The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 12, 2000, Page 6, Image 6

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    Clinton's long-term reputation not scarred, scholar nanel savs
WASHINGTON - President
Clinton can take heart:
Impeachment may have sullied
his legacy, but it will do little
damage to his reputation.
That was the conclusion
Monday of a panel of scholars,
who said even the greatest presi
dents were maligned in office
and became far more attractive
once they were examined
through history’s long lens.
“We’re a pretty cruel country,”
said historian Allen Weinstein,
founder of the nonprofit Center
for Democracy. “We judge harsh
ly, but we’re pretty good about
forgiving. In that sense, Clinton
does have some comfort.”
Panelists, convened as part of
a forum on the American presi
dency, noted that save for the
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impeachment, Clinton’s experi
ences in the White House are in
line with that of most modern
His reputation, like those of
his predecessors, will remain in
flux for a long time, they said.
“It’s the most difficult job in
the world,” said Boston
University history professor
Robert Dallek, author of a biogra
phy of Lyndon B. Johnson.
“None of these men are
saints. They’re not eager to ‘fess
up to it. Who is?”
Of course, presidential repu
tations often are shaped by
something over which they have
no control: the actions of their
successors. As an example,
Dallek cited what might happen
if George W. Bush should be
elected this fall and the country
fell into a recession.
“My gosh, Bill Clinton’s repu
tation is going to go to the moon!”
Dallek said.
About the best parallel for
Clinton is Richard Nixon, the
panelists said. While Nixon’s lega
cy is that he is the only president
to resign, his actual reputation is
undergoing "a process of
redemption,” said Tom Wicker, a
New York Times columnist dur
ing Nixon’s presidency.
"As the years go on, (Nixon’s
actions) tend to take on greater
weight,” Wicker said. "Richard
Nixon, prior to Watergate, was
not really the inconsequential
president. He was not totally an
unpopular man.”
Like Nixon, Clinton is unlike
ly to face prosecution after he
leaves office, but that alone will
not suffice, Wicker said. "He will
do enough to damage his own
reputation without that,” Wicker
Dallek noted a 1988 poll in
which Johnson, who drew much
vilification for his handling of the
Vietnam War, was consistently
ranked last among presidents for
on-the-job performance. By
February of this year, however, a
C-SPAN poll showed Johnson at
10th overall, and second only to
Abraham Lincoln on matters of
“We judge harshly, but we’re pretty good about
forgiving. In that sense, Clinton does have some
civil rights, courtesy of his Great
Society programs.
Despite that strong legacy,
Johnson’s reputation swings back
and forth, due to a tendency to
examine his presidency for guid
ance on foreign policy errors and
domestic achievements.
“His reputation in the future
will be volatile,” Dallek said. “He
will become kind of a touch
Then there’s Harry Truman,
who earned incredible scorn for
his blunt style. “He left the White
House demoralized, depressed
and discredited,” Weinstein said.
As an ex-president, Truman’s
blunt assessments became
Allen Weinsten
Center for Democracy founder
rather appealing. His statement
that Nixon was a “shifty-eyed
liar” - and the fact that Truman
died during the Watergate scan
dal - touched off “a minor
Truman craze” that is now help
ing Truman evolve into some
thing of a presidential standard
bearer, Weinstein said.
Douglas Brinkley, professor
of history at the University of
New Orleans, said former presi
dents now feel a need to burnish
their records after they leave the
White House because of the way
Jimmy Carter re-shaped the role
of the ex-president. That, in turn,
creates added pressure for
Dr. Laura's daytime talk show runs without a hitch
NEW YORK - No one stormed
the studio. The host didn't breathe
Defying months of protests by
gay-rights groups, Dr. Laura
Schlessinger, radio’s ethics voice,
launched her daytime TV talk
show Monday. Peace prevailed on
the air.
Schlessinger has been a target
of gay activists since her public
dismissal of homosexuality as
“deviant” and dangerous to socie
ty. She has also railed on the radio
against abortion, divorce, femi
nism and interfaith marriage.
But for her first TV show, the
syndicated “Dr. Laura” chose a
troubling but not so controversial
topic: “Teens and Drugs.”
“What is to blame?’1
Schlessinger posed at the top of
the show. “Whatever it is, I’m sick
of it, I’m very worried and I want it
With that in mind, she led into
a no-nonsense, consensus-seek
ing hour.
