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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 2000)
Hard-liners win key races in Bosnia THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SARAJEVO, Bosnia Herzegovina — Hard-line Serbs and Croats claimed victory Sunday in key races in die parts of Bosnia they control, clouding prospects for change despite an apparent strong showing in Muslim areas by parties calling for ethnic tolerance and reform. Official results from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which supervised Saturday’s nation wide election, were not expected before Monday. The final count could take weeks However, partial, unofficial returns released by major parties indicated a strong showing in Muslim areas by political groups advocating ethnic tolerance. Hard-line Bosnian Serb and Croat parties appeared to be leading in areas controlled by those two ethnic groups. The party founded by indict ed war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic claimed a strong lead Sunday over the Western-backed candidate for leader of the Bosnian Serb part of the country. If the final count shows a vic tory for ethnic tolerance in Muslim areas, that could produce a backlash among Serb and Croat hard-liners, who told voters that ethnically based parties were their only protection against los ing their cultural and religious identity in this multiethnic coun try. , That in turn could complicate efforts to foster regional coopera tion and forge a sense of nation hood among people who fought a bitter war only a few years ago. The 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement that ended the Bosnian war divided the country into a Muslim-Croat Federation and a Serb republic loosely tied together by a federal parliament, a three-member presidency and other federal institutions. Voters in the two mini-states chose members of the federal parliament Saturday. Additionally, those in the Muslim-Croat Federation select ed their own regional legislature and officials of 10 regional can tons. Bosnian Serbs also voted for a president and vice president of their half of Bosnia. In the Bosnian Serb area, known as Republika Srpska, the Serb Democratic Party claimed its candidate, Mirko Sarovic, was "almost certain” to defeat Western-backed Bosnian Serb Prime Minister Milorad Dodik for the presidency of the Serb mini state. With about half the Serb votes counted, Sarovic was leading with 59.3 percent, or 203,833 votes, to Dodik’s 29.7 percent, or 100,159 votes, according to the Serb Democratic Party. A third Party of Democratic Progress accounted for the rest ^_k Sell your unwanted items FREE. This free, 3-day offer is limited, so hurry. E-mail your item(s) to sell to and include your name, student ID, address and phone. If it doesn’t sell in three days, e-mail us back as long as this special lasts. v ” Hillary for president? Experts say perhaps THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK—When Hillary Clinton was growing up, she wrote to NASA about becoming an astronaut. The letter back said girls need not apply. Clinton made it into the his tory books anyway, not as the first female astronaut, but as the only first lady to ever win elec tive office. Now the question is: Might she someday become the first female presidential candidate for a major party? "No,” she declared at her first post-election news conference. “I’m going to serve my six years as junior senator from New York.” Of course, the first lady and her husband are famous for choosing their words carefully. That “six years” clause does not rule out the possibility of a pres idential run in 2008, or even 2012, when she will be 65. But many experts think the “Hillary haters” who fueled Senate opponent Rick Lazio's campaign with $33 million would make it impossible for her to do nationally what she did here. “I think it's unlikely, she could get elected president,” said Nelson Warfield, a Republican consultant and Bob Dole's former press secretary. “She’s just such a polarizing can