I Wednesday September 6,2000 | j Volume 100 Issue12 \ i dailyneb.com Since 1901 Daily Nebraskan Are we reafly a free nation? Not with our record of theft, says Columnist Jake Glazeski In Opinion/4 Alexander and ruming back corps reading new, record-breaking heights In SportsWednesday/12 Cartoon fanatics share common bond in Japanese Anime Club In Arts/8 Committees on quest for 'magical' matches j {Editor’s Note: With UNL in a state of flux because of vacant posts in its senior administration, the Daily Nebraskan this week examines those vacancies and their effects. BYVEROMCADAEHN Along with teaching, researching or performing lead ership roles, many university faculty and staff now have a new task to devote time to: being part of a search committee. As the 10 search committees meet to look for permanent administrators, faculty-mem bers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln voiced quali ties they would like to see in the university’s future leaders. | ‘ A chancellor search commit tee, headed by Jim Van Etten, a plant pathology professor, was formed last week to scour the nation for qualified candidates. Van Etten said his commit