Although the format and
arena setting of the Los Angeles
based series resemble those of a
dozen talk-show counterparts,
one difference stood out:
Schlessinger’s guests were polite
and well-dressed. Those who had
made mistakes were apparently
on the mend.
In other words, Schlessinger
puts a premium on solutions and
contrition. Her first guest, a moth
er named Kristin, described the
drastic stand she took by sending
her teen away for a year of drug
therapy. How did daughter Lauren
feel on getting roused in the mid
dle of the night by two attendants
with handcuffs? Mad? Scared?
“I was happy," Lauren said.
The show sparked a protest
outside Paramount Studios from
activists who waved signs and
chanted slogans like “Two-four
six-eight, Schlessinger is full of
(402) 472-2588
FAX: (402) 472-1761
$5.25/15 words
$3.50/15 words (students)
$0.15 each additional word
$0.75 billing charge
$0.75/line headline
Deadline: 4 p.m. weekday prior
200s For sale
205 Bicycles For Sale
All 2000 Models On SALE
Cycle Works, 27th & Vine, 475-2453
Girl's 24-inch bicycle. Needs minor repairs. Call
476-8670, mailbox #1.
220 Furniture For SCile
Full and Queen size mattress sets. New and in
Never used. 10 years warranty. Retail for
. I9 and $639. Sell for $165 for the Full, Queen
$195. 477-1225.
MUSTGO: Sofa/loveseat/ Recliner/Entertainment
Center, $120 OBO, Call Tony 310-8159 or
240 Misc. For Sale
Full size Final Fight arcade game. Perfect for the
house game room or the ultimate dorm room ac
cessory. $250 OBO. Call 477-0397 to view.
270 Ticket Exchange
Former UNL students need 2 tickets for Nebras
ka/Iowa State. Call (217)429-1586 or
I need four validated tickets to the Iowa game
and you need rent/food/beer money. Let's
talk. (970) 229-9826. (Hi, Nancy)
Iowa State October 7
Hooters Bus Trip
$90 Tix, Beer, Bus, Food
Need three tickets for Iowa game on September
23. Call 483-6732 and leave a message.
Need two tickets for Nebraska-lowa game. Will
sit anywhere. Will pay $50 each. Call Katie,
Needed: 2 football tickets for game on Septem
ber 23 and September 30. Call 489-9430 ask for
290 Vehicles For Sale
1990 Chevy 1/2 Ton Sport Pickup with topper.
110,000 miles. Excellent condition. 475-2910
290 Vehicles For Sale
1990 Jeep Cherokee Laredo. 4wd, auto, V6,
4.0L, Red, Power Windows. Good Condition
$4700. 477-4853.
1997 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R, Red, only 4400 mi
les. $6200. Call Aaron at 470-3132 after 4pm.
Sell your CAR or TRUCK with pictures FREE on
the internet at
300s Sendees
300 Adoption
A Baby, A Dream
California Christian woman with much love and
security to offer, wishes to adopt a white or bira
cial baby to age 1.1 can help with all medical, le
gal, travel and living expenses. Completely le
gal. I can offer your baby a wonderful future and
the opportunity to follow their dreams. Please
call Diane collect (310)396-2055 evenings. David
Radis, Attorney.
House full of love and laughter. California cou
ple, lawyer adn t.v writer, long to adopt a baby.
We promise your baby all our love and a won
derful future. Expenses paid. Please call Rosa
lind collect. 323-656-7044. Thank you.
I would love to raise and nurture your newborn
in a loving and secure home. I am a registered
nurse and have a supportive extended family
and friends. Legal and medical expenses paid.
Please call Lila 1-888-416-7888.
350 Health and Fitness
Natural Herbal
Breast Enlargement
Safe, effective, and affordable. Please visit, 1 -888-603-9800. Distribu
torships also available.
Wanted: 29 people to get $paid$ to lose weight
in the next 30 days, natural and guarnteed,
365 Legal Services
Auto Accidents & DWI
Other criminal matters, call Sanford Pollack,
370 Misc. Services
For all your insurance needs: auto, home, health,
life and business, call Jim Wallace at American
Family Insurance, 1340 L St., Lincoln, NE 68508
or call 402-474-5077.
Opportunity on the financial frontier has never been more exciting. Especially
at Wells Fargo. We offer all kinds of ways to blaze forward in your career.