didate. I think her future is she becomes Ted Kennedy in a pantsuit. She becomes a very useful devil figure for the hard rigfit. And her celebrity starts to wane as soon as she becomes one of 100.” Glenna Matthews, co author of "Running As a Woman,” a book about female politicians, agreed that Clinton “probably is hated too much” to become president. “But who knows? I don’t want to rule out the possibility. She's too hard working and has too impressive a work ethic.” And evert if Clinton never runs for president, Matthews added, “she’s paving the way for the first woman president.” Clinton has already started to make her presence felt. On Friday, she proposed abolishing the Electoral College. Considering that she has not even been sworn in yet, a pro posal to amend the Constitution seemed like a relatively bold way to launch her tenure. On the other hand, with Vice President A1 Gore’s future in doubt, “clearly her national role is carved, out,” said Lee Miringoff, who heads the Marist Institute for Public Opinion in Poughkeepsie. “With the Senate and House remaining in “Obviously there is national potential for her. She has the ability to galvanize and motivate the troops, the way Bill Clinton does." Judith Hope New York Democratic Party chairwoman Republican hands, she immedi ately emerges as the most prominent Democrat in the nation. If she is not, it’s unclear who pushes her aside." Clinton beat Lazio by 12 points, but in a national race, she’d lose the advantage she had in New York, where Democrats outnumber Republicans 5-3. Yet Clinton also did well in tradi tionally conservative upstate New York. By making its lagging economy a theme of her cam paign and repeatedly visiting regions where Democrats usual ly fare poorly, she captured 47 percent of the upstate vote. Clinton also won 60 percent of female voters and two-thirds of working women. A similar female following nationwide could neutralize opposition from Hillary-haters. "Obviously there is national potential for her,” said Judith Hope, chair of the state Democratic Party. “She has the ability to galvanize and motivate the troops, the way Bill Clinton does.” In the Senate, Clinton will serve side-by-side with senators who helped kill her ambitious health care plan, voted to remove her husband from office and held highly partisan hear ings on her ill-fated Whitewater land deal. Sen. Tirent Lott, R-Miss., the Senate majority leader, has already set the tone for her reception, warning her to get used to the idea of being “one of 100 coequals. Getting a lot of attention and getting something done in the Senate don't always go hand-in-hand. If she's smart, die’ll keep a pretty low profile.” But don’t tell that to the vot ers back in New York. “We need an intelligent woman who is not a puppet of the good old boys,” said Anne Jorgensen, a teaching assistant who attended one of Clinton’s ’ last rallies before the election in upstate Binghamton. Cora Olin, who heard Clinton speak in a Bronx church last month, agreed: “She is going to be the first woman president 200s ftrsato 216 Computers For Sale Acer Notelight Pentium Laptop for sale. Comew with Windows 95, Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, AOL, Calendar Creator, Microsoft Of fice 97, Norton Anti-virus, Zoom PC Card, FAX/MOOEM. Also included is the carrying case and a Cannon BJC 4100 Color Bubble Jet print er. AH of this for $500.00tOBO). Leave message lor Kim at 438-3434 or 416-3283. Brand new Gateway EV700 complete with speakers, 17 inch monitor, very fast Awesome computer for a reasonable price. Try it out. 476-6741 or 310-9197. IBM, Dell, Compaq, Toshiba Laptops. Prices from $295. 30-Day Warranty visit 220 Furniture For Sale Black futon couch with cushion $75. Papasan chair with black cushion $K). Cal 730-530? Full and Queen size mattress sets. New and in plastic. Never used. 10 years warranty. Retail for $439 and $639. Sen for $165 for the FuH, Queen $195,477-1225. HUGE Beige Lazy Bov/Sinale Seater For Sale $10000. Rease cal 438-8705. Wood and black chrome computer desk for sale. Good condition. $30 obo. Call 476-4806. 