Financial planners, Web site managers top list of best, worst jobs IHEASsnruTEPpBEss SANTA ANA. CaB£—Looking for a good job? Manage money instead Of mnHwm Low stress, high income and plenty of time Off puts financial planners at the top of the list of the best and worst jobs in the country, according to the latest edition of “Jobs Rated Almanac ** Web site managers, at the top ofthe list a year ago, dropped only a notch to No. 2. Financial plan ners were No. 17 last year. “So many people have become Web site managers, there’s a glut in the market,” author Les Krantz said “When jobs get hot they even tually get too hot and have to cool.” Using data from the U.S. Department of Labor, trade groups and telephone surveys, the book due out this weekend, ranks 250 jobs according to six criteria: income, stress, physical demands, potential growth, job security and work environment Some high profile jobs, such as race car difon (No. 188) and pres ident of the United States (No. 167), were deemed less desirable. "What will surprise most peo ple is that the jobs they always aspired to - movie stars and ath letic stars - aren’t the best jobs. They have little job security and a high level of stress,” Krantz said. For those thinking of becom ing teachers (No. 119) and police officers (No. 200), the book offers this message: Low pay, high stress and less than desirable working conditions. The worst-ranked were man ual labor job6 in traditionally trou bled fields, with lumberjacks, oil field roustabouts and fisherman at the bottom But don't tell that to Mickey Rose of Eugene, Ore., who spent nearly 50 years as a lumberjack (No. 248). "1 was bom and raised in a log ging campt and I had to go to work at 13,” he said. "We used to say, ‘If you wasn’t a logger, you weren’t nothing.”’ Rose, 89, credits the desire for "those desk-type jobs” with a change in work ethic. "People used to go out and work hard to support their fami lies. Now they look for the (least amount) of work they can,* he said. Fisherman David Greenly of Portland, Maine, agrees his job coukl be the least desirable in the country. “You have to have a lot of stamina to do the job. It's hard work and it's dangerous,’’ he said, “ybu dont fish unless you love it" job satisfaction seems to be in the eye of the beholder Financial planner Peggy They of Wheaton, 111., says part of the reason her job is in demand is because of the impending retire ment of baby boomers. m “They need expert advice, she said. "Ifwe can help our dients earn, for example, an extra 1 or 2 percent a year their nest egg can grow substantially faster” The book is intended as a guide for people considering career changes or wanting to know more about specific jobs, Kiiinly "The moral of the story is that not every job is what it seems,” be said. M G* B (402)472-2588 $5.25/15 words m RVX: (402) 472-1761 $3.50/15 words (students) B BB™B B^% $0.15 each additional word I $0.75 billing charge ' $0.75/line headline _____Deadline: 4 pan. weekday prior AM 2000 Models On SALE . Ttok Kona Cycle Works. 27to A VfeW,4784*83 800084-2345. Fui and Quean alza mattraaa eats. New and In plastic. Never used. 10 years warranty. Ratal tor •430 and 8830. Sal tor 5186 tor the FtM, Quean §196.477-1225. COOL Mexican Blankets >12.95 + SAH. Perfect for dorm rooms or apartments. Visit or cal 818831-7914. Go Bg Radi I lost 40fbe in two months, 100% natural guar anfaad. Cal 1-986-683-8289 PARKING Parking >50 par school year, two blocks North of stadtom, cal Dan at 477-3552. 6 Nobs Dama vs. Nebraska ttokata tor sale. On goal Ins. 9200 minimum o6w par tfckat Beat of tor accepted. Emal Pour ttokata to sal for the Nebraska Nobs Oama gama on the thirty yard Una. $1000 each. Cal Cosmo at (219)2771-675. Naad 10 tickets (preferably saatsd together) to Baytar Gams on October 2T. 512-284-0456. Naad 2 football ttokata to Missouri, Baylor or Kansas. 