Wednesday February 14,2001 Volume 100 Issue 107 Since 1901 i Marc Baidrige: Tearing down the systems and exploring information entities Opinion/4 The offseason is anything but for some Nebraska football players | In SportsWednesday/10 Valentine’s Day music for when you’re feeling a love high or low lnArts/5 UNL priorities focus on graduate education ■ The university aims to attain greater national recognition through improvements outlined by Perlman. BYJILLZEMAW The university's top academic pri orities aren’t just the “Three R’s” every one learned in elementary school. Although reading, writing and arithmetic are integral parts of most of the priorities, the list doesn’t spell things out that simply. Released about two weeks ago by Interim Chancellor Harvey Perlman, the list details 102 programs that UNL will pour more money into in the future. The programs are those that can gain UNL national acclaim and research dollars, to help improve the quality of the university as well as its reputation. The priorities aren’t necessarily the best programs at UNL, but are ones the university should strengthen through additional funding. The prioritization process was launched by the NU Board of Regents in October 1999 and goes hand-in-hand with the 20/20 Vision Report, which outlines UNL’s goals for the next 20 years.. The report says research and gradu ate education can be enhanced by cap italizing on UNL’s strengths and enhancing funding. Gail Latta, former Academic Senate president and member of the task force that devised the 20/20 report, said the prioritization list was consistent with the vision statement. “It expresses really well the breadth and variety of the university,” she said. Latta said she was pleased the list included UNL’s traditional strengths, such as law and psychology, as well as innovative areas, such as distance learning and technology. Latta, a professor of libraries, said it takes a while to identify which pro grams are included in the list because of the broad categories. For example, libraries are included in the list under Digital Scholarship and Literacy Program, she said. “It's a dense document,” she said. But overall, Latta said she thought the sciences and humanities were well balanced in the report. The priorities are broken into four categories: graduate/professional edu cation and research/creative activity; life sciences, health and natural resources; undergraduate education and outreach. Graduate/professional education and research/creative activity divides its priorities into two categories: instructional emphasis and research emphasis. Areas with an instructional empha sis are those that are strongest in the classroom, said David Brinkerhoff, associate vice chancellor for academic affairs. The other programs listed with a research emphasis are not just scientif ic, but anything involved with research, he said. Faculty members were asked to decide what was the primary focus of the program - instruction or research - and that's how they were grouped, he said. Seventeen areas are listed as instructional priorities. These areas often cross department boundaries or college lines. For example, UNL’s law degree pro gram was listed as a priority, but it goes beyond NU's College of Law. It includes emphases on psycholo gy, rural studies, children and families and public and private international law. Another program listed as a priority Please see PRIORITIES on 3 ASUN Candidates barred from ASUN race BY MARGARET BEHM The student government Electoral Commission put its foot down lUesday momingand disqualified two ASUN candidates. The commission voted unanimously to disqual ify Sheila Gathuma, the NUForce Arts & Sciences advisory board candidate. David Koesters, an independent presidential candidate, also was disqualified from running because he wasn't a UNL student in the foil semester: The NU Board of Regents dictates that students must be enrolled in classes for the previous two semesters prior to running for office John D. Conley, election commission chairman, said Gathuma only turned in 30 signatures, instead of the required 35 signatures. Angela Clements, NUForce presidential candi date, said Gathuma was told she only needed 25 sig natures because for other colleges this is the required number. It was an oversight,” Clements said. A major reason Gathuma was disqualified was because she didn’t show up for the commission meeting to speak on her own behalf, Conley said. Gathuma said she didn’t know there was even a meeting that questioned her candidacy when she spoke to the Daily Nebraskan on Hiesday night. The Daily Nebraskan was the first to tell Gathuma she was not eligible to run for office. “I didn't know,” she said. “I don't think my party knew.” Conley said the commission informs the contact person for the party if there was an investigation about their party, and the contact person was usual ly the presidential candidate. “NUForce as a party knew (of the meeting),” Conley said. Angela Clements, NUForce presidential candi date, was at the meeting. Clements said Tuesday evening that she wasn’t aware that Gathuma didn’t know she might not be able to run. Conley said it was due time for the commission to punish rule-breakers. “We’ve had infraction after infraction,” he said. “We have been nice and fun-loving, and