i __ David Clasen/DN RMflT: Tnaii Rail washes da Mia wMririeM sf a 1937 PactaiTaariafSeiaa.Naeais i Header af the Uaaala Area Street Reis slab that was cieaalai the cars far the rac* Inoapfomtmentsneededb I «rrw _I MALL.DAILYNEB.COM | Josh Tfolfe/DN ABOVE: Michael Walter aai Bargaade CM watch a coacart froai tlw street Friday eight. BIONT: Jlpaa BMchsa, B/iaaam law tha slips af aa laflataMa baat sat ap aa 8th straat Friday. David ClasenPDN TOP: OMa Bach laaai sat ta shahs Ms sea Bsry Each* haad as ha salats tha llayartat as hs aatarsachcckpolstof the Owat Race poa sored hy the HstsryChaaasl. hearty a haadrsdaatigae cars pwticlpstiag lathe race stepped la Uacola.