9% worth tha cat (202) 237-6822. Need a place to staytor NO/MJ game? Notra Dama apartment lor rant TWo mfles from stadium, parting pass Included. Sleeps 5, fun Mlohan and balhroom. Jkn (219) 243-07$1. Nnd ona student ticket for Ionmi oama on Sap tambar 23. Ca9 994-2393. neeoea. c tooid&ii tiCKeis roc game on oeptem bar 23 and September 30. Cal4B8 0430 ask tor Mm. TWo great Notra Dama football tickets! Lower lever 15-yard line. Sand offer to GradN087toaoLoom. 1990 Jaap Cherokee Laredo. 4wd, auto, VB, 4.0L, Rad, Power Windows. Good Condition 94700.477-4863. 1991 Mitsubishi Mirage 96K, auto, AC, moonroof. (tone groat $3000 obo. 421-7062. ‘88 Toyota Corolla DLX. 4-door, auto, A/C, aulas. Rune ysat $2400 OBO. 467-3142. ‘92 Ford Escort. 4-door hatchback, light blue, AM/FM with caaaatta. Good school car. $2500 or beat oftor. 438-9407. j t Loae weight toal groaL and gat fit now. Cal to! tes«985l&A12l. Natural Herbal Breast Enlaraamant Safa, affective, and afforoabie. Please visit, 1-686-603-9800. Disbtbu torrtips ateo available. Tutor needed to assist high school Junior with Algebra II, TMg and Chemleby. Protor same tutor tor both subjects, but can be flexible. Cal Mary 471-0307 (work) or 467-2404 (home). Auto Accidents A DWI Other criminal matters, cell Sanford Pollack, 476-7474. 15 year experienced elementary teacher hae openlnjjiMrMi^daj^greechool. If Interested call For el you’ Insurance needs: auto, home, health, Ufa and business, cal Jim Walace at American Famly Inauranoe, 1340 L St. Uncoln. NE 6860B or cal 402-474-6077. Free Pregnancy Test nvnpR o a connoemiai neiping nana. riease call for appointment or more information, 463-2608. Check out our website urn HkkPW 3 roommates needed for South Lincoln home. M/S M/P. Cdi 327-0706 for more information. FUN GIRLS Seeking mele/femele roommate to share nice 3 bedroom apartment in SW Uncoln. $235 per month and1/3uMMes. Cel 477-6354. Hey! Share answer furnished two bedroom home. Has washer/dryer and is one mis front ei ther campus. $265/month call Dave at 438-6062. Lost roommate. Looking for college student or young professional guy to share our half of du plex. Residential area. 2-car gangs, laundry. 5 minutes for UNL $275 ♦ utilities. Cal Brian or Kenton at 474-6267 or our Iwtdtord at 474-4674 for appointment Male to shen 3 bedroom, newer home in SE Uncoln, Includes room and board and many extras. 10 minutes from campus, on bus and bike trail. AvakabisNOWI Cal 421-0677 tor de taka. Leave msssage. Seeking roomete, female, non-smoking. $225 per monh.CM 477-6881. Sleeping study room, N/S femele, free ceble, utilities, your own phone line $170 2 bedroom houee cloee to both campuess. Re cently renovated. Off-street parking. Dapoait, $350, rent $625. Available September 1. 485-2068. 1615 N 64th. 3/4 bedroom, 1/5 bathrooms. CA. NP. $825 pius deposit 483-4887 or 480-7803. 4700 South t Immaculate 2/3 bedrooms, c/a, flntahed beaamant, garage. $650+deposiL refer ences, no pets. 483-4887 Large 4+2 bedroom. 3 bath. Central air, dish washer, porch. 836 & 12th. $066.450-1013. Three and four bedrooms near stadium. Central air. Washer/dryer included. Lawn mowed. $630*786.4884284. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 1 car garage. Brand new, does to campus. $840, no smoking, no pets. Call Julian, 432-7030 or Rembolt Homes, 468-8222. Duplexes NEW) 3438 A, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, W/D. C/A, DZW, DBL Pangs. Cal HIP at (402)465-8811. Newer Cloee to oraue, nice, 3 badtoom, 3 baft, garage, W/D. at appktnose, $785. HP, 466-8811. Nice 2 bedroom duplex, 527 South 47th. Central air, washer/dryer hookups, kitchen appliances, dryer, quiet neighborhood, $525/month plus gas. electric 6 deposit. 