News Digest Page2 Daily Nebraskan Thursday, August 31,2000___ Suit to be filed in death of Princess Di THE AsanruTEn press WASHINGTON - The father of Dodi Fayed said Wednesday he will file suit in federal court to gain access to U.S. intelli gence information about the deaths of Princess Diana and his son in a Paris automobile accident. A1 Fayed, who owns Harrods department store in London, repeated his claim that the Aug. 31,1997, deaths were a murder conspiracy plotted by people who disapproved of Diana’s relationship with his son. He said he was seeking doc uments from the CIA, the Justice Department and the National Security Agency, which he said monitored Diana’s telephone conversa tions. “The United States’ intelli gence gathering network, which through the most sophisticated -TK*» AoervniataH Pmu I ne assoc i area rress I San Francisco Judge may order read otz million roraveniaes SAN FRANCISCO - A judge said he may order a recall of as many as 2 million Ford Motor Ca vehicles over concerns that they are prone to stalling, and accused the company of deceiving federal safety investigators and con sumers. Ford denied the allegations. The lawsuit was filed in the Alameda County Superior Court and die judge’s preliminary deci sion was issued late Hiesday The lawsuit was filed in 1996 on behalf of 3.5 million current and forma California owners of Ford vehicles in model years 1983-95. They say the vehicles stall because an ignition device was mounted in the wrong place. Ford denies any ignition defects. satellite systems, allowed the NSA to spy on Diana,” A1 Fayed said. He charged that the agency gave files on the moni tored conversations to British intelligence and still has over a thousand pages of documents concerning the crash. Neither Justice Department spokesman Charles Miller nor NSA spokeswoman Judi Emmel would comment, citing the pending litigation. NSA officials acknowledged in 1998 that the agency had picked up mentions of Diana in its international electronic monitoring, but said those ref erences were casual and inci dental, and she was never a tar get of U.S. intelligence efforts. In April, an appeals court rejected A1 Fayed's request for the information, upholding the decision of a lower court judge who said A1 Fayed had tried "to make an end run around" the Freedom of Information Act. A1 Fayed’s lawyer, Mark Zaid, said the new Freedom of Information Act lawsuit would be filed in U.S. District Court in Washington today, the third anniversary of the crash. The lawsuit seeks information about more than 20 individuals and events related to the deaths, he said. The lawsuit also seeks CIA and Justice Department docu ments concerning Oswald LeWinter, who attempted to sell A1 Fayed phony information about a murder plot against Diana and Dodi Fayed. LeWinter was convicted of attempted criminal fraud and sentenced to four years in an Austrian prison in 1998. Doubts already have been cast on a number of A1 Fayed’s allegations concerning Diana’s death, including that a mysteri ous nurse heard last words from The United State’s intelligence gathering net work, which through the most sophisticated satellite systems, allowed the NSA to spy on Diana.” A1Fayed father of man killed with Princess Diana the princess and that Diana and Dodi Fayed planned to marry. At the news conference, Zaid and John Macnamara, director of security for Harrods, showed security camera footage of Diana, Dodi Fayed and their driver Henri Paul before the accident, to dispute allegations that Paul was drunk. Paul also died in the crash and was found to have high levels of alcohol in his blood. Diana and Dodi Fayed died after they left the Ritz Hotel and set off at high speed in their chauffeured car, trying to elude photographers. Mohamed A1 Fayed owns the Ritz and was Paul's employer. Last September, Paris Judge Herve Stephan dismissed charges against nine photogra phers and a press motorcyclist implicated in the accident The judge’s terse conclusion came in a one-page statement Alcohol, drugs and excessive speed caused the crash that ended the life of the “people’s princess.” A French court is expected to rule Sept. 15 on an appeal by A1 Fayed and Paul’s family to reopen the crash investigation. Saudi Arabia looks to steady crude oil prices THE ASSOCIATED PBESS RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia wants to work with other members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries on increasing out put by an amount that will stabilize oil prices and balance the oil market, the kingdom's Supreme Petroleum Council announced Wednesday. The decision was made at a meeting of the council chaired by King Fahd, the official Saudi Press Agency said. Saudi Arabia wants a market which suits oil exporters’ interests and doesn't jeopardize contin uing world economic growth, die agency quoted a statement issued by the council as saying. The agency said Saudi Oil Minister Ali Naimi “was asked to work for realization of these goals through collaboration with OPEC member states for making a suitable increase in production in a manner that restores balance to the oil market and stabilization of prices." Wednesday’s statement is the first public dec laration on the issue by Saudi Arabia since the kingdom pledged on July 3 to unilaterally boost output by 500,000 barrels a day if prices didn’t come down soon. At the time, the OPEC basket was trading at $30.49 a barrel. The Supreme Petroleum Council said it wants to take prices to levels agreed to at the OPEC meet ing in June, and it wants to review the priceband mechanism to ensure stability in prices, according to die agency. At