240 Misc. For Sale •Microwave $30. ♦ Mens bike $20. ♦Vacuum cleaner $10. Please call (402) 742-5515. •Beige/textured couch and loveseat with wooVgoid trim $200/060. •King size waterbed frame with 6 drawers and mirraVlghted headboard (heating unit included) •RCAVCR(VHS)$30/firm. •2 large wooden bookshelves $3CVa piece. •1 small wooden bookshelf $15. •1 wooden end table with storage $20. •Cak 464-2013. Burton Has arrived. Cycle Works is stocking Burton boards, boots, bindings and clothing. Don’t wait for the snow to fly, come check out the new Bur ton products. Close to campus, 27th & Vine. 475-2453. LPD Auction Miscellaneous weight equipment. Includes hip sled, shoulder press rack, dumbbell racks, Olympic bars, T-bars. Abandoned/Salvage vehi cles, bicycles and personal miscellaneous items. Saturday, November 18th, 10am, 101 Charleston St. Cash only. Jim Peterson, Auc tioneer. Sears Kenmore washer/dryer, 2 years old, still under warranty. $300. Call 469-1613, leave Speakers 210* Rockford Fosgate XLC Speakers. Never used. Worth $200 each. Sell for $175 for both. CaN or leave message for Garet at 325-8470. Surplus City Scooters, camoflauge, airsoft pistols, much more. 3241 South 13th. 420-515 d ,£ans and 250 Pets I’m moving! Need a home for 2 ferrets ASAP. Both spayed/descented. Large cage included. 475-4111, leave message. 265 Stereos/TVs For Sale Aiwa Stereo Receiver 140 watts per channel, powered sub output, dcJb^pro logic mode, $60. Call Justin 270 Ticket Exchange I need 2-4 NU v CU tickets. Leave a message. 742-7224. KSU-NU 1-600-223-6024 Mon.-Sat. 9am-9pm, Sunday 11 am-6pm Need 1 ticket to Colorado game. Cali 994-2393. For NU season and bowl game tickets. Buy or sell your tickets on It's fans helping fans on the net 290 Vehicles For Sale 1996 Ford Taurus. Excellent car for any purpose, only 61,000 miles $6750.00 obo. Call or e-mail Stephen at 438-8553, shinnerl Obigred. '95 Tercel 2 door auto $3,750. ‘94 Sentra 4 door. Auto, power. $3,850. ‘91 Protege 4 door. 5 speed $2,150. Others available. Baer's Auto Sales. 1647 South 3rd. 477-6442. Sell your CAR or TRUCK with pictures FREE on the internet at 365 Legal Services Auto Accidents & DWI Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack, 476-7474. Automobile Accidents Call Dean Law Office, 17 years insurance claims experience, 435-2424. DWI/MI P/POSSESSION And other legal services. Free initial consulta tion. Savarda & Klaasmeyer, 477-4520. 370 Misc. Services BARTENDERS MAKE $100-$250 PER NIGHT! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! CALL NOW!! 1 -800-981 -8168 ext. 9073. For all your insurance needs: auto, home, health, life ana business, call Jim Wallace at American Family Insurance, 1340 L St. Lincoln, NE 68508 or call 402-474-5077. \ 378 Pregnancy Free Pregnancy Test Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please call for appointment or more information, , 483-2609. Check out our website 400s lOWHm 400 Roommates 1 female roommate needed spring semester. 3 bedroom, 3 bath. Washier/Dryer. Very close to campus/bus routes. $242/month plus 1/3 utilities. 475-4111, leave message. Female nonsmoker to share 3BR apartment, $175/month + 1/3 utilities. Call 476-1159 or 472-6364. Female roommate needed to share two bed room/two bath apartment. Sminutes from cam pus, $295 per month. Cali Carrie at 477-7178. Female roommate needed to share large 2 bed room/2 bath apartment. $310/month + 1/2 utilities, 1/2 deposit. Cable paid, W/D, parking free. Middle December. 474-4311. Huge, clean house, all utilities paid. Wash er/dryer, central air, cable and phone. $30Q/month. Males preferred. 477-0227. 430 Houses For Rent 1024 Y Street, 4 bedroom, W/D, walk to class, off-street parking, very nice, available 12-1, $800.440-6046,440-2248. 3+ one bedroom, 4125 S. 20th, 1 3/4 baths, gar age, appliances include washer/dryer, no pets, month to month lease. $850,432-8180. 440 Duplexes For Rent $760,1135 North 32nd, 4 bedroom, 2 bath. New paint, carpet. Washer/Dryer, dishwasher, central air. Between campuses. 