485-4851 leave a mes _ Walk to campus. Large, remodeled 2 bedroom. Washer, dryer, central air, off street parking. $625.2410 vine, 432-5478. Walk to campus. Large, remodeled 1 bedroom. Washer, dryer, central air, off street parking. $425.2410 Vina 432-6476. I Alpha Gamma Nu Fraternity is looking for a graduate student to serve as an in-house advisor. Benefits include free room and board (a single room at no cost and all meals). Apartment style rooms are available which include 2 bedrooms, a living room and a bathroom with bath and shower. Other financial opportunities may be discussed. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and or/resume A.S.A.P to: Paul Woodward, President 3248 Starr St. Lincoln, NE 68503 (402)436-6337 ,,pwoodwal@bigred.unl.edu_“ Close to City Campus Water. Hast, aria Gas Paid AvaNable now. Cal 477-4480. 1 badroom basement apartment, partly fur nished. own entrance residential neighborhood $250/mo plua 2 hours a week yard work, 435-0225. t Badroom, 2338 E St., mostly graduate stu dents, all new paint, appliances, microwave, oafling tana. Raaarved parking, no amoMng^pata. $395. Cal 432-3686. 2 badroom fumiahad. Clean, doaa to UNL. Can tral/air, laundry. $400.831 G. 435-0806 after noon/evsning. Two 2-bedroom condos for rant In historic Hay ward Place. Within walking distance from downtown UNL campus. AN appliances, secure building, 12' ceilings, parking and on sits laun dry. Available September 5, $650. Call 421-2316. Leave massage 4 bedroom, 161/2 both. 6 blocks east of main campus on bus routs. $8S0/tnonth plus utNWss, deposit $600. No pats. 525-6771. “Surfs up... Welcome Back** 640 South 20-2BR $430 up. Pool 2301 A Street-1 BR $438 up 475-7262 700 S. 17th ♦ FURNISHED 2BR in 14-plex. $410. including utilities, a/c, cade. 4888707,4508885. 1810 H Street/Secure Bldg. 1 BR/5-plex. $410 plus electricity. Includes utilities/cable. Balcony, laundry, parking. 4888707,4508885. 1938 Garfield 2 bedroom, mwir apaftvnenL No ptb. no smok ing. $425.486-1267. # # Close to Campus# # •2312 South 148), fireplace, W/D hookup $388 •2301A Street-1 Bedrooms *348 up •640 Soulh 20-2 BBk $429 up 475-8262 2400 R St 3 badroom 1 bath, doaa to campus, central sir. $510.421-7141. 4620 M St, basement apartmanet 800 aq. fast two badroom. plus garage, W/D, plus cable, all uNNHaspakl N/S, no-pets. Barb. 4668467. r^043HUNT!NGTO^| I Studio apartment off street parking. Rant I I *325 central air conditioning. Rant $365 I 1 One badroom across the street from Wee-1 | leyen. E.O.H. 4758778"I Apartment on UNL Campus Studio unit evekeble now. No tmoking. no pots, controlled access, laundry, assigned parking! UNL shuttle slop, $325. Brick Yard Apartments, 17th 6 Holdrege, 477-6578/475-4453 ask for JuNa. AVAILABLE AUGUST 24TH East Campus large 2 berimr*". *TTrfsrt. appN ancas, balcony, parking. 4210 Huntington $46(Vmonlh4ZKI002,5808802._ i r AVAILABLE NOW! 1.2 and 3 Bedrooms 402-4868811 1630 6 1640 North 56th Strsst 2 bedrooms $4608475 electric only - off strsst parking N/P. EO». 4758778. Claremont Park Apartments, 3 bedroom, 2 bath. $720/month, $600 deposit. Utilities paid. Apartment «E2.477-3662 or 310-7567. ★ EXTRA NICE 1BR ★ Spacious layout, appliances, dishwasher, bAnds, 3 closets, paved parking, laundry, can tral sir, gas hoat/watar/trash paid, central Iocs tion between campuses, outdoor pool, 3 or 6 month lease, $355. 1109 N. 28th Street. 469-4857. Lama 3 plus 1 bedroom, central air aN utilities paMTOssn 948 South 12. $675435-2552. NEW-HUGE 2 Bedrooms, 2 Full Baths to Sub-Leaae ASAP. Fireplace, Cathedral Callings, Laundry Room W/WD. A/C, WSNc-m Closet, D/W, Secure Bukd Ing. Moving. MUST RBffl 4358903/202-3466. Ml One, two, three bedroom apartments available. 438-0946. Need an apartment? 