The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 03, 2000, Page 3, Image 3

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    Nader, Gore votes traded I
■ Voters swap, giving Gore
votes in swing states and Nader
votes in slates Gore can't win. ,
A high-tech and controversial
vote-trading scheme has shaken
this year’s presidential election.
Internet providers last week
unveiled Web sites that help sup
porters of A1 Gore, the Democratic
presidential candidate, and sup
porters of Ralph Nader, the Green
Party presidential candidate,
exchange votes.
The idea behind these sites
was to help the Green Party get 5
percent of the popular vote, which
would make it eligible for federal
funds in the next election, while
nudging Gore into the White
Trading between voters in
swing states such as Oregon and
California, where Nader is luring
support from Gore, and voters in
states such as Nebraska, where
Bush is almost assured victory,
could keep die Green Party’s vote
totals high without handing Bush,
who is viewed by Nader support
ers as the worse of two evils, the
White House.
But voting officials in
California have shut down several
trading sites saying they violate
state voting laws.
As of Thursday afternoon,
though, at least one site,, was still
Jim Cody, a free-lance Web
designer in Los Angeles who
designed one of the closed sites,
said he had no idea he was violat
ing state law when he created the
“As soon as we were informed
... that we were in violation, we
shut the thing down,” he said.
Before the site closed, Cody
said, it helped make 5,000 voter
Nebraska Secretary of State
Scott Moore said his office has not
planned to take action against
these sites.
Moore said he didn’t think the
sites violated any laws because
they don’t offer money for votes,
which would be illegal.
Election officials in Oregon,
Kansas and Missouri are reviewing
die legality of the sites.
Regardless of legal terms,
Moore said, the sites are still not
good for die elections.
“These sites are immoral and
wrong,” Moore said
People should voteforthecan
didate they believe is best he said
Discontent with the sites has
seeped into the Green Party, too.
Howie Hawkins, a member of
the Green Party’s national coordi
nating committee, said the Green
Party is “totally opposed” to the
He said people should choose
the candidate they believe will do
the best job for the country.
“Vote your conscience,”
Hawkins said.
But Hawkins said some good
things have come out of the Web
site controversy.
Since the Web sites became
publicized, Hawkins said, the
media have paid more attention to
Denied from the presidential
debates, Nader has been forced to
die sidelines throughout much of
the campaign season.
Now Gore, who ignored Nader
earlier, is urging Nader to support
him so Bush will not win the White
House, Hawkins said.
But the vote-trading schemes
don't matter to Karen Brown, a stu
dent Green Party volunteer.
She said she is pleased Nader is
receiving attention and is not con
cerned with much beyond his
“I don't even care ifBush wins,”
she said.
The Associated Press con
tributed to this report.
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Nelson defends television ads
NELSON from page!
He said budget surpluses
first should be used to preserve
Social Security and pay down
the national debt.
Kerrey urged Nebraskans to
vote for Nelson because he
would be an independent voice
in the Senate.
"He’s the only candidate
who’s not promised to be some
body's lapdog if elected to the
Senate," Kerrey said.
“We shouldn’t send a person
to the Senate who only has a
point of view but no capacity to
put that point of view in place,
like our attorney general,” he
said. "He goes too far. Some of
his positions aren’t even
endorsed by Gov. Johanns and
(GOFstate chairman) Chuck
Sigerson, for crying out loud.”
Kerrey, who lost part of his
right leg during the Vietnam
War, said he learned from his
ordeal that government policies
can help people in ways the
“He’s the only candidate who’s not promised to
be somebody’s lapdog if elected to the Senate.”
Bob Kerrey
___Democratic senator
market couldn’t.
The recent deaths in a pre
sumed terrorist attack of 17
sailors on board the U.S.S. Cole
illustrates the point, he said. He
noted that none of the 17 dead
had attended college, and many
of them may have enlisted in the
Navy because they couldn’t
afford college.
“We shouldn’t try to make a
political point out of it,” he said.
“But when we look at their lives,
we see that we have an obliga
tion to make sure college doesn’t
break the backs of American
families but gives families a
chance to lift themselves up.
"Ben Nelson will go out and
say, ‘I’m a Democrat, but I real
ize the limits to what the mar
ketplace can do.’”
Nelson urged supporters not
to sit on his lead.
“We’re ahead today, and if
we work hard and do whatever
we can to get out the vote, we’ll
be ahead on Nov. 7, and we’ll still
be ahead on Nov. 8.”
In other Senate news this
week, an ad began running in
which GOP presidential nomi
nee George W. Bush endorses
Stenberg, urging Nebraskans to
send him to the Senate to sup
port a Bush agenda.
“I know we can count on
Don Stenberg to rebuild our
national defense, cut taxes and
reduce government regulation
and help America’s farmers,”
Bush says in the ad.
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