Service Council drive urges students to rock the vote BY JILL CONNOR Registering to vote may have never been easier for University of Nebraska Lincoln students. With the help of three different organizations, students can register to vote without even leaving campus. Every year, the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska sponsors a voter registration drive with the aid of the Lancaster County Election Office. This year, with the help of the ASUN Government Liaison Committee, the Service Council - a group of student representatives from student organiza tions and greek chapters - is co-spon soring the drive as part of its UNL Vote 2000 campaign. The registration booths will be in the Nebraska Union on Friday. “Our goal is to hand out 7,000 regis tration cards around campus,” said Laura Hampton, president of the Service Council. UNL Vote 2000 is being held in col laboration with a national campaign put on by Youth Services called Service Vote 2000. Youth Services, a national youth organization, has the goal of get ting more than 10,000 new voters. The Lancaster County election office also will be sponsoring registra tion booths in Neihardt Residence Center today and Friday. Other events on campus in connec tion with the Service Council's UNL Vote 2000 will make it easy for students to vote. Students can attend an Election Day Party at the Nebraska Union. It features free food, speakers and bands celebrat ing Election Day on Nov. 7. Students also can participate in Walk to Vote 2000 on Election Day, where groups will be meeting on cam pus to walk to the Bob Devaney Sports Center to vote at the top of every hour. “It’s starting that lifelong commit ment to be registered and casting your vote,” said David Shively, Lancaster County Election Commissioner. "We want to make registering to “It’s starting that lifelong commitment to be registered and casting your vote. ’’ David Shively _Lancaster County election commissioner vote as easy as we can for students.” Shively said candidates on all levels of government will have an effect on lives of students. Hampton said the issues this year will affect all students - whether they are going into the military or into edu cation. "I think students don’t realize that,” Hampton said. Lindsay Acklie, a sophomore accounting major, said the registration booths on campus would prompt her to register and vote. “I think it’s always easier to do things when there is support,” she said. the daily nebraskan I a news outlet that allows full touching in Lincoln HOMER'S ON SALE Long hailed around the rest of the world for his pioneering dub nights, ground-breaking remixes and his euphoric DJ sets, ‘'Oakenfold has finally added America to his list of conquests. Perfecto Presents Another World includes classical scores, film soundtracks, dialogue and ambient tracks alongside dancefloor classics and a number of tomorrow's guaranteed dub hits. This is a musical encounter of the most intriguing kind. KftESRH The Rising Tide S12.88CD The new album is Sunny Day Real Estate's most accomplished, musically rich and colorfully dynamic album to date. Lyrically, the album explores dark themes with life affirming power. Sonically, it is beautiful and sprawling. As Sunny Day Real Estate continue to weave a history, one thread remains consistent - their music has influenced countless others and has branded them a definitively pioneering rock band. MME muuMS Sing When You're Winning The lost two yeors have seen Robbie Williams consolidate his position as the UK's most successful solo artist. His success with his first US TV appearances, sold out club shows and spectacular press was only the beginning * 2000 brings more Rob in the form of the adlib dancer in a somewhat controversial video for 'Rock DJ', the first single from Sing When You're Winning. Radiohead has once again stepped out of the box by removing the constraints normally placed on bands by the media. Kid A is an album that should be listened to as a body of work. The songs are mesmerizing • heard as pieces of music, not just songs. Enjoy as they take you on a picturesque journey of the mind as they continue to prove that they are one of today's leading creative musical forces. Wholetlhe Dogs Out $12.88 CD Boha Men ore o 9-member group from the Bahamas, specializing in a hybrid of their native junkanoo rhythm and R&B influenced pop. It's THE party album of the year with "Who Let The Dogs Out* quickly becoming this year's summer anthem. • AT KNICKERBOCKERS IN LINCOLN 11/2 • Height of Callousness $9.88 CD The Height of Callousness maintains the overall heaviness of their debut album, it showcases the band taking a gigantic leap forward intterms of songwriting and instrumental expertise. It is full of depth and emotion, combining aggression and melodicism to create an album which has already garnered Spineshank a significant buzz among some of their musical peers. FACTORY 81 Mankind $9.88 GO Word of mouth via websites like Pimp Rock Palace and their local fans hove caused a demand for their now out of print independent release. The Detroit based heavy rockers, Factory 81 is comprised of four members, whose debut release will be a re-vamped version of their self-produced independent release Mankind. ltlMEtll.11* ' • . , '■ . .. J. Coarse lyrics blasting over a rock solid musical epicenter, guitars that run from hard core machine gun spray to metallic squall and beyond, all grinding into the groove of the drums and bass. Think Cypress Hill and House Of Pain meet Helmet on a full metal stomp. Primer 55 address all that and more with a sound that unites the intensity of minor threat, the street level passion of true hip hop and unmistakable metal thunder. % mUflBWBB Breach $14.88 CD The modem rock outfit return with their third studio album, "Breach", the followup to 1996's quadruple-platinum "Bringing Down The Horse", which spawned four top-20 hits on Billboard's Modem Rock chart. Produced by Andy Slater and Michael Penn and featuring guest appearances from such artists as Elvis Costello and multtinsfrumentalist Jon Brion, Breach contains more great songwriting, deft instrumentation and the Wallflowers now signature sound. • WITI NICIASE, FREE l SINS LIVE Cl Win INIELEASEI SING, WIILE SIPPLIES LAST • • AT ROYAL SHOVE IN LINCOLN 11/21 • THE JANUARIES The Januaries $12.88 CD All descriptions of the Januaries end up focusing on a key trait: a simmering sensuality that lies at the core of each song. Their music possesses all of the qualities found on any great record: killer melodies, irresistible hooks, passionate performances, memorable lyrics, soaring rhythms and a tendency to want to listen to the album all the way through. Not since Barry White has anyone made such a concerted effort to create music that works as well in a horizontal position as it does in a vertical one. SIRE HUVEY HMRB King James Version Despite their uncanny ability to write catchy songs and thought provoking lyrics, Harvey Danger take nothing for granted. After waiting 2 1/2 years to release the follow-up to their debut album and with label politics and shuffling now behind them, Harvey Danger can now get back to the business. Theirs is a success story that includes a #1 modern rock single in "Flagpole Sitta," an appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman, an MTV Buzz Clip, and feature articles in Spin and Rolling Stone. STCW Guest Host $11.88 CD "After two wonderful albums with his cheekily named band the Negro Problem, the brother from another planet (LA., actually) delivers a solo debut brimming with wry, joyously tuneful pop gems. Shall we call this talented oddball the black Burt Bacharach? The inner-city Brian Wilson? The bastard offspring of Arthur Lee and Phoebe Snow? Let's- and hope someone's listening. 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