ZM/jNebraskan Since 1901 Edtor. Sarah Baker Opinion Page Ecfitor Jake Glazeski Managing Ecfitor: Bracfiey Davis Its about time NU's plans to recruit in state long overdue As the summer of one student's senior year of high school came swiftly to a close, the mail box, just as swiftly, became stuffed with brochures touting die excellence of schools across the nation. The younger sibling of one member of this newspaper's editorial board - who, by some stroke of luck, is now finishing up a second semester at UNL - received, literally, tons of materials from out-of-state colleges. Glossy brochures, shiny catalogues and per sonalized letters awaited daily to welcome the student to campuses across the United States. Ironically enough, this corn-fed Nebraska kid - a straight-A honors student with activities coming out of the ears - never received a peep from anyone at die University of Nebraska. Only after asking a high school counselor for information and an application to UNL did the student seriously consider staying in Nebraska. The lure of die Chancellor's Leadership Program, the honors program and the ability to become immediately involved on campus as a freshman weighed in heavier than the desire to utilize one of the many scholarships the stu dent received from other universities. This student is in the minority. Ana, manktuliy, mats aoout to cnange. The NU Board of Regents Saturday approved the university’s most aggressive recruitment plan in its recent history, a plan that calls for increasing the recruiting budgets at all three undergraduate campuses to $5.2 million. That's a 57 percent increase. A necessary one. With the increase comes a forceful plan of attack. It means contacting students earlier in their high school years, strengthening die mar keting behind the campuses and offering a larger group of scholarship options. For the first time ever, the university also plans to buy the names of Nebraska high school sophomores who took the ACT practice test, a move that will encompass more than 70 percent of the state's high school sophomores and allow the university to begin direct mail ings to everyone of those students. It's high time the university got tired of los ing so many to its neighboring state schools, who, long ago, instated good-looking scholar ship plans inside their four-color, slickly pro duced marketing campaigns. There are plenty of smart, involved, success ful Nebraska high school students who are waiting to be sold on an education close to home. And we're sure the improvements on the way to the university, including prioritization and the addition of die J.D. Edwards Honors Program, will draw top-notch Nebraska schol ars. But we also hope more comes along with this package than just those top-scholars. Many Nebraska students who aren’t always in the top of their high school class certainly aren’t at die bottom of the heap. It’s those students who so often get passed by at the University of Nebraska. It’s also those students who often receive the prettiest schol arships from schools like the University of Kansas. This stringent recruitment program has the potential to make not only the University of Nebraska great, but also to keep the best of Nebraska in the state. It’s long past due. Sarah Baker, Jeff Bloom, Bradtey Davis, Jake Giazeski, Matthew Hansen, Samuel McKewon, Kimberly Sweet Ha)tla%Mal»BdianaiatHinnahrtnnrltari>i»Mnt»ni irtffme(rnfcmin tieflnwinrtpinra tee the* putofctoon-The Paly Hafataniatains the dol* to edt project any rnKariJ airtrihwl QuLiiilw InMfMI | wilt)) nnmymriai ■ubrnMomwifl not bepUMed. Those who aubmftlettaR mat idantfyftemaetaesty name, year in school, map* andtarpojpfMation, if any. SuUiflmalBrid to Paly Mabnaton.20MabnaliaUteon.1400R9t Lincoln. NE60668-0448 i are *«e opinions of *«e Spring 2001 Paly Nebratoan. They do not necesearfly reflect •» Haws of the University of NebratoaUncofcv. Us employees, to student body or the lk*miy of Nebraska Boari of Regents. A cakmi • soWy me opinion of Is author a cartoon ie soMyflieopMonofteartiaLTheBoaalofRegents acta ae pubfcharofflwPalyNebraskan; po» cy k aat by •» OMy Nabmakn EdtoW Boanl The UNL PUbflcabone Board, eatafaWied by •» ' t—paaducflonofre paper flgxadhgtopeicy eel by tie wgantM rlaa acialy lithe irendsof flat {’SITTING | AR@yes® IWKW We do i { for the kids Letters to the editor Moan the man This year, the ASUN election has offered us a selection of five executive candidates. And now there are two. Of these two candidates who have advanced to the March 6 run-off, only one is the - obvious choice to vote for this Tuesday. This is Andy Mixan of the No Bull party. What we have heard from Mixan in the debates is what we as students need here on campus. We need to redirect the attention of die ASUN back to the UNL campus and, most importantly, back to student issues. We need to create a stronger cam pus community by focusing on issues directly con cerning students as students, rather than dividing the student body on social issues that do not per tain to ASUN. After listening to Mixan and visiting with him on several occasions, it is apparent that these are his exact goals. His concerns are student concerns. That is why it is imperative that we, the stu aenis, taice aavaniage oi mis opportunity 10 improve our campus community by voting for Andy Mixan for our next ASUN president Sara L. Fiedler senior English and psychology Matzen says thanks I’d like to personally thank the Daily Nebraskan editorial board for their endorsement of Jaron Luttich and Nathan Fuerst for ASUN president They were predictable, safe bets