The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 02, 2001, Image 1

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    ft Da ily Nebraskan
Mothers, don’t let your children
grow up to be insurance
salesmen: Mark Zmarzty
laments the missed chances
In Opinion/4
Lance MBs takes top
singles spot after
spencing last year on
the bench
In SportsWeekend/10
Actor Amber Irvin finds
her love of stage at UNL
In Arts/5
Freshmen Phi
Gamma Delta
Fraternity mem
bers Andrew
Goil (bottom)
and Tim Karaus
sit in a hot tub
outside the fra
ternity's house
Thursday for a
benefiting the
Lighthouse, an
that helps
kids. Hji, along
with Alpha Chi
Omega Sorority,
will be taking
turns sitting in
the hot tub for
three straight
Derek Lippincott/DN
Student fees
set to increase
■Most Committee for Fees
Allocation recommendations
are passed, except for the DN's.
Instead of sputtering out
toward the end of the term, the
student senators stepped on the
gas Thursday night to pass a slew
of bills that will raise student fees
Association of Students of the
University of Nebraska senators
voted at their Thursday night
meeting at the Nebraska East
Union whether to approve or
amend budgets for student fee
Student fees come in two
parts: Fund A fees, which total
SI 1.74 each semester, are used to
fund student groups, including
ASUN, the Daily Nebraskan and
the University Program Council,
whose funding includes UPC
programming and Lied Center
student discounts for events.
Fund B fees are used for bond
payments that pay for Nebraska
Union renovations, staff salaries
and operating costs for student
services, including those at the
Campus Recreation Center and
the University Health Center.
The Committee for Fees
Allocation recommendations for
fee-users’ budgets were present
ed to ASUN at Thursday night's
The recommendations were
presented in separate bills for
ASUN to approve. ASUN can
amend the bills.
After ASUN amends or
approves the budgets. Fund A
fees then have to be approved by
the chancellor. Fund B fees have
to be approved by the Board of
Except for the Daily
Nebraskans budget, the student
government didn’t amend any of
the budgets Thursday.
CFA voted earlier in the
semester 6-2 in favor of a giving
the Daily Nebraskan $50,300 to
pay for a portion of the paper’s
printing and production costs.
With this funding, the newspa
per estimated a profit of $61,350
for this year.
The money the newspaper
makes as profit is put into a
Money Market account, which is
used in case advertising rev
enues - that fund most of the
newspaper - drop or a libel suit is
brought against the paper.
Jason Mashek, ASUN speak
er, proposed an amendment to
give the newspaper only $9,513.
The amendment passed with 10
for. 8 against.
Another amendment, pro
posed by Sen. Nathan Fuerst,
who is also an ASUN presidential
candidate, would have cut the
newspaper’s budget to $22,513. It
failed 7-11.
With die funding cut that did
pass, Mashek estimates the
newspaper will make a $20,000
profit instead of the estimated
When questioned on how he
arrived at $20,000 as an accept
able amount for the newspaper’s
profit. Mashek said he just made
it up.
“I just pulled it out of the air,”
he said. “I thought it was a fair
Brent Stanfield. CFA chair
man, said the Daily Nebraskan
had averaged a $40,000 a-vear
profit the past six years, this
average includes a year in which
the newspaper lost $40,000.
Please see FEES on 7
NU regents
aim to boost
After weathering criticism from those who say it
doesn’t keep the best and brightest in the state, mem
bers of the NU Board of Regents are looking to take
action Saturday.
At their meeting in Kearney, the regents will look
at a resolution aimed at bolstering NU’s student
The resolution calls for all four campuses - the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the University of
Nebraska at Omaha, the University of Nebraska at
Kearney and the University of Nebraska Medical
Center - to implement an under
f graduate student recruitment plan
If We Ye that includes the following compo
not nents:
BA program of aggressive
spending recruitment of all eligible Nebraska
enough Students and those with high aca
, v demic ability.
(money) ■ Beginning the recruiting
in-State, I process early in students’ high
j u school careers.
(AUn l ■ Strengthening communica
Want tO tion between NU and the state’s high
Spend a ^hool counselors.
" B Involving faculty members,
penny department chairs, program direc?
OUt-of- lors’ deans, students and alumni in
„ the recruitment program.
State. ■ Targeting out-of-state stu
dents, especially those with high
Drew Miller academic ability' and minority stu
regent dents.
-;— Regent Drew Miller of Papillion
said he supported all ol the recruiung efforts except
out-of-state recruitment.
The university needs to focus more attention on
bringing more of Nebraska’s students to NTU before it
starts focusing on out-of-state students, he said.
“If we re not spending enough (money) in-state, I
don’t want to spend a penny out-of-state,” Miller said.
Drawing more students to NU has been a con
stant challenge for the regents. Miller said.
While recruitment has improved at UNL, it could
Please see RECRUITMENT on 7
Weeklong festivities celebrate women
■ Speakers and an open house
are a few of the many activities
set for Women's Week 2001.
In the coming w eek, women
will open the university’s treas
ure chest.
Womens Week 2001, dubbed
“Local Treasures," begins today
with the Women's Studies- spon
sored “No Limits” conference.
The conference, from 9.30
a.m. until 5 p.m. today and 9:30
a.m. until 11 a.m. Saturday, fea
tures creative presentations and
Performance artist Canyon
Sam will give her one-woman
show, “Capacity to Enter,”
tonight at 7:30, and writer Toi
Derricotte will give a presenta
tion Saturday at 11:30 a.m. as
part of the conference as well.
