The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 07, 2000, Image 1
Thursday September 7,2000 Volume 100 Issue 14 Since 1901 Daily Nebraskan petaluma, part throe: women don’t get the looks they think they do as there's plenty of shame in the up and down in Opinion/4 'Hamlet' director puts modem spin on Shakespeare classic In Arts/8 NU students without elusive Notre Dame tickets still have viewing options for Saturdays bam burner lnSports/12 Low pay, poor benefits spur administrator flight Editor’s Note: With UNL in a state of flux because of vacant posts in its senior administration, the Daily Nebraskan this week examines those vacancies and their effects. BY VERONICA DAEHN When it came time for Richard Durst to decide whether to stay at the University of Nebraska-Liricoln or to take a job at Penn State University, the for mer dean of the College of Fine and Performing Arts chose the latter. But Durst said he might have stayed in Nebraska had UNL offered him a couple of things. Penn State in State College, Penn., offered Durst’s wife a job - something UNL did not consid er. Penn State is also paying Durst more and giving him a bet ter retirement package than U1NL As dean of the College of Arts and Architecture at Penn State, Durst will also receive a 75 per cent tuition remission for his son when he goes to college in a cou ple of years. “Nebraska doesn’t fare well with other universities,” Durst said. "They need to take a look at some things." While UNL is not as competi tive as it should be, Durst said he was not unhappy working there. “We had a great time in Nebraska,” Durst said. "We were made to feel welcome there, and I had a great time with the people I worked with.” When it comes to competing with other colleges in the aca demic recruitment game, UNL’s former administrators said the university can’t do much to com pete with bigger opportunities, geographic preferences or prox imity to families. Many of the deans who have left in the last year said that even though they enjoyed living in Nebraska, other priorities took precedence when weighing job offers from other universities. But, Durst said, top-ranked programs and better perks can lure administrators away from the university. Brian Foster, former dean of arts and sciences, left the univer sity in March to take a position as vice president and provost of academic affairs at the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque. Foster said it was difficult to pinpoint his exact reasons for leaving UNL and said he ulti mately left because of a combi nation of several factors. “I wasn’t trying to escape from Nebraska,” Foster said. "There’s no simple answer as to why I left, but it was a natural step for me to take.” By accepting the provost position in New Mexico, Foster received a promotion from his job as dean of arts and sciences at UNL. With the promotion came more money and higher status. He said it was an opportunity he couldn’t pass. “But it wasn’t just the money, and it wasn’t just the power,” he said. “I think I can make a differ ence and do something worth while here ” Foster said the position was a good one - and UNL couldn’t top it The University of New Mexico also has one of the top 10 anthropology departments in the country, said Foster, who “Nebraska doesn't fare well with other universities. They need to take a look at some things.” Richard Durst former dean of UNL College of Fine and Performing Arts earned his bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in anthro pology. The region of the university was appealing as well, he said. Foster lived in Arizona for 14 years before he came to Nebraska and said he had always liked the Southwest. Former Law Dean Nancy Rapoport agreed that the appeal of a different area of the country influenced her decision to leave UNL Rapoport left last spring to become dean of the University of Houston’s law school. Rapoport said she wanted to be closer to her family, and that was the main reason she left Nebraska. The University of Houston also offered her different career opportunities that Nebraska hadn’t, she said. The Law College at Houston offers post-law degree graduate education and a larger law pro gram in general. The university also has for eign study programs that Rapoport said were intriguing. Please see FACULTY on 6 ASUN More time needed to survey goals B1J1LLZEMAN An hour-long debate about a bill in support of a plan that maps UNL’s next 20 years resulted in ASUN senators tabling the bill because not all sen ators knew enough about the plan. The passage of the bill would contradict the views of several faculty members who aired their grievances on the report in Tuesday’s Academic Senate meeting. Both groups analyzed the report, entitled A 20/20Vision: 1116 Future of Research and Graduate Education at UNL, compiled by the Future Nebraska Task Force. The report sets goals for UNL to achieve in the next 20 years, such as obtaining increased funding of research from sources outside the university and strengthening and improving the faculty. Association of Students of the University of Nebraska President Joel Schafer proposed the bill Wednesday to support the vision statement because he said the document clearly outlined a strong plan for the university to move forward. But in the end, the group voted to table the bill until next week’s meeting to give the senators time to further examine the document. Schafer said he thought giving the senators more time to review the report would lead to better discussion, as well as a stronger decision in the end. u s Deuer ior us 10 iaxe mis wee* ana nave sen ators more informed than to have based our deci sion on the opinions of a few senators,” he said. The group voiced opposition to the U.S. News and World Report national university rankings, announced Friday, which bumped UNL from die second to third tier in its rankings. Fueled by what Schafer said was an unjustified slip in the rankings, the senate passed a bill oppos ing the methodology the magazine uses in select ing its top