580-1121. Deluxe 4 Bedroom/2 Bath 2701 N. 37th. Near new. Between Campuses. Low Utilities. Washer and drier included. No Pets. Available January 1. $995.474-5327. Take your pick, Brand New close to UNL 4 bed room, 2 bath, 1 staH garage, W/D. 2225 R Street. $940 or large 4 bedroom, 2 bath $825 close to 33rd and R Street. N/S, N/P call Julian 432-7030 or Rembolt Homes 488-9222. Walk to campus. Large remodeled 2 bedroom. Central Air. Washer/drier. Off-strftet parking. 2410 Vine. $525. 432-6476. Walk to downtown campus from this brand new 4 Bedroom 2 Bath Duplex. 1 stall garage, W/D, $940. N/S. N/P. Call Julian 432-7050 or Rembolt Homes 488-9222, 450 Apartments For Rent ***Close to City Campus*** 2 bedroom, electric-entry building, *439.00 & up. 475-7262. ♦♦♦Efficiency Apartments*** Close to City Campus Water, Heat, and Gas Paid Available now. Call 477-4490. *BETWEEN CAMPUSES; HEAT PAID!!* Super clean 1 br, newer decor, appliances, dish washer, lots of storage, breakfast bar, parking, private patio, laundry, c/a, 3 or 6 month lease, $365; 1121 N 28th St., 489-4857. fax: 472-1761 4pm weekday prior is deadline 450 Apartments For Rent *COZY TWO BEDROOM* Close to campus, water, trash paid, appliances, dishwasher, ceramic entry, kitchen & bath, park ing, laundry, balcony available. $465-475; 2504 Vine St, 469-4857. 2 bedroom 2 bath units available now! 1 bed room units also available. Just minutes from UNL campus. All appliances. Spacious. On site laundry. Controlled access. Call for move-in special. 438-0946 Tri-Win Properties. 2 bedroom furnished, clean, close to UNL. Cen tral/air, laundry. $400, one year lease. 931 G. 435-0608 aftemoon/evening. Two 2-bedroom condos for rent in historic Hay ward Place. Within walking distance from down town UNL campus. All appliances, secure build ing, 12’ ceilings, parking and on site laundry. Available now. Call 421 -2316. Leave message. 1950 South 15th Street. Immaculate 1 bedroom. Central air. $385 plus $50 for garage. Security deposit. 483-4887. 3501 Baldwin. 2 bedroom. Large, nicely deco rated, balcony, parking, laundry, no smoking. Available December 20. $480,464-4696. Apartment - 2 bedroom near campus. Very nice and updated. Introductory 1 bedroom rate for 2bedroom apartment. Great for students! Call 540-4301. Owner is licensed Realtor. AVAILABLE NOW! 1,2 and 3 Bedrooms 402-465-8911 Newer 3 bedroom, 3 bath at 740 G Street. Secu rity, W/D $735 available January. Call Julian, 432-7030 Rembolt Homes, 488-9222. Now leasing for 2nd semester move-ins. Short term leases available. Meadow Wood. Heated pool. Jacuzzi fitness center. 1 & 2 bedrooms. Lots of closets. Convenient location. Beautiful landscape. Country quiet. On site manage ment/maintenance. 7th & Superior. 476-3393. One furnished room for rent w/ access to whole house. $300/month including utilities and laun dry. On East campus, one block from bus stop. Call 466-5246 for more information. r*oFE>rti$ One, two, three bedroom apartments available. 438-0946. Studio and 1 BR Vintage-studio and 1 BR close to both campus es, $300-$350. 432-2288. Sunny 1 BR, 1830 E St. Quiet, secure building, laundry, hardwood floors, walk-in closet, must seel Sublet to 8/01. $395.476-9359. Two bedroom, dose to UNL, fireplace. Available November 15. For details contact 438-0777 or 466-8181. ♦ One Bedroom 2000 J St. Parking $310. ♦ One Bedroom 1507 S 19th. Roomy $335. ♦ 3 BR 5232 Cooper, w/d hookup, fire-place, MB $730. No Smokers/Pets 440-3000. 