Metro Right to life seeks to oust Carhart ■ The anti-abortion group has initiated action that would^end the abortion provider’s employment at UNMC. By Melanie Mensch Staff writer Anti-abortion group Metro Right to Life hopes a new state law will aid it in the removal of Nebraska’s only doctor to per form partial-birth abortions from the faculty at University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. At a press conference held July 10, the organization announced a bold strategy using the state public disclosure law to investigate what president Bob Blank called an “illegal relation ship” between Leroy Carhart and UNMC. The law, LB628, which becomes effective this week, requires public officials to provide copies of public records within four days of a request. Blank said he planned to send a list of questions to UNMC officials every day five days a week until he received information needed to have Carhart fired. If UNMC offi cials refused to supply answers, Blank said he would then get state attorney general Don Stenberg to pursue the informa tion. “Carhart is only there (at UNMC) to provide fetal tissue for research,” he said. “Our com plaint is that he has faculty sta tus, which means he has benefits like preferential football seating and faculty prices, access to UNMC’s library and secretarial services, which is illegal. Once we determine that Leroy Carhart has utilized these benefits, we want to remove him from the UNMC faculty.” The organization said Carhart’S access to faculty bene fits violates a federal law called 103-43, which prohibits the exchange of fetal tissue for “valuable consideration.” Carhart, who has worked at UNMC since 1982, said the organization was desperate after suffering recent court losses on the abortion issue. “I think they’re grasping at straws,” he said. “They are try ing to destroy public officials and cause political unrest because they are dissatisfied that our political viewpoints don’t align with theirs.” Not only does Metro Right to Life want the removal of Carhart from UNMC’s faculty, the organization also hopes to remove Regents who support fetal tissue research, to stop the use of fetal tissue in research and end all affiliations with abortion providers at UNMC. “We want to get the universi ty out of the abortion business,” Blank said. Blank said the organization has sent UNMC a list of option {{ The medical center is making a great impact with diseases like AIDS and Alzheimer's with this research. Actually; some women who had abortions said they felt better knowing their aborted fetuses would be donated for research.” Dr. Leroy Carhart abortion provider al methods to get the neurons needed to research diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and AIDS, but the center continues to use fetal tissue. Carhart said he hoped more pro-abortion Nebraskans would use their voting powers so the medical center could make med ical achievements in the future. “Abortions and research are two separate issues,” he said. “We’ve looked at the science and we’ve looked at the morals. I think it’s ludicrous that these groups are trying to control Congress and wasting taxpay ers’ money. “The medical center is mak ing a great impact with diseases like AIDS and Alzheimer’s with this research. Actually, some women who had abortions said they felt better knowing their aborted fetuses would be donat ed for research.” Blank said fetal tissue research negatively influenced a woman’s decision about abor tion. “If abortion and research are two separate issues,” he said, “why do we have partial birth abortions? He (Carhart) is only on staff to provide the tissue. Making abortions available and knowing it will go toward research will encourage and affect a woman’s decision to abort a baby.” Blank said the organization would diligently work on its threefold purpose and alert the public of UNMC’s usage of fetal tissue in research. Carhart, however, said the organization’s strategy held no proof of any “illegal relation ship.” “I’m not worried at all about my job,” he said. “They couldn’t do it without grounds, which there are none. The ‘if’ question doesn’t exist.” EARN UP TO $970 Call 474-PAYS ASSIST MEDICAL RESEARCH MALL. DA ILYN EB . COM Summer Daily Nebraskan Editor: Tim Karstens Associate Editor Sam McKewon Questions? Comments? Ask for the editor at (402) 472-2588 or e-mail Fax number (402) 472-1761 World Wide Web: The Daily Nebraskan (USPS 144-080) is published by the UNL Publications Board, Nebraska Union 20,1400 R St., Lincoln NE 68588-0448, Monday-Fnday during the academic year, weekly during the summer sessions. The Public has access to the Publications Board. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by calling (402) 472-2588. Subscriptions are $60 for one year. Postmaster Send address changes to the Daily Nebraskan. Nebraska Union 20. 1400 R St.. Lincoln NE 68588-0448, Periodical postage paid at Lincoln, NE. ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 2000 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN