NU sweeps KU in three-game set By Matthew Hansen Stqffwriter The Nebraska baseball team, still staggered after being swept at Baylor April Fools weekend, got all better by getting bats and then brooms of their own for the Kansas Jayhawks on * Saturday and Sunday. The Huskers’took a three-game set from KU in impressive fashion, win ning the series by a combined seme of 41-16. According to Nebraska Head Coach Dave Van Horn, the KU series was just what his team needed. “We really limped out ofWaco last week. Losing those close games the way we did, everyone was disgusted. “We responded well this weekend, though. Kansas was a team that had kind ofbeen mi a roll, but we did a great job against them.” The tone for the lopsided series was set by Husker ace Shane Komine in the first game of the Saturday doublehead er. Komine tied a Husker record by striking out 17 while giving up no earned runs in 8 innings of a 9-3 NU tri umph. The sophomore hurler, who struck out the first four Jayhawks he faced, said he knew it was gping to be a special day early on. Actually, he knew after six pitches. “That fust inning, John Nelson is a good hitter. When I got him to swing on y^2,1 knew I was going to be pretty good” Despite Komineh K-fest, the game was knotted 3-3 after Doug Dreher’s two-run homerun following an error in the fifth. The Husker bats proceeded to take over from there, though. They wouldn’t let up until the scoreboard stopped flashing Sunday. NU scored three times in the fifth and seventh to put the opener out of reach. For the game, Dan Johnson hit his ninth home run and Matt Hopper pounded three hits, including a homer, to lead the Husker offense. Hopper was even better in the nightcap, a 14-2 NU rout The designat ed hitter hit a three-run shot in the first inning and added another in the fifth. The rest of the Husker bats fol- * [owed suit, pounding out 14 hits and walking eight times in a game that | mded in the seventh because of the 12 run rule. Husker starter Scott Fries scat tered five hits over his six innings of J work, giving up only two runs and earn- { mg the win for NU. } If the Nebraska offense was hot Saturday, it was absolutely scalding in i an 18-11 win Sunday. The Huskers exploded for a season-high 22 hits and | equaled a season-high with 18 runs in a { slugfest The game was tied at five after one J inning, and Nebraska held only an 8-7 i lead going into the bottom of the sev- S enth. The Huskers then broke the game ! open with five more runs, both in the } seventh and eighth innings to complete ! the sweep. Van Horn said the offensive output of his team was impressive. “It really surprised me today with the way we hit die ball, because the wind was blowing hard in. “But we had a plan to hit line drives and go the other way, and we went with it the whole game.” Solid pitching leads to Husker win By Sean Callahan Staff writer It’s always a lot easier to play relaxed when you have a 3-0 lead in the first inning. This weekend against Baylor, die Nebraska softball team used two three-run home runs, both from jun ior Jamie Fuente, which helped jump start the Comhuskers (29-16,6-0) in their 8-0 and 7-3 sweep over a young Bear team (21-24,1-5). “It takes a lot of pressure off the defense when you can put a three-spot up in that first-inning,” Husker Coach Rhonda Revelle said. “I think Jamie is just playing really relaxed ball right now.” In Nebraska’s game against Creighton on Thursday, NU lacked offense by combining’for only orie hit. This weekend in the Baylor series, the Huskers had an offensive outburst of 16 hits to go along with solid pitch ing performances from all three of their huriers - Jenny Voss, Leigh Ann Walker and Penny Cope. On the mound, Voss (10-6) earned the shutout victory in Saturday’s game and also received the save in Sunday’s contest Cope picked up the win on Sunday to improve to 8-5. Revelle was not extremely pleased with the all-around perform ance of her team in Sunday’s game but says she will take a conference sweep any day. “By no means was it perfect but I thought we hi^pg together as a team,” Revelle said. “I won’t say it was an ugly win, but it wasn’t a pretty win.” With senior All-American Jennifer Lizama out of the line-up since March 22, Nebraska has had to rely on the bat of Fuente, who has had five home runs in die last 14 games. Now with Lizama back in the line-up, Fuente still remains at second base. Lizama is currendy playing first base until Revelle feels she is healthy enough to put her back at second. Fuente said she can’t remember a time in her career where she has hit this hot over such a short span. “I’m feeling pretty good,” Fuente said. “I’m just trying to stay relaxed and not think about anything.” All together in the series, Fuente was 3-for-4 with two home runs and six RBI. Freshman Amanda Buchholtz and Lizama also had three hits apiece in the two games. Nebraska will have a two-game series at home against Missouri before traveling to Norman for a dou bleheader with conference leader Oklahoma. Husker golfers look to improve, not just win By Matthew Hansen Staff writer Success isn’t being measured in terms of wins or trophies by Nebraska Golf Coach Larry Romjue this season. Instead, as the four freshmen and , one sophomore that make up the \ Husker squad travel to Wichita, Kan. for the Wheatshocker Classic on Monday and Tuesday, Romjue is concerned only with improvement. “As I’ve said before, this is a transition year for us,” he said. “We need to build back to where we were, and we can only do that through experience and individual improve ment.” The Huskers got that improve ment at their last Stevinson Ranch Invitational, where they finished seventh. Romjue said the finish was a vic tory for his team. He also said it was unrealistic for his team to set goals like winning tournaments. “We’d like to finish in the top third this week,” he said. “I think that it’s reasonable for us. There are going to be four or five teams there that have had more success than us, and it will be extremely hard for us to beat those teams. “We’re not concerned with them right now, though. We’re concerned with ourselves.” One score that doesn’t concern Romjue is the final round play of sophomore Seth Porter at the Stevinson Ranch Invitational. Porter, the team’s No.l golfer, finished with a 236 and placed 55th. Porter’s finish, however, didn’t have his coach worried. “It was just an aberration,” Romjue said. “Seth has been playing pretty steady for us. His scoring average is good. If he’d had a whole tournament of 86’s, I’d be concerned, but it can happen to anybody once.” It's about a bunch of monsters enjoying each other's company, keeping their evil in check. I I I | April K> I I I I_| Mon 9-8 J 4 BH Bags Balg! 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