When it comes to benefit packages, Wells Fargo ranks as one of the best
companies to work for It’s more than just great perks, it’s a company that
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individual needs.
3 pm - 6 pm M-F and 8 am - 12 pm Saturdays
12 pm - 6 pm M-F and 8 am - 12 pm Saturdays
1 pm - 6 pm M-F and 8 am - 12 pm Saturdays
7 am -1 pm M-F and 8 am - 12 pm Saturdays
8 am - 1 pm M-F and 8 am - 12 pm Saturdays
9 am - 1 pm M-F and 8 am - 12 pm Saturdays
9 am - 6 pm M-F and 8 am - 12 pm Saturdays
Applicants must be able to work hours and days stated.
PT Credit Card Collectors 5 pm - 9 pm Sundays and 4:30 pm to 9 pm
M- TH. PC, organizational and team player skills required.
7 am - 1 pm M-F, PC (Word and Excel) organizational and strong
communications skills required.
Customer Service Representatives 3 pm - 7 pm M-F PC skills (Word and
Excel, Previous Customer Service experience, strong communications skills
and typing 35 wpm required.
Accounting Clerk Entry level position requires minimum of one year college
level accounting classes. Flexible 12 to 15 hours per week M-F. Additional
hours required at the beginning of each month.
Call Humap Reesources at 434-4148 to schedule
a time to complete an application. EEOm/f/d/v/
370 Misc. Services
Need Affordable Health
Call 24 hours. 477-8383.
378 Pregnancy
Pregnancy Test
Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Please
call for appointment or more information,
483-2609. Check out our website
400s Housing
400 Roommates
Female roommate needed to share 5 bedroom
house. Walking distance from campus (1324
Clermont). $210/month + utilities. Call Armi
Huge House, third floor loft, cable, phone, W/D.
All utilities paid. $340 a month. 477-0227,
Looking for a responsible female roommate to
share an apartment at 2335 W Street. $200+1/2
utilities. Call 489-5157.
Male to share 3 bedroom, newer home in SE
Lincoln, includes room, utilities and many
extras. 10 minutes from campus, on bus and
bike trail. Available NOW! Call 421 -0977 for de
tails. Leave message.
Male/Female roomate needed ASAP to share 3
bedroom, 3 bathrooms, W/D. $240. Call Denise
or Beth 742-7422
Mature female nonsmoker to share 2 bedroom
duplex. Southwood, $300 includes utilities, ca
ble and W/D. 328-8336.
Roommate needed close to East Campus.
$22Q/month + 1/2 utilities. Call Scott, 416-0973.
Roommate Needed
M/F roommate to share 3 bedroom house locat
ed near Wesleyan University. $250 a month and
utilities split 3 ways. Call and leave messaqe
467-1243. Li
Roommate Wanted
M/F roommate(s) to share clean, spacious 4
bedroom home, remodeled kitchen, 2 blocks
from east campus. $250 month + 1/4 utilites.
Call Reg at 325-0277.
Roommate wanted to share Large Apartment 5
minutes from campus, central air, off street park
ing, other perks. $217.50 477-6665.
420 Rooms For Rent
Room for rent in 3BR house, five minutes from
campus, $350/month. 476-5580. Leave mes
430 Houses For Rent *■
Large 4+2 bedroom, 3 bath. Central air, dish
washer, porch. 835 S. 12th. $995. 435-2552.
Three and four bedrooms near stadium. Central
air. Washer/dryer included. Lawn mowed.
$600/$700 489-9294.
440 Duplexes For Rent
$820. 1135 North 32nd, 4 bedroom, 2 bath.
Dishwasher, W/D, new carpet & paint. Pictures
at No pets
NEW! 3439 A, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, W/D, C/A,
D/W, DBL Garage. Call HIP at (402)465-8911.
Walk to campus. Large, remodeled 1 bedroom.
Washer, dryer, central air, off street parking.
$425. 2410 Vine. 432-6476.
450 Apartments For Rent
Close to City Campus
Water, Heat, and Gas Paid
Available now. Call 477-4490.
2 bedroom furnished. Clean, close to UNL. Cen
tral/air, laundry. $400. 931 G. 435-0608 after
4 bedroom, 1&1/2 bath. 6 blocks east of main
campus on bus route. $650/month plus utilities,
deposit $500. No pets. 525-6771.
