The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 06, 2000, summer edition, Page 11, Image 11

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    Huskers mb crop of early recruits
RECRUITS from pagq 5
Ross of Thomas Jefferson High
School in Denver. The 2000 class
included linemen Martin Flaum
and Jake Andersen of Denver, as
well as receiver Ross Pilkington
from Loveland. PiUrington, a 204*
round draft choice of the Colorado
Rockies, has opted to play baseball
and will not join the Huskers.
Ross, whose brother Roger
Ross Jr. plays at Kansas, is the
16*-best comeiback in die coun
try according to
The S-foot-9-inch, 182-pound
Ross boasts a 4.4 electronic 40
yard dash and a 36-inch vertial
leap. Ross also could see time at
running bade and kick returner. He
chose the Huskers over Texas,
Colorado, Miami, Tennessee,
USC, Kansas and Washington
Even though Nebraska lost
prized Texas quarterback prospect
Kendal Briles to the Longhorns,
another area field general decided
to stay close to home and play for
the Huskers.
Mike Stuntz (6 feet 2 inches,
180 pounds), a quarterback from
St. Albert’s High School in
Council Bluffs, Iowa, chose the
Huskers over Iowa, Iowa State and
Texas A&M. Stuntz, whq joins
Millard North Is Mike McLaughlin
as Nebraska Is only 2001 quarter
back recruits so far, runs a 4.5-sec
ond 40-yard dash and is consid
ered one of the best run-pass quar
terbacks in the Midwest Stuntz is
thenatkn^ 25*-best quarterback
and boasts a three-out-of-four star
ranking, according to RivalslOO.
Also staying close to home is
Lincoln Southeast^ Barrett Ruud
(6 feet 2 inches, 220 pounds).
Ruud, whose father played at
Nebraska, is the 40th-best line
backer in the country, according to
Rivals 100. Ruud runs a 4.7-sec
ond 40-yard dash and can bench
press 280 pounds. He also earned
all-state honors as a junior. Ruud
picked die Huskers over Michigan
and Notre Dame.
Perhaps the most intriguing -
not to mention biggest - 2001
recruit is Seppo Evwaraye, a
Finnish exchange student from
Evwaraye, Rival's 65th-best
offensive lineman, stands 6 feet 5
inches tall and weighs 325 pounds.
He runs a 5-second 40-yard dash
and bench presses 350 pounds.
Evwaraye picked Nebraska
over Iowa State.
‘Rocky’ a real horror to witness unfold
FILMS from page 9
movie that portrayed all FBI
agents as paper pushers. Until this
The very premise of the movie
is built on, well, nothing. Neva is
it made clear why, exactly, Rocky
and Bullwinkle are needed for any
reason whatsoever. Can’t Fearless
Leada and his cronies be arrested
and detained like everybody else?
The conclusion of the movie
proves this true; fa no special rea
son were they needed at all. They
are simply present in the movie
and no more, and the occasional
pop-culture joke occurs around
them. Or maybe they say it with
out knowing it What irony.
If “Rocky and Bullwinkle”
wasn’t destined to be bad, it was
destined to flop in the theaters.
There is no audience for this
movie that I can discern. One
child in theater said, “That was the
weirdest movie I’ve ever seen,”
and he meant it
I cannot deny liking Perabo
somewhat; she’s a cross between
two actresses that you can’t quite
name, and her performance, while
not something I’d ever care to
watch again, was impressive in a
strange way. She acted against a
green screen, after all. I get the
same feeling whenever I see
Robert Downey Jr., though he’s
acting with humans.
Maybe people with spilt per
sonalities can enjoy this movie. Of
course, they’ll have to drag them
selves from die “Me, Myself and
Irene” picket lines long enough to
see it. My advice: Stay right
where you (and you, too) are. No
need confusing people Anther.
No stars.
$5.25/15 words
__ $3.50/15 words (students)
m X A C ^ X M $0.15 each additional word
V A I I r lliJJj $0.75 biUing charge
. $0.75/line headline
Deadline: Noon Wednesdays
200$ tars* ^£fi
1901 Prim, four door. S-apaad. AC. 79K. Extra
dam $3350
Bmc*s Aufto Mm, 1047 8. Third. 477-6442.
Adoption is a Gift
We are a loving couple arito are longing for a
newborn. Love, eupport. and aacurity await. Ex
panaes paid. Plaaaa call Nadine and Scott.
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torablpaafao p-abli
Auto Accidents &DWI
Other criminal rmattara, call Sanford Pollack.
e«_i n-i— n_i_«i
noou neip Moving *
Moving help within Lincoln or Nebraska for
home furniture, office or merchandise. By the
hour. NR Express Movers. 470-2970.
