.
Get oaid doinfl sometNno vou love
Sony Music has a College Marketing Rep posi
tion available In the Lincoln/Omaha market. Gain
valuable experience while working with great
music. For more information contact John via (
email at
Golf Course Maintenance
Lincoln premiers new construction, Wilderness
Ridge, is looking for hardworking individuals.
Overtime and weekends available. Please caN
Derek or Chad at (402)610-0725.
Great part time opportunity for students who
tikes^ jeople^ Call Dry Cleaning Station -
Hillcrest Country Club
HiNcreet is a private dub that is looking for indi
viduais who are leaders, seif motivated, out go
ing. and who take pride in their work. Wb are Wr
ing for the following positions: Part-Time Serv
ers, Banquet Attendants, and Bartender. Experi
ence is a plus but integrity is what we’re looking
for. If you wish to work in s environment that
pays you for your positive can do attitude
please apply at 8901 O Street, Tues
day-Saturday 1-4 pm.
Hiring cashiers, part time, days evenings and
weekend shifts available. Apply at Savers 4690
Leighton Ave.
Locking to fM positions In several departments.
Ful and Part-time hours available. Apply in per
son at The Villager Court Yard andGardens,
52nd O Street 24 hours a day.
Hoiway Formal Wear is now taking appitca-1
tions for sales associates. Full-time ■
available, part time spring semester, will ■
work around your school schedule with full I
time summer available Retail experience |
desired. Call Jim at 476-2262 for appoint- I
merit. ■
Immediate opening, Full time title dark needed
to work in fast-paced environment. Applicant
must possess strong organizational skills. Retail
sales experience a plus. Apply at Star City Mo
tor^Sports, 3201 NW 12th fo inquire, call Nats
The Office of Campus Recreation is cunsntiy hir
ing officials for Soccer. Starting pay is
$6.00/hour, 6-15 flexible hoursper week. If in
terested, please attend the officials' meeting
Wednesday, March 21 at 5:30pm in the Campus
Recreation Center. Call 472-8363 or tor more information.
Knolls Country Club
If you're energetic, committed to customer
service, a team player and love working
withpeople of ad ages...We’re the place for
Now accepting applications for the
♦ Grounds Crew
♦ Buffet Attendants
♦ SnadKr
♦ Pro Shop Personnel
♦ Lifeguards
♦ Hostmostess
Excellent working conditions, flexible
schedule and of course competitive wages.
Full and part time positions available. Some
positions are available now; others will
open in May. Can today to schedule an ap
pointment. 423-2843. We’re located on
22nd and Old Cheney Road.
La Petite Academy is accepting applications tar
full and part-time teechers. If you enjoy working
with children, please pick up an application at
2700 Jameaon NorthT
Looking for a Jr/Sr college student to train and
team software package and to provide end-user
support vta telephone. This is a part-time posi
tion with a flexible schedule, excellent hourly
pay, and bonus potential. This is a great oppor
tunity to get your foot in the door with a fu#-time
opportunity after graduation.
Candklatea for this position must hanre excellent
oral and written communication skids, good hu
man relation skids, and a strong working knowt
adge of general PC operation. Minimum starting
salary te Vi 0.00 per hour with a minimum of 10
toura/wfc. Please send resume to: Marry Dsntey,
4827 Pioneers Blvd, Lincoln, NE 66606 or s-mad
Landscape Installation
7am-3:30pm weekdays. Will consider part-time
or full-time. Part-time position will require the
availability to work a minimum of 4 hours per
scheduled shift. AppNcations available at Rnke
Gardens, 500 N 66th.
National research
NRC’s Healthcare Merket Guide Division Is
looking for 25 people for e short-term project
beginning In April Need to be avallebie at least
25 hours between Santo 7pm, Monday through
Friday. Excellent numbers aptitude, handwriting
and attention to detail necessary. No computer
experience necessary for this position! NRC
offers a fun, flexible and casual work environ
ment Applications are accepted Monday-Firday
7:30am to 7:00pm. For additional information,
contoct Karan WMh at 475-2525.
ran nme afternoon tenant ana toddler teaching
positions available full time for summer. Sheri
dan Child Development Center 3700 Sheridan
Btvd. 483-5037.