that everyone knew were coming. Fortunately, the only endorse ment that matters is that of the student body. Unlike the DN, students view my inexperience as an asset I haven’t failed diem yet, but just give me time. John Matzen junior accounting The deserts of meaningless words When I use a word, Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less." "The question is,"said yuc* lu/i -- make words mean so many JefBfTiy different things." Patrick "The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master-that’salL" - Lewis Carroll, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass" Frequently, 1 think of a cartoon I saw in a mag azine several months ago depicting a stereotypi cal college professor standing in front of a chalk board. At the top of the chalkboard, written in big block letters, were the words “THE ACCOM PLISHMENTS OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE 20TH CENTURY." And under these words are various questions, taking up die bulk of the chalkboard: “What precisely do you mean by ’accomplish ment?’" “What exactly are you referring to by the term ‘philosophy?’" etc. Jokes, of course, are funniest when they con tain a kernel of truth. Much of the philosophical scholarship of the past 100 years (whether under the rubric of post modernism, post-structuralism, moral relativism, emotivity, or even existentialism) was devoted to exploring what various concepts meant and, specifically, whether the moral language we use has any real meaning beyond the expression of personal preference. Philosophers in the 20th century understood that we often use words in everyday speech that are incoherent or internally inconsistent. Some questions, such as the meaning of “love" or “friendship,” are pedantic and generally irrele vant. Exploration of other concepts may help resolve academic debates that have continued for centuries, but have little significance to most peo ple. Nietzsche took us “Beyond Good and Evil.” Philosophers like Anthony Flew and Kai Nielsen have argued that the question “Does God exist?” is irrational because the entire concept of “God” is contradictory and incoherent. A few special concepts, however, have been the cause of bloodshed, war and even revolutions: honor, pride, virtue and liberty. The problem is exacerbated when these problematic, and possi bly meaningless, terms are used, not just in every day speech, but in scholarship and policy-mak ing. A brief example: In 1976, the Supreme Court was faced with one of its most controversial issues: whether capital punishment, after a four year moratorium, should be reinstated in the United States. If capital punishment didn’t further “legitimate state interests,” it would violate the Eighth Amendment’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment. Interestingly, of all of the possible arguments for capital punishment the Supreme Court may have considered (such as its cost-effectiveness or ability to provide "closure” to victims), it held that only two were legitimate: deterrence and retribu tion. Deterrence, of course, is almost universally seen as a valid purpose of punishment. If deter rence were the sole legitimate purpose, the issue would be resolved by asking if the death penalty deterred. me answer, a resounding no. Instead, we have an additional purpose of "ret ribution,” which is generally understood as mak ing sure that people get what they "deserve.” And here, die problem becomes apparent What does “deserve” mean? Unlike deterrence, there is no objective way to measure "deserve.” It was, is and always will be a simple expression of personal taste. It embodies the dangerous belief that mere intuitions or feel ings are sufficient justification for general rules. As Kant said, "A knowledge of laws, and of their morality, can scarcely be derived from any sort of feeling... unless we wish to open wide the gates to every kind of fanaticism.” History provides ample support for this view. Michael Foucault's classic text, "Discipline and Punish: Hie Birth of die Prison” details the history of punishment from roughly the 17th Century to the 20th (he died in 1960). Upon reading the book, one fact becomes starkly apparent: the punish ments society has inflicted on its own members have varied drastically in intensity, duration and viciousness, but one common factor remains: it was always “deserved." It was not very long ago that England had more than 200 crimes punishable by the death penalty, including theft. Several cultures, including Puritans, believed in flogging or maiming. Death penalties varied from drawing and quartering, boiling in oil, ritual disembowelment and proba bly any other form of cruel torture imaginable. When anesthesia was first introduced, many religious leaders objected to its use during preg nancy since the mother “deserved” the pain because of Eve’s sin. Any infliction of pain, no matter how cruel, irrational or unnecessary, could be justified if you could simply argue that the per son “deserved” it The problem is not that there is a gray area. With almost any category, we will have some diffi culty deciding what belongs and what does not. The problem is that there are no black and white areas, no grounds where everyone in society can agree. And even when a majority of our country votes on what the appropriate “deserve” for a certain crime is, we have no way of knowing if we are cor rect or if medieval England (or any other society in any other time) is. As Karl Menninger, a prominent critic of our penal system, said, "It does not advance a solution to use the word [deserve). It is a