Pregnancy Test
Birthright is s confidential helping hand. Please
call for appointment or more information.
483-2609. Check out our website
1-2 Female roommates. August 1st.
$175-$23Vrnonth plus utilities. Walk to campus
Roommate wanted to share a 5 bedroom at
Cap** Beach 475-5305
1315 North 14th, available July 1st Large 4 plus
bedroom, central air. washer/dryer, dishwasher.
yitnjf diapaeM $1.000plus deposit 890-8909.
Looking for a ' place to live? Your move off campus)
Find summsr housing.
4 and 5 bedroom houses for August. Close to
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1900 South 52nd Street nice 5 bedroom. $1200
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2941 Ryon's Street 4 bedroom house, garage,
front borch 6 patio $1200 available now
4+1 bedroom. 2 bath, central air, dishwasher,
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Brand new 3 bedroom. 2 bath. 2 garages, fire
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AvPIabla August 1st $1100432-0415.
Several three, four and five bedrooms near sta
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Available Aug. 1. 421-7611.
All utilities paid. 3 bedroom 2 bath, central air.
dish washer. 938 S 12th. $780 00. 450-1013
Available August 1.
Close to campus, nice, 3 bedroom. 3 bath, garage.
W/D. a* appliances. $796. HK> 465-8911.
Close to City Campus
WMer. Hast and Gas Paio^
Available now. Ca6 477-4480.
Rotation highlights Rep’s season
REP from page 2
“I went online and found a Web
site that had pictures of
(Habersham Road) in Atlanta,
where the house is supposed to be
located,” Naversen said
The entire set is elevated more
than a food above foe stage floor.
Upstage left is foe front door, and
upstage right is a staircase which
leads to unseen bedrooms. A door
to the kitchen, a hall closet and a
Christmas tree displayed in the
front window span the center part
offoe upstage area.
Two window seats dominate
the downstage-right and down
stage-center edges of the set.
Naversen said the window seats
were included to give the actors a
reason to look out toward the audi
ence on the sides.
This summer marks the
Nebraska Repertory Theatre* 33rd
season. The season opened with
Match Play; the world premier of a
play by Nebraska author William
McCleery. This year'll children’s
production, Sleeping Beauty,
toured local schools in May.
“The Last Night of Ballyhoo”
will run at 7:30 pm. on July 6,7,8,
20,22,26,28, August 3 and 5 and
at 3:00 pm on July 30.
Rotating repertory will begin
July 13 with the opening of
“Picnic” by William Inge. It will be
directed by Eugene Anthony from
the cast of “The Last Night at
Admission prices are $20 for
patrons, $18 for UNL faculty and
staff and $7 for students and youth.
Tickets for both plays are available
through the Lied Center boot office
and may be reserved by calling
472-4747 or (800) 432-3231.
Edited by Joyce Nichols Lewis
1 Beit maker's
4 Kids
8 Cool drinks
12 HBO competitoi
13 Encourage
14 Ocean bed?
16 Dot follower?
17 F.W. Wodworth
19 Island near
21 Aquatic nymph
22 The Simpsons'
store owner
24 Tide type
25 Teen dance
26 Israd add-on
27 High chairs?
29 Movies
32 Turf
33 Privy to
35 Rush
36 '69-72 Dan
Dailey sitcom,
with The’
41 Golfer’s coup
42 1st century
43 Calendar mo.
45 Least certain
49 Priestly garb
51 Director Pakula
52 ABrinker
54 Cate lightener
55 -cher
56 Oidsmobile
58 Was aware d
59 1974 World
Football Leagu
63 Ship's hdg.
64 —deboeuf:
oval windows
65 ERA, e.g.
66 Weekend TV
67 Recipe amt.
68 Spd
69 Long swimmer
1 AcdMties
2 Thorough way
3 Guy with an
4 —Mahal,
5 Gram, case
6 “Idylls of the
King* poet
7 Cook, in a way
8 Eban of Israel
9 Act
10 Go awry
11 Spheteopener
15 Overstimulated
18 Bit of smoke
20 Li's address
23 JFK served in it
25 Romance,
mystery, e.g.
26 Assured, as
28 Reunion
30 Tara residents
31 Attach, as a
34 Dijon denial
37 Egoistic
38 Scraps
39 Type of beetle
40 Cut in thin
strips, as
44 Card
45 ‘—a Hock"
46 1988 Olympics
star, famiariy
47 Typed pane
48 At that time
SO Sort
53 Happen
56 Cartoon
57 Ctoueeau’s
rank; Abbr.
60 Forward sal
61 Space
62 Hog heaven?