its meeting in June, OPEC agreed to a mech anism requiring a rise in output of500,000 barrels a day if the OPEC basket price stays above $28 a barrel for 20 consecutive days and a decrease in output by the same amount if it stays below $22 a barrel for 10 consecutive trading days. The value of the OPEC basket of seven crude oils averaged $31.37 per barrel Tuesday, up from $31.22 per barrel Monday, OPEC said Wednesday. OPEC ministers are scheduled to meet in Vienna on Sept. 10 to decide whether to increase production. Soaring crude oil prices this month have increased pressure on the group to increase output for the third time this year. OPEC increased output in March and in June by a total of 2.4 mil lion barrels a day. According to market estimates, only Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates have the excess production capacity. Questions? Comments? ^ Ailc for the appropriate tecthm editor it ■■ {402)472-2588 ore-mail: dnffunLadu Sarah Baker Bradley Davis DaneStickney Kimberly Sweet Samuel McKewon Matthew Hansen Josh Nichols Lindsay Young Daneii McCoy Heather Glenboski Melanie Falk Andrew Broer Gregg Steams Tanner Graham Dan Shattil Russell Willbanks, (402)436-7226 Don Walton, (402)473-7248 Nick Partsch, (402)472-2589 ^ Assistant Ad Manager NicoleWoita ■awiftad Ad Manager NikkiBruner iy ... .^Circulation Manager Imtiyaz Khan Fax Number (402) 472-1761 §|pVorld Wide Web: The Daily Nebraskan (USPS144-080) rif^jttAublished by the UNL Publications Board, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St, Lincoln, NE 68588-0448, ^Mari^ay through Friday during the academic v yearWeekly during the summer sessions. •The public has access to the m Publications Board. ‘^m^aders are encouraged to submit story ioeas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan jNhlgt By calling (402) 472-2588. 'vX Subscriptions are $60 for one year. Atefostmaster Send address changes to Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, fA 1400 R St, Lincoln, NE 68588-0448. 'w.. (Wiodical postage paid at Lincoln, NE ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 2000 A DAILY NEBRASKAN a slurry bomber drops fire retar dant near the top of a ridge Aug.29,2000, near Red Lodge, Mont Windy weather contin ues to threaten wildfires across Montana. David Grabbs/Newsmatas Group warns of global warming Effects could cause plants and animals to become extinct THE ASSOCIATED RBESS LONDON - Global warming could fundamentally transform a third of the world’s plant and animal habitats by the end of this century, threatening many species with rapid extinction, an international conservation organiza tion warned Wednesday. In a new report, researchers for the Worldwide Fund for Nature - known as the World Wildlife Fund in the United States and Canada - singled out the Arctic and northern latitudes as die most vulnerable to the changing climate. They estimated 20 percent of the species there could die out due to shrinking habitat. The report raises the specter of a tundra denuded of its walrus and polar bear populations and a New England stripped of its spruce and fir forests if the amount of carbon dioxide pumped into the atmosphere is not reduced. Many scientists believe that high concentrations of carbon dioxide and other so-called greenhouse gases trap the sun's heat in the atmosphere, driv ing up temperatures and changing weather patterns. “As global warming accelerates, plants and animals will come under increasing pressure to migrate to find suitable habitat,” said the report's co author, Adam Markham, executive director of the U.S.-based group Clean Air-Cool Planet. “Some will just not be able to move fast enough,” Markham said. The northern latitudes of Canada, Russia and Scandinavia, where cli mate change is expected to occur fastest, could lose 70 percent of their habitat - a level that rises to 82 percent for Iceland. In several countries - including Russia, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Iceland, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Georgia - and in seven Canadian provinces and territories, more than half the existing habitat is at risk, the report said. More than a third of habitat is in danger in the U.S. states of Maine, New Hampshire, Oregon, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, it said. The projected habitat changes and species extinctions would not be lim ited to northern latitudes, however. Coastal and island areas would be at risk from warming oceans and rising waters, the report said. The exact nature and rate of global climate change remains contentious. According to a study published in the July issue of the Dutch journal Climate Change, Arctic temperatures in the late 20th century were the warmest in four centuries. Researchers evaluated data from 100 separate studies of environmental factors in North America, Europe and Asia, including air temperature meas urements, air circulation, precipita tion, sea ice, glaciers and plant growth. They said parts of Alaska and Eurasia had warmed “alarmingly” - by as much as 11 degrees - during winter months in the last 30 years. “This compilation of research results make it undeniable that a major warming is affecting the Arctic environment,* said Michael T. Ledbetter of the National Science Foundation in Washington, which funded the study, co-authored by 11 climatologists from five universities in the United States. Wednesday’s report - written by Markham and University of Toronto professor Jay Malcolm - used comput er models to simulate global climate and vegetation change under a variety of conditions. Its projections are based on