read it... ...anytime Don’t drive this summer see a doctor - you be eligible to use the I university ^Health W> Center! You are efigtte to use (he University HeaNh Cantor at reduced rates if you siect k> pay neaniuerNBriee ana you: 1) are taking free or fewer credft sours; or 2) were registered for the Spring 2000 semester and are registered for toe Fal 2000 semester or 3) were a May 2000 graduate. All onroNod students are eligible to use the Health Center. Rales am higher if you do not pay the Health Center fee. If you are enroled tor four or more summer credts in any session (except Pre-Session), you are automatically bied for the student Health Center fee. Do you need help dotomining the rest health care option for you? *leass cal our Business Office at (402) 472-7435 for assistance. ^ SMNMMWre. 730 ajn.-5 p.m., Mon.-Ri. 10 am -12 pm, SaL & hofctay C* 47141* hr vpotomntt H University healthCenter IHhillSlrMfs I please recycle your DN i Josh Wolfe/DN I TOP: SENIOR BIOLOGY I MAJOR Jaade IMiMe efthebabeeaexMMtat the Faison Children's Zee Wednesday, A Rape part ef has Jab as a zee keeper la eleaa aad carlaf far tba RIGHT: AFTER FEEMRG the canals, Janie I Radaick atapa ta pat Tibet. The eaanls are | NU student makes difference at Folsom Zoo By Josh Wolfe Staff Writer Jamie Rudnick is in a league of her own. The 21-year-old senior biology major is the only zoo keeper without a degree at the Folsom Children^ Zoo. She has spcttt lift nine y ears of her life working at zoos and is working fell-time thil «mwiimr Her daily routine includes feeding, cleaning and checking up on the nimil« *w fcw “I love to be able to work in close proximity to the animals, and know that I am caring for them,” she said. Herjob is anything but simple. Some of the ani mals, such as baboons and crocodiles, require extreme caution, and she never salwi die cage with the animals in it Others, Please see ZOO on 7 •* We had a baby camel die about a year ago; it was rough for everyone involved. There was nothing we could do to save it." zoo keeper, Folsom Chicken’s Zoo