it’s getting us nowhere.” This is the second time that an NUForce candi date has sat in the hot seat over signatures. Rowena Pacquette, NUForce’s second vice-pres idential candidate, was penalized last week for not turning in her signatures on time. Please see ASUN on 3 Nate Wagner/DN WORKING THE CIRCUIT: Sophmore Brad Lane takes a break inside of the Pella Windows and Doors mascot the Pella-Can, during the Career Kaleidoscope in the Nebraska Union BaHroom on Tuesday afternoon. More than 130 employers were available to talk to students. Jerome Montaito/DN FLOWER POWER: Lacey Hochstein, an employee of Abloom, 14510. St, arranges one of the hundreds of orders that are placed during the busiest flower holiday, Valentine's Day. Napster-use prevalent at UNL BY GEORGE GREEN The pioneer of free Internet music might soon play its last tune. And some University of Nebraska Lincoln students say they will be sad to see it go But they also said they could under stand the plight of musicians looking for a paycheck for their work. On Monday, the^U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the company to stop the millions of people who use it to share copy righted music without restrictions or charge. Napster CEO Hank Barry said, in a state ment on the Napster Web site, www.nap, that his company would appeal die decision. And he said even if the service was shut down while the next trial was pending, the company would continue to do everything it could to continue providing the music downloads for free. But for now, the music plays on. Eric Bishop, a UNL senior finance major, said while Napster was still alive he and his roommates would download free tunes. Bishop said his roommates use Napster constantly throughout the day, and with Internet silence impending, they would probably try to download as much as possi ble. “They will get as much as they can,” he said. Carrie Hartley, a sophomore marketing major, said she wouldn’t go on a Napster bender. “I'll download a couple, but I won't go crazy,” she said. Hartley said she would miss the service if it shuts down. But, she said, she could understand why musicians would want to get paid for their work. But Napster’s lawyers said the task of monitoring its users to pay artists might be impossible. David Conover, a doctoral student studying distance learning, said he could empathize with the musicians’ pleas for jus tice. “I’m part DJ and part musician,” he said Artists should be paid at least a portion of what they're worth, he said. But, Conover said, the concept of music dispersal over the Internet is good. “The idea behind it is great,” he said. Artists, though, still deserve to earn an honest buck, he said. Napster has said it planned to begin charging subscription fees by the summer, but major record labels haven't been per suaded to work with the company. The company estimates that its model has more than 50 million registered users that could be charged a fee. Bishop said he thought these users were more guilty of copywrite infringement than the Internet company. Napster provides the forum, but users do the trading, he said. The appeals court did not mention any liability of users who choose to continue downloading from the service until its impending death. Even if Nxapster bites the dust, Bishop said people eager for free music would be able to find other music sites on the net "You can get free music anywhere. It’s just that Napster is the most popular.” The Associated Press contributed to this report Requested funds granted to centers ■TheCFA approved budget increases forthe health and recreation student services. BY JILL CONNER Directors of the University Health Center and Campus Recreation can sleep easy tonight After the Committee for Fees Allocation granted the stu dent services their requested funds TXiesday, members from both organizations said they were pleased. Although the Health Center did not request an increase to its $3,803,122 budget, CFA did allocate an extra $3,000 for advertising campaigns. This increase brought the allotment to $3,806,122. Interim Medical Director Joe Hermsen said he had no part of the suggested increase. “It was a student initiative,” Hermsen said. Brent Stanfield, chairman of CFA, originally proposed a $10,000 addition to the budget after it was presented. Stanfield argued he wanted these funds to go toward better publicity, such as a mass mail mg or sponsoring an event dur ing Big Red Welcome. The motion failed 8-1. After more examination, committee members decided a $3,000 increase was more prac tical because the Health Center itself increased its advertising budget by $6,000 after reallo cating its own money. “I think this is a reasonable increase that will help kick-start what their intention is, and develop a marketing plan,” said committee member Jessica Lopez. Eventually, the motion requesting a $3,000 increase passed 9-0. Jane Crittenden, budget coordinator for the Health Center, said the extra money would be used for events that would increase recognition of the Health Center. The road to financial suc cess was not as simple for Campus Recreation. Although CFA did grant the $119,320 requested for the addition of new jobs, its first proposal did not provide for the total building repair and improvement request. Please see FUNDS on 3