2 bedroom, $420, A/C, 474-4064, rsfotancaa rsqukod. oave m. naax para, campus ciosa, 1 Deoroom, dean, no pato. Only $300,474-6327. Studio and 1 BR Vintage-studio and 1 BR dose to both campue aa,$»»-83S0.432-2288. Studio South 48th & High Straat. $280, no smoking, no pets. Call Julian, 432-7030 or Rambdt Homes, 488-8222. www.mmbok.oom. TWo bedroom. Close to UNL. With fireplace. Available July 18. For details contact 4384)777 or 486-8181. CENTURY We provide: ♦ Locationsthroughout Lincoln ♦ 24-Hour Emergency Maln>ananca ♦ PtorewpnWa Paraonabjal saakig Staff 402-437-8300 500s MK ^ If you anTmahlng monMwNla^raSLg out aide on your own, than this Job is for you. TtuGroen ChemLawn la looking tor 3 to 4 people to fertilize and coreaarate lawns this faC Prior experience la a plus. Call our 24-hour hotline, 1-888-834-1203 or apply at 4141 N.27*i9t EOE AAP/14/S/V/D. SO-$12 Per Hour for Delivery Drivers Domino* Pizza Is now hiring for day and eve ning shifts for delivery drivers mid Imltad eve ning insids help. No axpftsoos necessary. AN you need to start la a good driving record, relia ble peraonel vehicle, liability insurance, and a good attitude. Apply at any of the Domino* lo cations. A GREAT JO« WATCH SHOWSI FREE MEALSI ENJOY STAND-UP COMEOY1 Now hiring wait and bar staff for Star City Dinner Theatre and Comedy Cabaret in the Haymarket. Call 477-6277 tor appicetiona and interview. Are you e handy person? Are you interested m Part-time work? Chances are you have some talents Jones Properties codduae. If you have expertise In any of the fol lowing: Painting, Plumbing, Lawn mowing, etc., Carpentry, Homing or A/C contact our office to eat an appointmem to complete an employment applcation. 486-3000. Aakfer^L_ "3KT POSITIONS AVAILABLE: WE WILL WORK AROUND YOUR SCHEDULE GUARAN TEED. Pro Shop Assistants at Ashland Country Club. Duties include working counter area, merchandising, golf cart stag ing area and other golf course related du ties. 15-25 houra/week. Hours can range from 7am-8:30pm. Benefits includs free golf. 25 minute drive from campus on Hwy. 6. Position evakeble Immediately. Seasonal depending on weather. Prior golf experi ence preferred. Positions In snack bar/din ing room areas also available. To apply caH 844-3388 tor Intenilew. Attention Work from homo. Up to $2S-$75/hour. Pwl-tima/M-ttms. Mai order, 800-878-9152. IHanHnn Muenuon Need 31 people who seriously want to lose weight. Great business opportunity. Flexible hours. Cal (402)730-3745 orT-886-396-5645. Clinical Rasaarch Opportunities! MDS Harris has tacking opportunities to be in volved in clinical rasaarch for many of the top pharmaceutical and biotech companies In the world! MDS Harris has several positions available in our cknic: Phlabokomlst Part-Thws Perform timed blood draws and precast samples from Study Partici pants. Phlebotomy experience is required. Hours vary: weekend avaflabMy requbed. Clinical Conduct AaaocMa-Paft-Thna Assist with the participant chsck-ln proceaa, han dle/procaea sample#, monitor study participants and record raw data. Soma poet High School education In the life sciences or medical envi ronment preferred. Hours vary, weekend Hants Human (resources CM 621 RoaaStraat , P.O. Box 80837 v Unookt,NE 88601 FAX: (402)476-7598 F mek* AA/E0E r PLACE TO BANK. An even greater place to work. Now accepting applications for part-time and full-time tellers. Contact Carolyn at for details. Pinnacle Bank Member FDIC The way banking should be. An Equal Opportunity Employer_ Broadmoor Development la seeking an outgo ing. detailed, professional individual to Mine position of a pat time Mating consultant (20-25 noursaweak). We am wMng to work with your colMgaachaduM^PMeaaapEMatmghpoInte Apartments. 4607 Old Chaney Road. BUM STEER Now hiring all position#. Apply m person be twsen 2pmarrd 4pm. 6440 *0*r9trest Buzzard fifty* In now Wring wait staff. Getaway from al the corporations and oome work in a tun anvlronmant that M doaa to campus. Our serv ers make on average $10415 an hour. We wM train thoaa without aaparisnce. If you hava good work ethics, a nloe smile, need a Job does to campus and need something that is flexible anouid your dees schedule, come by and apply anytime at 247 N. 8th BL In tha Haymeekat Buzzard Billy's M now Wring fUB and part-time kitchen help. No experience necessary. You just