The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 05, 2000, summer edition, Page 6, Image 6

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    Ross fare
ROSS from page 3
themes rather than being
secured squarely in reality.
Expect “Ghost Dog” to have
a big taste of die mythic.
“Mifune,” July 27
Rated R
103 minutes
Another samurai movie,
sort of. The next in the line
of Dogma 95 movies (that
means no camera tricks, no
artificial lighting and appar
ently, no clich6d endings),
“Mifune” is the story of a
well-to-do Swedish busi
nessman, Kresten (Anders
W. Berthelsen), and his
estranged autistic brother,
Rud (Jesper Asholt).
Much like “Rain Man,”
die movie derives its name
from the samurai who
Kresten impersonates to
entertain Rud.
“Lipstick and
Letterbox” a short film on
fidelity and fantasy, will run
with “Mifune.”
students take
class outside
CHASER from page 1
cars and a total of 11 people, the team
heads out.
10:50 a.m. - On Interstate 80
The Weather Channel and National
Weather Service begin to make announce
ments to the public about the possibility of a
large scale tornado outbreak. The skies howev
er, remain overcast, preventing the air from
gaining heat and moisture.
12:09 p.m. In between York and Grand
Upper level cloudiness is looking more like
it might be a problem, for they suck moisture
out of die air, preventing the storms from form
ing later in die day.
What the storms needed were clear skies.
Looking out his driver side window, Dewey
sees that while small patches of blue sky peek
through here and there, skies should be clear
ing by now. He is unsure that Ashley has led
them in the right direction.
“Walker has consistently gotten us to the
target every time,” Dewey says. “But he also
has a tendency to make a gut decision. He’ll
become really convinced about a particular
thing, like the direction we should be going.
“Last year, we had to back track more than
once to catch up to the storms to our east. But,
he is die lead chaser.”
1:00 p.m.—Hastings
The team arrived at the National Weather
Service Office in Hastings for a update. The
office patrols central to western Nebraska for
severe weather,
The chasers look at radar, satellite images
and maps of upper level winds and dew points.
After studying printouts from the weather
office, die group spends a few moments out
side with a map of the state.
It is time to wait, Ashley says. The storms
need time to build.
Josh Wolfe/DN
TOP: LEAD CHASER WaRw Ashley looks at a
sapercoll which fcrowd Rear Arapahee,
Hah. The stem want aa to practice an F3
tinndc la LiacalR County Hebraska.
Stave Peterson stand aaderaaath a sapor*
call waiting far a fanaal. The storm turned
LEFT. AFTER 8ETTMB a weather apdate, the
chasers caaverge ea a map to decide whora
ta ga next. It waald ha another two hoars
before the first supercell would form.
1:52 p.m.
After eating lunch at a gas station Subway,
Ashley stands outside smoking a cigarette. He
hangs off by himself looking up at the clouds.
Please see CHASER on page 8