DamI Aisma A ri si Be n ri
ran-ume Application
Engineering Assistant
Entry leveTposition for ooglnoariog student with
background in heat and mess transfer. Individu
al will assist application anginaars to evaluate,
select and calculate perforin ones, write up pro
posals and follow up with customers. Customer
contact involving industrial boilers and related
auxiliaries. Mechanical or chemical engineering
student Please cell Jennifer Reitz, Human Re
sources. Nebraska Boiler Company, (402)
Part-time help wanted at Dairy Queen. 27th &
HokJrege. Flexible scheduling. Nights or days.
Call 474-4331, ask for Kart. Monday-Friday
Part-time stocker/cashier needed. Mon
day-Priday3pm-7pm. Apply at 17450 Street
Perfect Hours to Fit Your
Busy Schedules
P/T Warehouse
Wb have the perfect schedules to fit those bust
school schedules that you have. We have
openings in our busy Warehouse for 2nd shift
Order Selectors. The starting wags for these po
sitions is $8.25 an hour with 20-30 hour work
week available. Our jobs do require that you
must be able to:
• Pmb i company drug tcpnii md phwlcd
• Must be able to Ml 100 lie.
•Be at least 18 years of age
If you meet these requirements please come in
and apply today with us.
1700 Coiner Park Rd.
Lincoln, NE 68512
7am-5am Monday-Trlday
Several Locations Throng
--- 1 11
a Student
jLUmwWyarHWwrti 1 Wnln
ruDiicavioris Assistant
Layout and puMcation of newsletters, applica
tions, forms and major office publications for
Student Involvement. Experience Pagemahar or
InOealgn preferred. Applications are available at
200 Nebraska Union, Women's Center-340 Ne
braska Union, and Culture Center, 333 N. 14th.
Special Events
Photograph people. Help them have fun at Fri
day and Saturday night events. Must have de
pendable transportation. Earn money and have
wn. Call Bob or Cory M-F, 1 -6pm at 487-2577.
Looking for dependable employees with cus
tomer service experience. Daytime positions
available. Flexible hours, good pay. Apply in
person. Paycheck Advance, 1144 Comhusker
Nebraska's Grand Hotel has M & part-time po
sitions available nowi Cali 47S-21MI for a com
plete listing. Some poakions available:
♦ Servers
♦ BeaaMf
♦ Bedova*
Apply on-line at www.thecomhuafcsr.oora or in
parson at Human Resources M-F8am-6pm.
Uee'L'SL Entrance
Jusl i Iwf Mock ftpm UNLI
The Hew* Academic canter is looking for tutors
for FACS 270. We are seeking upper level un
dergraduate and graduate students with a GRfc
of 3.0 or above. Excellent communication skills
are a must. Tutors will earn $7.13 per hour and
wki have flexible and variable hours, if interested
apply at 300 West stadium, (underneath memo
riafstadium) or cal Leah at 472-9985.
Community Tsatmant Alda
Positions available to work with chWdrin and ed*
descents who have a mental health diagnosis.
Must have a degree or obtaining a degree In
psychology or rented field plus three years ex
peneoce in me area or mental nearm. positions
start at $11/hr plus bonuses.
Famfiy Support Worker
Positions available to provide home-based ser
vices to youth and families at risk. Must have
two years rnfiogr course work in the human ser
vices field. Positions start at StOihr plus bonus
Mental Health ThscmSa*
Positions available for providing
In-home/outpatient services to children ana
families. PLMHP required. Optlona/Medicaki
Contact Vislnet at (402)464-8866 or send re
sume to 3940 Comhusker Hwy, Suite 600, Lin
coln, NE 68504.
hoot Lincoln & Omaha!
^ A %
§ m \
WHwy 34 & Fletcher Ave
D N.W. 14th & W. “S" St
lw0u 436-3464