need to have a good work alWc and a desire to earn $8410 par hour. You'll work In a fun envi ronment close to campus, meet now people, have a fMxMe schedule, and bo abM to snpraae your friends by cooking Cafun-CrsoM and Ja maican cuMine. Apply In person anytime at 247 N. Bth St. in Ihe Haymarfcst transfiguration Come work for usl TranflquraBon provides reet danttol and vocational services to children and adults with developmental dMabllitMo. Male staff needed M-F 3:30-10pm. to work with adult males In a group homo setting. Early Birds nooded for morning ahifM at sevoral locations. Weekend overnights needed for Friday, Satur day, and Sunday 10pm4am. Oat Paid to Steep! We have a variety of kff and part time positions availabM. Applicants must be 19 years of age; have a good driving record, and a reliable form of importation. Apply In paraon at ItansHgura tlon, 1316 'N' St., Suita 102, or call Amy at ing iaag ■ _< _ _ _ _ w <*300 iur mOrv RffuuwMi. Construction framing laborers needed, full or part time. Cal 580-1425. Deliver Papers This Fall Do you Ilka to exorcise daily and got paid for It? Deliver Daily Nebraskans. You can deliver a route In about an hour. Must have own vahicM, be a UNL student with at least a 2.0 G.RA, not be on academic probation and not hava daaass before 9 am For mote Information or to apply, contact Dan at 472-1789,20 Nebraska Union. dahaMGunLadu. DELTA QAMMA-N0W1! EARN GREAT food $ $$$ by helping serve meals. 17th 6 Roomer or 436-7DQ2. Drivers Velocity Express M looking for courtar/driver a for aftemoon/evening part-time routes. $8/hour Company vehicles and uniforms provided. Good driving record requited. Applicants must demon strate the ability to safely lift up to 70 lbs. Pie employment drug screen and criminal check required. ODL not required for most rouMe. EOE. Stop and M out an applcation. VWodty Express 2200 WostAdams Lincoln. NE 80524 Aims airport. In tha Altfaoma Express Bldg, EARLYBIRDS YounkerY Department Store M currently hiring for a rnarchaodias handler position. Hours are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 5am-9 or 10am. Flexible with class schedule. Apply in person, YounkerY Lower Laval Customer Serv EDUCATION MAJORS! Stephenson School Supply is looking for part-time help 1-530 pm, 2-3affarnoons a weak and some Saturdays. Great atmosphere helping teachers and parents with their educational) product nsed^Apply in person at Stephan FALL RECREATION JOBS" The Lincoln Parka and Rscraetion Department M taking applications for Recreation Loaders. Lo cations are Calvert Roc Confer. 4500 Ckn ksei. Belmont Roc. Cantor, 1234 Judoon and various elementary schooM in Lincoln. The times are 6:45-fc00am for tire Before School proyam and 2:30-5:30pm for the AfMr School program, eve ning and weekend hours are availabM at Bel mont and Calvert. The programs begin August 21st. This M a great experience for students wanting to gat into tha atfucatioo fiaid. Cal tha playgroundofflce, 441-7952,2010 Van Dorn, Belmont, 441 -6789 or Calvert 441 -8480 for more information. AA/EOE. EAST C—Mwi needed part tima m lanes and jww. Information daok and cafa. WIN work around your class achedule. Must Ilka working with paople^Agplyreom 314 East Union Mon Employmant at Unlvaraity Child Cara. Work around your class*,. Need paopla Mon da^-Fridey, morning houm. Apply now. Cal TMt FBQ Service Corporation Immediate openings for fuN-time end part-time cuetodW positions. Flexible houm end competi tivyaye. Apply at 3615 Touzslin Avenue, Flexible Hours! Now hiring gusst sarvlca mpmaantativaa at tha VUIsmt Courtyard. 