Other activities throughout
the week will expose University
of Nebraska-Lincoln students to
women's resources on campus,
such as the Women’s Center, a
co-sponsor of Women’s Week,
said Jan Deeds, assistant direc
tor of gender relations for
Student Involvement
“This is the 22nd year that
wre’re able to celebrate the
Women’s Center and to
acknowledge the challenges of
being a woman in an institution
of higher learning,” Deeds said.
“We’ve tried to put together a
program that would appeal to a
wide variety of people.”
She encouraged both male
and female students to attend
the Women's Center Open
House on Monday from 1 p.m.
until 3 p.m. in the Nebraska
Union, as wrell as the rest of the
week's events.
“A lot of people don’t know
that the Women's Center exists,”
she said. “They think that men
aren't welcome, but of course
they are. You can’t have a gender
discussion with only one gen
Also in the Nebraska Union
on Monday will be a Women of
Color panel discussion at 7 p.m.
The panel will be made up of
black UNL faculty members.
The final Chilly Climate
Forum, held by the Chancellor's
Commission on the Status of
Women, will be Tuesday from
11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. in the
Nebraska Union. Deeds encour
aged female students to attend
the forum at any time to speak
or file a written statement on
their personal experiences on
Tuesday will play host to a 2
p.m. panel discussion spon
sored by the Gay Lesbian
Bisexual Transgender Speakers
Bureau and a roundtable discus
sion held by PREVENT, a
Women’s Center and Athletic
Department peer educational
group focusing on relationship
violence, at 7:30 p.m. Both dis
cussions will be in the Nebraska
Outreach Coordinator Holly
Bahl. a UNL graduate student,
said the PREVENT discussion
would provide students with
information on what to do in
\iolent relationships and would
feature Marcee Matzger. a repre
sentative from Lincoln’s
Rape/Spouse Abuse Crisis
“Sometimes (violent rela
tionships) can seem really over
whelming," Bahl said.
Bahl said students could get
answers to any question at the
“It’s everyone’s problem. It’s
everyone’s issue," she said.
On Wednesday in the
Nebraska Union, the
Chancellor’s Commission on the
Status of Women will hold an
award presentation and recep
tion to present the “Outstanding
Contribution to the Status of
Women” award at 3 p.m.
Career Services will also hold
Please see WOMEN on 7
_Local Treasures
Friday, No Limits Conference Presentations
March 2nd 9:30-5:00 p.m., Nebraska Union
Canyon Sam, “Capacity to Enter”
7:30 p.m., Nebraska Union
Saturday, No Limits Conference Presentations (conL)
March 3rd 9:30-11 a.m., Nebraska Union
Toi Derricotte, “Consciousness and
Race: Interior Journeys Toward Identity”
; 11:30 a.m., Nebraska Union
Monday, Women’s Center Open House
March 5th 1T-3 p.m., 340 Nebraska Union
Women of Color Panel Discussion
7 p.m., Nebraska Union
Tuesday, Chancellor’s Commission on the
March 6th Status of Women Chilly Climate Forum
I 11:30-1:30 p.m., Nebraska Union
GLUT Speakers Bureau: “Everything
you wanted to knew about heino
i GLBT that you were afraid to ask”
2 p.m., Nebraska Union
PREVENT Roundtable Discussion
7:30 p.m., Nebraska Union
Wednesday, Chancellor’s Commission on the
March 7th Status of Women Award Presentation
and reception
i 3 p.m. Nebraska Union
Career Services Presentation,
“Tlw Internet: an Important Tool for
Women’s Career Development”
7 p.m. Nebraska Union
Thursday, Janet Lu “The Chinese American
March 8th Women’s Experience”
2 p.m. Nebraska Union
Coffee House Evening a.
7-9 p.m. Culture Center. 14th and R Streets =
I | S'
Friday, Honoring Women’s Voices Conference §
March 9th ! 9-4 p.m., Call Sheri Clark at s
(402) 472- 3109 for more information ^
N- --'-_ ___ _ . Z
Police awareness nabs computer thieves
After a spree of on-campus burgla
ries, UNL Police arrested one juvenile
and one Lincoln youth Wednesday.
“It was a good piece of work by
these officers," said Sgt. David Beggs,
who was on duty at the time of the
Assistant Police Chief Mylo
Bushing said the two had stolen thou
sands of dollars in laptop computers
over the course of Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings.
The first burglaries occurred
Tuesday night in offices in Manter Hall.
On Wednesday morning, missing
items were reported from rooms 426,
“We knew we were having prob
lems with the burglaries, so we had
people concentrate in that area,”
Bushing said.
In all three burglaries, the door was
locked at night, and there were no signs
of forced entry. Bushing said.
But in the morning, the residents of
the rooms found their doors unlocked.
Taken from room 426 was a 1998
Compaq laptop computer worth
$1200. Bushing said.
Also stolen was an Iomega zip disk
drive worth SI00.
Police took and analyzed finger
prints from the desktop where the
items were left.
Taken from room 412 were 30 col
ored pencils and pencils worth about
$30, Bushing said.
The resident of room 410 also
reported a Toshiba laptop computer
and mouse worth $1400, a Sony
Discman CD player worth $60, head
phones worth $17, a 50-pack of write
able CDs worth $ 12, two zip disk drives
Please see computer on 7