** Surf’s up...
Welcome Back**
640 South 20-2BR $439 up, Pool
2301 A Street-1 BR $439 up
1810 H Street/Secure Bldg.
1BR/5-plex. $410 plus electricity. Includes
utilities/cable. Balcony, laundry, parking.
488-6707, **50-8895.
# # Close to Campus# #
•2312 South 14th, fireplace, W/D hookup $369
•2301 A Street -1 Bedrooms #349 up
•640 South 20-2 BR's $429 up 475-6262
2400 R Street. 3 bedroom 1 bath, close to cam
pus, central air. $490. 421 -7141.
Studio apartment off street parking, Rent
$325 central air conditioning. Rent $365
One bedroom across the street from Wes
leyan. E.O.H. 475-8776.
1,2 and 3 Bedrooms
1630 & 1640 North 56th Street, 2 bedrooms
$460-$475 electric only - off street parking
N/P. E.O.H. 475-8776.
AVAILABLE NOW—studio close to campus, 405
N. 25th, large deck, central air, laundry, parking
Flexible Hours
Excellent Bonuses
Apply Today by caliog
Close to Campus Casual dress Career Opportunities
1 Teleservices
12th & Q Sts-Above Kinkos
450 Apartments For Rent
Claremont Park Apts. 2 or 3 BR available immediately.
Call today 474-7275.
Spacious layout, appliances, dishwasher,
blinds, 3 closets, paved parking, laundry, cen
tral air, gas heat/water/trash paid, central loca
tion between campuses, outdoor pool, 3 or 6
month lease, $355. 1109 N. 28th Street.
House, large main floor, 244 South 26th, 2 bed
room, sun porch, utilities paid 483-2357.
One, two, three bedroom apartments available.
Studio and 1 BR
Vintage-studio and 1 BR close to both campus
es, $300-5350. 432-2288.
Two bedroom. Nice. Washer/dryer. 2335 W.
$395. 429-0128. 466-5626.
<®> Century
We provide:
♦ Locations throughout Lincoln
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Call us today!
SOOs lobs
500 Help Wanted
$9-$12 Per Hour for
Delivery Drivers
Domino’s Pizza is now hiring for day and eve
ning shifts for delivery drivers and limited eve
ning inside help. No experience necessary. All
you need to start is a good driving record, relia
ble personal vehicle, liability insurance, and a
good attitude. Apply at any of the Domino's lo
$10.00 PER HOUR
NU On Wheels cap drivers needed. Must be 21
years old. 10:30pm-3:30am Thursday-Saturday.
Call Donna at 477-4111.
Super Saver
27th & Pine Lake Road
□ Deli Clerks-PT(evenings)
□ Dairy/Frozen Foods Clerks-FT
Q Grocery Clerks-PT(weekends)
A variety of opportunities, with PAID TRAIN
ING! Minimum Age:18 (Grocery Clerks:15).
Weekend availably required. We are an EOE of
fering 401K, profit sharing, health, dental insur
ance, tuition reimbursement, direct deposit, and
much more. Stop in and apply today, or contact
Kelli at 420-2000 for details.
Agee’s Towne Parking
Lncoin'sonly valet parknggarage isseekrigflexible
part-time help. Apply in person 1313 M Street
downtown Lincoln.
47 part-time positions available in local
customer service/sales department.
$13.10 Base-Appt.
No telemarketing. No experience necessar
y. Scholarship-conditions apply. 477-8663.
Need 31 people who seriously want to lose
weight. Great business opportunity. Flexible
hours. Call (402)730-3745 or 1-888-390-5645.
Billy’s Restaurant
PT dinner servers needed. High service stand
ards and attention to detail a must. Some expe
rience a plus, will train people with right person
ality. Applications due 9-13 pm. Must be willing
to work football Saturdays. Apply at Billy’s Res
taurant, 1301 H Street.
Is now accepting applications for
part-time/full-time day and evening line cooks.
Please apply in person at: 2662 Cornhusker
Highway, 1602 South Street or 2840 S. 70th.
Broadmoor Development is seeking an outgo
ing, detailed, professional individual to fill the
position of a part time leasing consultant (20-25
hours a week). We are willing to work with your
college schedule. Please apply at Highpointe
Apartments, 4607 Old Cheney Road.
Now hiring all positions. Apply in person be
tween 2pm and 4pm. 6440 “O" Street.