5200 'O' St. Full and part-tima evening shifts and lata rtight auditor shift svaMeble. Aao daalring room attendants and wait staff at Sadia's Saloon and Spike t My*. Please friply In person. Foreign language/sign language teachers needed for elementery school's before/efter school enrichment program. Teecher should be proficient in the Isngusgs end work well with 1st-5th grade chldran. Prtor leeching experience e plus. Mery: $400 for a 40 week session. For move information, cal 483-7047. FRONT DESK CLERK Immediate pert time day, evening (Overnight end acmlRama2i,Unmad^«433^rt27thor*con5ct DwwanBoNM-F 6-4 at 476-2222. FULL OF HOT AIR??? Tha Unoobi Journal Star is looMna for IndMdu els to M helium beloone before all home foot ball games. 68/hour for approximate 4-hour NVft If tntamalad, contact KriaB at 473-7376. Great Part-time Job Child Cara Staff needed for before and after school program In Elementary School. Varied day, avMMm CM 475-0806. GRISANTTS Italian naatairanl Is now hiring energetic food servers, cooks, buaaam and isihwaehsr, Wa offer flexible hours, competitive wages, Insur ance and paid vacation. Apply In person at 0820 O Sweat Brow-in 27 hots goff omasa. Ml tima and part tima seasonal help naadad immediately. 730-6426_ narveei nwp mo oeptemoer, ju equipment, ex parlance necessary. Jerry 402-766-2266.20 mtixAmftom Uncotit Hashers/ bus boy wantad. 36.50 plus moats on weekday*. Lunch and Dinner help. Call 436-7065 or 436-7064. aak for house mom or cook. HMcrest Country Club Hffcmat la a private dub that Is boktiig for Incfl viduala who am leaders, seif motivated, mid who can solve problem*. We ms taking app8oe tlono tor the positions of Ml and part 3me aarv ars, hfngiwf attendant*, and panfry staff. W* of fer great pay plus Health. Dental, and 401 K op tions. If you Uriah to work in a environment that pays you for your positive can do attitude j*>mejipp^M8801 O Sheet Tuesday through Ilona's Colossal rookie, til south Lincoln look ing for dependable part-tima help. Day hours Monday-Saturday. Four and six-hour shifts airMMli CM421-6606toaati4)anlnlmvlaw. INSURANCE LICENSING, ASSISTANT Opportunity In our 8bI— Division to suit In 8 censing, appointments end contracting. Duties include: raqussffng currant licenee copies, re cording new Ncenss biNinge or ranewen. Poei tion requirements: One to two years’ collaga education, oertHICBlion or equivalent; one fo two years office experience' word processing end spreadsheet software proficiency; professional orelend written communication skills; key ttSoSffENACaOBfT AND UR C08MMNY Human Resources 1526 K Street Lincoln. Ns 68506 INTRAMURAL FLAG FOOTBALL OFFICIALS Campus Recreation is currently hiring officials for rag football. Storting pay Is $6.0Qmour, 8-15 flexible hours per week, if interested, pieeiw at tend the official*' matings Tuesday, August 29. Wednesday. August 30 and Tuaaday, Septem ber 5 at 4:30pm each day in the Nebraska Un lon. Cal 472-6363 or www.iBff.adti/Biaa/1m for mom information. KBP YOUR DAYS FRB FOR CLA66BI PT Spirits Clark - eves ■ 1am fafrt. agactl) PTCaNtiam-aft/avaa flak*, age: H| Tuition Raimbursamant; soma wkand avail. Rail’d. W, am mi EOE offering 401K. proflt shor ing. HaaNh/Dantal ins.. dbact depoak, and much mom. Stop In and apply today, or contact Chrie at466-7100. Krayon Campus Eaat and West is now hiring part time and lull tima tsacham. Plaaa, can to apply 438-4048,486-4847 or 421-8337. EOE. LAFAZ Now taking applications for AM/PM servers, 50% meal discount. Insurance plan and fun work environment Apply til parson. 321 North Ootnar. La Petite Academy is accepting appicatione for Mi mid part-time (eschar*. If you sn|oy working with children, please pick up an appitoation 3 2700 Jameson North. niji/oo 5020 N. 27th Street Lincoln’s Family Store’s 2000/2001 College Tliltion Assistance Program Now offering part time employment opportunities wtth the following benefits. * College tuition assistance- earn up to $40.00 per credit hour per semester (maximum annual pay out of $1200.00) * 10% discount on purchases * Flexible scheduling - with a variety ot shifts and starting times, we work around your schedule. For more information and applications, contact Chris Hamilton at Hy-vee 5020 N 27th Street 477-4704