500 Help Wanted transfiguration $8.50 AN HOUR TO START Now hiring full and part-time Residential Instruc tors. We are looking for caring, dependable, hard working individuals to teach rife skills to children and adults with developmental disabilities. Ex perience preferred but not necessaiv GET PAID TO SLEEP! Overnight shifts also available from 10pm-8am. Applicants must be 19 years of age or older, have a good driving record and a reliable form of transportation. Apply in person at Transfigura tion 1316 N Street Suite 102. $13.10 Base-Appt. www.workforstudents.c«TVcp No telemarketing, filling 37 PT positions in customer service/sales, flexible schedules, conditions apply. FILLING FAST. 477-8663. Aircraft Service International Group Seeking individuals for Ramp Agent positions. One of those people with orange flashlights who park airlines. Flexibility a must. Will work around school schedules. Great pay. Weekdays, Eve nings, Nights and Weekend shifts. Appy at the TWA counter, Lincoln Municipal Airport or call (402)474-2704. Clinical Research Opportunities! MDS Pharma Services has exciting opportuni ties to be involved in clinical research for many of the top pharmaceutical and biotech compa nies in the world! MDS Pharma Services has several positions available in our clinic: Clinical Services Technician-Full time Monitor study events, involved in training staff and pro vide leadership to the clinic team. We prefer a B.S. in life sciences or equivalent experience. Full-time day, evening and overnight shifts available, weekend availability required. Phlebotomist-Part Time Perform timed blood draws and process samples from Study Partici pants. Phlebotomy experience is required. Part-time, hours, vary, weekend availability re quired. Clinical Conduct Associate-Part Time Assist with the participant check-in process, han dle/process samples, monitor study participants and record raw data. Some post High School education’in the life sciences or medical envi ronment preferred. Hours vary, weekend availability required. Pharma Services Human Resources-CM 621 Rose Street PO Box 80837 Lincoln, NE 68501 FAX: 402-476-7598 E-mail: cathleen.morton© AA/EOE 500 Help Wanted Are you a JR/SR accounting major looking for experience in a local accounting office? Do you want to experience tax preparation, bookkeeping and general office work in the business world. Call 441-9200. ATTENTION AD AND DIETETIC STUDENTS! The Nebraska Soybean Board and Ayres Adver tising are in search of enthusiastic, outgoing, friendly individuals looking for experience in marketing/promotions to demo and promote the health benefits of soyfood products. Must have reliable transportation and be willing to work 6-18 hours per week, primarily weekends, Janu ary—mid-May. Interviews will begin the last week in November. Submit resumes or letters of application to: Patti Karabel Ayres Advertising/Marketing P.O.Box 9596 Lincoln, NE 68506 E-mail: Available during the holidays? Energetic sales associate wanted. Flexible hours, fun sales envi ronment. Average $6.50 an hour or more, plus employee discounts. Promotion to assistant manager is possible. Tfradehome Shoe* Gateway MaH Children’s Discovery Center Now hiring part time afternoon pre-schoo! and school age teachers. Apply in person at 2205 Hwy 2. For more information, call 423-8557. Come Grow With Us!! Diverse office tasks for person with bubbly per sonality. Every day is unique! Responsibilities include data entry, filing, client/customer care, and receptionist duties. Computer literate, we'll train in our industry-software. We can accom modate your flexible hours for this permanent, part or full time position. Contact Dee at 486-3000. COME SHARE OUR FUTURE! National Research Corporation is looking for 50 Telephone Interviewers to conduct market re search interviews by phone in our New Call Center located in downtown Lincoln. This is not a sales position. NRC is a full-service, nationally recognized market research and performance management firm dedicated to healthcare, we are looking for outgoing peole with strong com munication skills who pay attention to detail and have experience with computers. National Re search Corporation offers competitive wages with bonus potential, vacation, a casual working environment and opportunities for advancement. If this exciting new team interests you and you are able to work a minimum of 12 hours a week, please stop by to complete an application or mail, e-mail or rax your resume to: NATIONAL RESEARCH CORPORATION H. Schrock 1245*0’’Street 6tti Floor LINCOLN, NE 68508 FAX: 402-475-9061