The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 28, 2000, Page 6, Image 6

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Court rules against Babydolls
■JudgeWarren Urbom refuses
restraining order against
Lincoln^ no-touching ordinance.
After watching two video
taped couch dances, a federal
judge ruled that what the
dancers at Mataya’s Babydolls do
U.S. District Courfjucfge
Warren Urbom refused to grant a
temporary restraining order that
would have kept the city from
enforcing its no-touching ordi
nance after Friday’s six-hour
"I don’t think that the com
mon usage of the term dancing
would fit,” Urbom said of the
couch dances.
Assistant City Attorney
Connor Reuter showed portions
of two surveillance videos seized
from Babydolls during an Aug. 11
Most of the activity could bet
ter be described as dancers “lying
on (patrons) and vigorously
moving in a manner to simulate
sexual intercourse,” Urbom said
in his decision.
Babydolls owner John Ways
Jr. had challenged the city's ordi
nance banning sexual contact by
arguing that the rule was too
broad and his club should be
After die ruling, Ways said he
planhed to continue his business
as usual with a few modifications
to the couch dances.
“The city decided to show
two tapes to shock the judge. I
can augment that,” said Ways,
who would not elaborate on his
Friday's hearing was just the
latest in Ways’ fight against the
city's regulation, which dates
back to February when the city
passed its first ordinance ban
ning sexual contact between
employees and patrons in
Lincoln businesses.
In March, Urbom blocked
enforcement of that law because
it had no exception for theaters,
concert halls or other artistic
venues where some performanc
es, such as ballet, could violate
the rule.
The city repealed the first
ordinance in April and passed a
new law which included an
exclusionary clause that Urbom
had recommended.
On Aug. 11, Lincoln Police
raided the juice bar at 5620
Comhusker Highway and cited
five dancers, six customers and
two employees, including Ways,
for violating the new ordinance.
Last week. Ways filed a law
suit challenging the new ordi
nance on overbreadth, vague
ness and the claim that his dub
should qualify for protection as a
Prior to the passage of the
new ordinance, Ways had
renamed his business “Mataya’s
Babydolls Gentlemen’s Theatre
Urbom rejected the notion
that calling a business a theater
makes it so, and he affirmed the
city’s ordinance saying that a rea
sonable person could under
stand it
Friday's ruling lets the city
continue to enforce its ordi
nance, but it does not deckle the
underlying lawsuit, which Ways
could still pursue. In his decision,
Urbom sakl the suit did not have
a high probability of success.
Tty ritutinnn fhr violating thg
city ordinance, which carry a
maximum penalty of six months
in jail and/or a $500 fine, are
expected to be heard in county
court in eaiiy September.
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