the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubling from pre-industrial levels by the year 2100. And even that estimate is opti mistic, the report indicated. Current concentrations of carbon dioxide - the gas primarily responsible for global warming - are about 30 percent higher than pre-industrial levels, and could hit double the pre-industrial level by 2050, the researchers said. ■ «»*•■ ■» » ■ rmr*r WIKmre TlQnunQ costs expected to exceed 51 DMon WASHINGTON -Hie federal cost of fighting wildfires across the West soon will exceed $1 bil lion with Congress likely to dip into the treasury again this year to pay the final tab, federal officials said Wednesday. So far, the federal government * has tallied at least $626 million in costs to battle scores of fires from Montana to New Mexico, spend ing as much as $18 million a day, according to the National Interagency Fire Center; which is coordinating the fire fighting effort Just before leaving for its sum mer recess, Congress came up with an additional $350 million for fighting the wildfires, bringing the total amount budgeted to $836million this year ■tatnfa Earthquake rattles Australia, no significant damage MELBOURNE, Australia-An earthquake shook southeastern Australia late Tuesday night, caus ing no significant damage but prompting hundreds of calls to authorities, police said The quake struck at 11:06 pan. and was centered in the Gippsland region, about 100 miles southeast of Melbourne, said IbnyCorke of Ore Seismology Research Center. , Rattling windows were reported as far away as Melbourne ■Washington Number of diikhen with incarcerated parents rises WASHINGTON - Nearly 1.5 million American children have a mother or father in federal or state prison -a figure that has grown in step with the swelling of the nation’s prison population, the Justice Department reported Wednesday. That was a 60 percent increase since 1991 - up 562,300 from the 936,500 children in that category then. During the same interval, the nation!!; prison popu lation grew by an almost identical 62 percent, to 1,284394 prisoners in 1999. Among federal inmates, 44 percent of fathers and 42 percent of mothers reported no visits with children after incarceration. Imprisoned parents were overwhelmingly male and pre dominantly held in state prisons. ■ N6WY0TK Judge executive testimony to be irreievantto case NEW YORK-Seagram chief executive Edgar Bronfrnan Jr. tes tified Wednesday that he believes purposely violated the copyrights of record companies to build an online catalogue of 80,000 compact discs. Bronfman’s testimony in a civil trial in federal court was brief because Judge led Rakoff deckled that the executive^ opinions were not relevant to deciding whether intentionally infringed on copyrights. Before the reluctant witness finished his testimony, he said he doubted “accidentally bought 80,000 CDs” to load into a service that allows customers to access favorite music from any where once they prove they own the CD. Andy Fairbaim, the concert booker at Duffy's Tavern, 1412 O St., was misidentified in Wednes day's issue of the Daily Nebraskan. Koreas work to reconcile differences THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SEOUL, South Korea - South and North Korea agreed in principle Wednesday to allow more reunions of long-separated families and take other steps toward burying decades of animosity on their divided peninsula, reports indicated. In a new round of Cabinet-level talks that opened in Pyongyang, South Korea made a series of proposals aimed at easing tension between the sides. The two were still trying to narrow differences over a South Korean proposal to open a military hot line and a regular channel of dialogue between military leaders, according to pool reports from South Korean media. But the nations agreed in principle to allow two or three more rounds of reunions of family mem bers separated by the 1950-53 Korean War by the end of die year. Earlier this month, South and North Korea sent 100 people to each other’s capitals to have four-day reunions with relatives for the first time in half a century. The reunions were one of the most concrete signs yet that the two Koreas were ready for recon ciliation. South and North Korea will also start talks to sign accords to guarantee investment and avoid double taxation, the reports said. The pool reports said no formal agreements were likely to be signed until today. South Korean officials are expected to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong II and hold another session with their "... the two top leaders agreed to arrange a channel of dialogue to prevent accidental armed clash _ _ n es. Park Jae-kyn South Korean Unification Minister North Korean counterparts that day. A 30-member South Korean delegation and 10 journalists flew to the North Korean capital Tuesday for the meetings. Foreign media were not allowed to attend. The talks are aimed at following up on a his toric June summit where leaders of foe two Koreas agreed to work together for reconciliation and reunification. “I would like to remind you that at foe summit, foe two top leaders agreed to arrange a channel of dialogue to prevent accidental armed clashes,n foe pool reports quoted South Korean Unification Minister Park Jae-kyu as saying. Park also proposed foe formation of economic and other North-South committees to discuss ways of implementing foe summit agreement, foe reports said. The chief North Korean negotiator, Jon Kum Jin, did not respond directly to foe South Korean proposals but said later there was considerable common ground between the two sides, the reports indicated.