subjective emo tional word... the concept is so vague, so distort ed in its application, so hypocritical and usually so irrelevant that it offers no help in the solution of the crime problem ... but results in its exact opposite - injustice, injustice to everybody.” John Rawls, the most revered American politi cal philosopher of the 20th century, had a similar view of deserve. In the context of capital punishment then, America is left without guidance. No fact, no evi dence, no argument can ever “prove” that die exe cution is not a just “deserve.” So long as a majority of the public (or at least five members of the Court) believe that it is “deserved,” things will not change. I suppose I would not be so concerned about letting a democracy decide questions of “deserve” if I had the least confidence that it knew what die term actually means: absolutely nothing. Modem philosophy is often criticized for hav ing destroyed faith in everything that is impor tant: morality, God, goodness, patriotism. Perhaps that faith was never justified to begin with. The UNLfees that steal our student souls For being “free,- public education does its job in trains of providing an institution in which students uui gxasp suiue thingofafounda- Dan tion of basic skills Leamon and knowledge in preparation for college. Of course, it also has its kinks, like a wide array of mystery meats, a restrictive curriculum, a fed of cattle being haded in and out at the sound of bells and, above all else, a lack of reclining desk chairs. So-called “free" is so-called “free" and you take what you can get Eating the mystery plastic (meat) became routine over the years, but if something so good, so healthy, so burst ing with taste could come from some thing which was costing my parents “nothing" (taxes), then you can imagine their elation knowing that when my first bill from UNL landed in my mailbox, they would be paying (not die free kind) for my education. They would be paying for the filet mignon of the education world. The most tender piece of steak in the steak house of education -college. Yep, I eat steak all the time on cam pus. I eat whole cqws. In the middle of the night I steal over to East Campus in my Red Lobster bib with plastic knifes and forks and slice a piece of cow. On the day my first bill was to arrive, my parents flew down first class from Omaha. My extended family, including my 14th cousin who works for NASA (he is a space chimp), flew into Lincoln. We had a little party outside of my mailbox. There was cake, party hats, con fetti and those little noisemakras.Islowiy turned the knobs to the magic numbers, and feeling likea'The Price is Right" con testant, I pulled from the depths of my mail receptacle a university envelope. Inside was whatwe had been waiting for the bill for the first chunk of my souL Balloons went flying, confetti came falling, noise malrers sounded through out the hall and funk music blared. We danced, we sang, I lost part of my souL It was great <. Since that, I have received more bills for other parts of my souL Each party has died a little. My parents and most of my family don’t come anymore. They tell me I smell funny, and I somehow am not myself anymore. I send them the bills, and they have a shin-dig without me. It is OK. Don't fed sorry for me-my Unde Larry, due leisure suit and all, still comes. He has an air about him like he bathed in really cheap beet The scent is comforting when you are losing your soul and everyone stops loving you (I would be crying now, but I can't fed any emotion). l move on witnout an oi my soul My days haven't changed. I go to classes where teachers care about understand ing and learning more than giving grades or proving that they know the material real well When I don't understand things, they help me out instead of just teaching to the students who are understanding their All-Around-The-Mulberry-Bush lectures. They slow down and take the time and effort to find the integrity to ful fill their duty and help me leam. I would n't want it any other way-me giving up my soul for teachers who teach. I’m not knocking all ofyou-my mom is a teacher, and watching her has helped me to understand the spirit of education. Some of you understand and some of you do not I take full advantage of my $75 tech nology fee. I am not sure what itfs exactly paying for, but I get every penny% worth. I go to the health center once a day so that my $103 worth of soul doesn’t go to waste. My $500-a-month hotel room is comfy and cozy-worth every bit of soul And now, they are raising student fees again. I am running out of soul here folks, especially soul for a university that may be dropped to the third tier because it has barely a due as to how to address any real problem it is faced with.. Maybe it is not us, the students, that need the push. Maybe it is you, our edu cators, that need to take the bull by the horns and actually correct the problems with the system. Fee hikes and plus/minus grading scales are not the answer - methods of teacher accounta bility and cost reductions are. If this is the epitome of education, then why do you weed kids out with high prices, poor teaching and a grading scale that only makes the students work hard er, not the teachers? It is time this university re-evaluates itself right down to the classrooms and put its own hands orf the pulsing and beating heart of its problems. Education is the symphony that shapes tomorrow but the system is succumbing to American capitalism and greed. Is this our future? I don't have the answer, but I am taking my soul back so that I can find it