Social studies American history has forgotten that many of its heroes were socialists “It is not only radical or current ly unfashionable ideas that the texts leave out - it is all ideas, including those of their heroes - Frances FitzGerald In America, “socialism” is almost an obscene word. In the minds of most Americans, the word calls to mind images of the Berlin Wall and a tyrannical government; ii is a virtual synonym for “commu nism.” When Hillary Clinton floated around her national health care plan a few years back, Republican leader on Capitol Hill were quick to denounce it as “socialistic.” Socialism is seen as a threat to the American way of life - this tremendous freedom we’re suppose< to have to make ourselves into any thing we want to be. Because social ism holds that not every citizen has this opportunity because of econom ic inequality, it is seen as a threat to “family values.” Pat Robertson once said, “The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women... It is about a socialist, anti-family political move ment that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their chil dren, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” (Hill & Cheadle, 1996) So Robertson puts an attack bn capitalism in the same list of evils as child-murder and witchcraft; it’s hard to tell which he thinks is the worst. The ironic thing is that many of our nation’s most cherished heroes were socialists. In history textbooks, the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. is glorified as the leading black civil rights leader of the 20* Century. This is arguably true, but besides ignoring the often fierce resentment King provoked in other black lead ers, the textbooks almost uniformly ignore the fact that King was a self 5 proclaimed socialist. He knew that the overwhelming poverty suffered by blacks could not be caused solely by racism. In 1967, just a year before he was 1 assassinated, King said, “... One day we must ask the question, ‘Why are there 40 million poor people in America?’ And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic sys tem, about a broader redistribution of wealth. When you ask that ques tion, you begin to question the capi talistic economy.” (103 Harv. L. Rev. 1039) Another example of historical tunnel vision is Helen Keller. She’s remembered as the determined and courageous woman who learned to speak and write while blind and deaf and went on to be an advocate for the disabled. Her life is lauded to such an extent that she becomes almost a cartoon figure. Keller is held out as the embodiment of the belief that through hard work, anything is pos sible. ^ What the textbooks don’t say, however, is that Keller was a radical socialist. She joined a socialist polit ical group in her early twenties and remained a socialist until her death al the age of 88. Keller spent most of her life writ ing and speaking on socialist causes. At the time she became a socialist, however, she was idolized world wide; the shift in her political views caused a fickle public to react angri ly and newspapers, once full of praise, became full of disdain. Keller spoke about one of these critics, an editor at the Brooklyn Eagle: “The compliments that he [once] paid me were so generous thai I blush to remember them. But now that I have come out for socialism, he reminds me and the public that I am blind and deaf and especially liable to error. I must have shrunk in intelligence during the years since I met him.” (Loewen, 1995) History has immortalized the first two decades of Keller’s life. It has forgotten the last six decades of her life that she spent fighting for economic justice under the banner of socialism. We’ve all heard of the famous novel “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair. When I talk to people about it, all they can remember (with justi fied horror) are the disgusting prac tices of the meat-packing industry detailed within. When the book first came out, it horrified society to such an extent that it led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, one of the most extensive food safety regulations the country had ever seen. Focusing on this small portion of the book, however, completely ignores the main thrust of it. “The Jungle” is a call to arms for social ists. It was written as a wake-up call for the poor to unite and protect themselves from economic exploita tion. Much of Sinclair’s life was devoted to socialism. History choos es to remember him generically as a “reformer” or a “progressive.” Glossing over these national heroes’ socialist beliefs is commqji. The New America Desk / Encyclopedia (3rd ed.) for example, does not use the word “socialist” once in any of the entries for King, Keller or Sinclair. History has pulled out a piece of their lives and ignored the rest, distorting what they were really like. Understanding King’s desire for racial equality cannot be complete without understanding his desire for economic equality. Keller’s drive to help the disabled is inseparably inter twined with her drive to help the poor. Sinclair’s passion for “muck raking” is inexplicable without understanding the socialist beliefs on which it was based. Just as the influence of socialism on these individuals has been forgot ten, so has the influence of socialism on America. Many of today’s govern ment policies, such as minimum wage laws, Social Security benefits and Medicaid, were espoused by socialist parties long before they were adopted by Democrats or Republicans. As Michael Harrington, one of the leading American socialists of the 20th Century, said, “One of the main consequences of the socialist movement has not been socialism, but a more humane, rational and intelligent capitalism, usually in spite of the capitalists.” Even if the textbooks are igno rant of the contribution of socialism to our nation and its heroes, we shouldn’t be. Jeremy Patrick is a first-year law student and a Daily Nebraskan columnist. Goodbye boob tube Take a break from your television set and yoiunight learn something Many of us seem to have become the dupes of the marketing and mass media industries. We buy what they tell us to buy and look how they teil us to look. We accept their ideas of free dom, which largely consist of the free dom to buy their products. According to die Nielsen Corporation, our television sets faith fully flicker with their nonsense an average of seven hours and 12 minutes each day. We need to stop the madness, disconnect our cable and turn off our televisions. Last ween, notea autnor jean Kilboume gave a lecture in the Mary Riepma Ross Film Theater. The main thrust of her talk dealt with reasons women should reject the popular, media-driven image of beauty, but we should go a step further and remove media almost entirely from our lives. News and weather are useful, but what did “South Park” add to our society? According to Kilboume, the aver age American is accosted by 3,000 advertisements each day. Our capitalisi society is infested with labels, logos and limitless advertisements. Don’t wc have better things to do than look, lis ten and feel who is selling what? I admit, some ad campaigns are amusing. My roommate says, “whaz zuupp” to me at least three times a day And I laugh every time I hear the word Prozac. The American College Dictionary defines “prosaic” as “lacking in imagi nation; dull” and “Prozac” as a “popu lar mood-altering drug.” Irony is a beautiful thing, but these few little gems of marketing genius do not mak< up for what TV costs us. Poor people are three times more likely to watch four or more hours of television per day when compared to the wealthy. Content is another impor tant issue. By age 18, the average per son has witnessed 16,000 depictions of homicide. And by age 65, on average, we’ve spent nine years watching tele vision. Many organizations, including TV Free America, have raised objec tions to the growing concentration of media power into a few hands. Media outlets are increasingly held by fewer and fewer corporations. According to Ad Busters, an organization that attempts to police images in advertising, “Right now, television is controlled by seven megacorpora tions in the U.S. and is strongly domi nated by three world-wide.” One question we must ask our selves is, who benefits from die sys tem of media ownership we have allowed to spawn? Our best interest is not served by offering our attention to the media giants. One feasible solution is ottered by TV Turnoff Week. On April 24-30, while the hard-working students of UNL will be experiencing dead week, TV Free America humbly suggests we take a week-long respite from the tube. So, when you wake up on April 24, unplug your television and don’t plug it in again for a week. Read a book, go see a play or just study for your finals. If you’re a marketing or journalism major, you may not be able to avoid the media altogether but limiting your exposure for a week won’t kill you. And avoiding television will certainly add hours to your day, hours you can use more productively than memoriz ing reruns of “Friends.” In Anrerica, the greatest risk to our freedom is our own poor decisions. We can decide to educate ourselves in ref erence to our current governmental and social challenges or we can be happy with what others have decided we should think about In truth, the television is not the : whole problem. Television content is a great disgrace, but we each choose to sit down and gaze. It’s a lot easier to follow the old, easy patterns of mind less entertainment than it is to cre ate a new hobby or interest. The human mind loves patterns. New patterns are tough to create and old ones are hard to break - but it’s worth a try. > Neal Obermeyer/DN Michael Donley is a senior sociology major and a Daily Nebraskan columnist