schools. Schafer, who introduced the bill, said student governments at schools such as Stanford and Harvard have passed similar legislation. “There’s a fear among some people in the aca demic community that the university will try to reallocate money and resources to try to play the numbers game with U.S. News,” Schafer said. With the passage of the bill, members of the Government Liaison Committee will urge other universities to research and oppose the magazine’s current ranking system, said Hal Hansen, commit tee chairman. The group will also contact the magazine with its views about the rankings, Hansen said. The senate also passed a bill directing mem bers of the academic committee to discuss a possi ble academic recognition program for students. The bill does not set up any definite guidelines; rather it asks the committee to look into honoring students who help improve the academic climate on campus, Schafer said. Arts and Sciences Sen. Aja Bowling said although she thought the bill had merit, it could take away too much of the committee’s time. Bowling said because there are already several similar awards on campus, ASUN's efforts could possibly be redundant. A more in-depth discussion of the plan would be beneficial for the senate before members com mit to anything too time-consuming, she said. “We don’t want to waste the committee’s time reviewing applications,” she said. Steven Bender/DN Mimiciit mil!: Kate Jensen, a sophomore art major from Ogallala,adds texture to a ball of day Wednesday in Richards Hall. Jensen said she liked working with day and would like to continue doing so even after finishing col lege. ¥ Only lucky few make trek to Notre Dame ■ Out of 1,500 requests, only 461 students will be making the jour ney to South Bend and the famous Notre Dame Stadium. BYJILLZEMAN A chunk of red may not look the best in the blue- and gold- dominat ed Notre Dame Stadium. But the color scheme in the sta dium shouldn’t bother the sea of Husker fans making the trek to South Bend, Ind., for the Nebraska Notre Dame football game. More than 1,500 students applied for migration tickets in April, and, of those, 461 received tickets in a lottery process, said John Anderson, director of ticket opera tions. One of those lucky recipients was Tom Scott, a senior education major and member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Scott and his fraternity brothers, applied and were selected for a block of about 40 tickets, he said Applying for that many tickets was risky, because it was subject to the lottery like any other student request, but luck was on Scott’s side he said. The group is chartering a bus to make the trip to South Bend and plans to stay in 16 reserved hotel rooms outside of Chicago, he said. Scott said he’s making the pil grimage to South Bend because he wanted to have a legendary college football experience, not unlike the games at Memorial Stadium “When fans from opposing teams come here, they can feel the tradition,” he said. “That’s how it is in Notre Dame.” The 461 student tickets came from a pool of4,000 seats the univer sity received from Notre Dame, Anderson said. About 28,000 people applied for the tickets available to the general public, he said. To obtain a pair of tickets, indi viduals must earn 346 “priority points,” he said. A donor earns three points for each $100 gift given in the current year and one point for each $100 gift ever given, he said. The magic number of 346 is equal to about a $13,000 gift from a new donor, he said. Senior secondary education and social sciences major John Gloe did n’t pay $13,000 for his ticket, but he will make the trip as one of the lucky students selected from the lottery. Gloe said he’s looking forward to the road trip itself as well as the experience inside the stadium. “It’s something to do,” he said. “Road trips.are the best.” But Gloe said the game should serve as the pinnacle of the trip. “It's Notre Dame,” he said. “Even though they haven’t been as good in the past, it’ll be an experience just to go there.” Students will need to present their student ID cards to receive their tickets Saturday, Anderson said. Tickets can be picked up in South Bend starting at 11:30 a.m. Saturday at the Joyce Center, he said. Unpaid paupers? ASUN senators unlike Big 12 peers BY GWEN T1ETGEN When looking for a few extra dollars to help pay for college, stu dents should grab applications from Amigos before campaigning to be members of ASUN. The Association of Students of the University of Nebraska presi dent receives a tuition waiver through the Alumni Association and enjoys all the perks of being a member of the Board of Regents. But the only thing most stu dents who donate time to student government positions will get is a few lines on their resumes and a student planner packed with meet ings to attend. Before 1982, this wasn’t the case for ASUN officers. They received a small cash stipend, funded by stu dent fees. But because of a student fee controversy in 1978, the university’s program and facility fees were re evaluated and referendums were added to the ASUN ballot The referendums let students decide whether to allocate student fee money for the Daily Nebraskan, salaries for student government officers and the speaker’s program sponsored by the University Program Council. The referendums first appeared on the ballot in 1981. In 1983, students voted not to allocate student fees for the salaries of student government officers. Aftfer being voted down for four consecutive years, the referendum was taken off the ballot in 1987. As for other universitie»in the Big 1? Texas A&M is the onlv other school that doesn’t compensate its student leaders in some way. Katie Boesdorfer, a student worker for the Student Government Association at Texas A&M, said stu dent government positions at Texas A&M are so desired that financial compensation isn’t needed. “Everyone wants to do it just to serve their school,” Boesdorfer said. “Student government elec tions are a very big event at Texas A&M.” Please see PAID on 6 v 4