Is now accepting applications for part-time
teacher aids. Apply in person at 265 South 84th
or call 489-9102.
500 Help Wanted
Christian child care needs early morning and/or
afternoon help. Great work environment with
good pay. Experience with children and back
ground in education preferred. Applications at
Kids First 6024 L Street (Northeast door).
Clinical Research
MDS Harris has exciting opportunities to be in
volved in clinical research for many of the top
pharmaceutical and biotech companies in the
world! MDS Harris has several positions
available in our clinic:
Clinical Service Technician-Full-Time Monitors
study events, involved in training staff and pro
viding leadership to the clinic team. Experience
with phlebotomy, dosing and processing of bio
logical samples preffered but will train if neces
sary. We prefer a B.S. in life sciences or
equivalent experience.
Phlebotomist-Part-Time Perform timed blood
draws and process samples from Study Partici
pants. Phlebotomy experience is required.
Hours vary, weekend availability required.
Clinical Conduct Associate-Part-Time Assist
with the participant check-in process, han
dle/process samples, monitor study participants
and record raw data. Some post High School
education in the life sciences or medical envi
ronment preferred. Hours vary, weekend
availability required.
Production Nurse-Part-Time Perform events
according to study protocol and as assigned by
the study manager. Includes performing vital
signs, ECG’s and blood draws, as well as
identification and reporting of adverse events.
We require a current NE license and clinical ex
perience with assessment skills. Part-time
(minimum 32 hours), weekend availability.
MDS Harris
Human Resources-CM
621 Rose Street
P.O. Box 80837
Lincoln.NE 68501
FAX: (402)476-7598
Downtown YMCA hiring swim instructors for
evenings and Saturday mornings. Apply at 1039
P Street. 434-9232. j
Want to work with kids? Gain valuable experi
ence? Lincoln Parks & Recreation has openings
for Before and After School Recreation Leaders.
This is an opportunity to work inside Lincoln
Public Schools. Plan games and activities in a
recreation environment. Work only days that
LPS is in session. For more information call
441-7952 or apply at 2010 Van Dorn Street, Ir
ving Recreation Center.
Energetic Person
Outside Job
Security officers are needed. Part-time shifts
available. Sunday 6:30am-2:30pm. Saturday
2:30pm-10:30pm. Must be 21. Call 438-0586 or
Excellent pay. Student sponsor group needed.
Pall Wendy at 438-8076.
Experienced harvest help needed, close to Lin
coln. 769-5135 or 432-6105.
FBG Service Corporation
Immediate openings for full-time and part-time
custodial positions. Flexible hours and competi
tive wages. Apply at 3815 Touzalin Avenue,
Suite 106.
Immediate part time day, evening .overnight and
weekend front desk clerks needed. Apply in per
son Ramada Limited 4433 N. 27th or Contact
Daneen Bohl M-F 8-4 at 476-2222.
Frontier Harley Davidson is now taking applica
tions for part-time retail sales help at their
Southpoint Pavilion shopping center, |27th &
Pine Lake Road, location only. Applicant should
be neat, personable, honest and dependable.
Experience helpful, references required. Evening,
weekend and holiday availability a must. If in
terested, please pick up an application at either
location and return it to Dave Fischer at the main
shop at 2801 N. 27th.
Get paid weekly. Callers needed Mon
day-Thursday 4:30-8:30pm, Saturday 9am-1 pm.
Great Part-time Job
Child Care Staff needed for before and after
school program in Elementary School. Varied
days available. Call 475-0805.
Harvest help wanted. Close to Lincoln.
Hillcrest Country Club
Hillcrest is a private club that is looking for indi
viduals who are leaders, self motivated, and
who can solve problems. We are taking applica
tions for the positions of full and part -time serv
ers, banquet attendants, and pantry staff. We of
fer great pay plus Health, Dental, and 401 K op
tions. If you wish to work in a environment that
pays you for your positive can do attitude
please apply at 8901 0 Street, Tuesday through
Saturday 1-4p.m.
Ilene’s Colossal Cookies in south Lincolh look
ing for dependable part-time help. Day hours
Monday-Saturday. Four and six-hour shifts
available. Call 421-6609 to set up an interview.
Campus Recreation is currently hiring officials
for flag football. Starting pay is $6.00/hour, 6-15
flexible hours per week. If interested please call
472-8383 or for more in