The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 21, 2000, Page 3, Image 3

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    FRATERNITY from page 1
to $3,200 so far this academic year.
Sophomore fraternity member Pat
Hastings said Floats for Clinton will
become an annual event, like Mud Tug,
because of the great turnout in the fall.
Last year, the money donated to
Clinton was used to buy new books,
and this year the money went to the pur
chase of four new iMac computers.
Sue Galvin, schoolwide facilitator
for Clinton, said the computers aid the
school’s new electronic reading pro
gram, Read 180.
“The program is supposed to help
kids to turn their lives around 180
degrees with increased reading skills,”
Galvin said. “Once the package
arrived, we realized we needed new
About 35 students go through rota
tions on the computers each day, using
the Read 180 program. Students also
use the computers for word processing
and literacy programs, Galvin said.
Delta Tau Delta also has participat
ed in Family Math and Science Night
and Family Feast during this school
Starting this semester, the fresh
man pledge class for the fraternity,
along with the freshman women from
Chi Omega Sorority, have organized a
crosswalk watch after school on
Fridays to help the children cross the
busy^ streets by Clinton Elementary
School, 1520 N. 29th St.
A few of the Delta Tau Delta mem
bers also have been volunteering on
their own. Hastings, a sophomore soil
sciences major, is one of them. He vol
unteers once or twice a week and works
with disabled and underprivileged chil
“It has really showed how much
kids really need role models, and they
look up to the older kids because of the
fact we’re in college,” Hastings said. “It
makes them a lot happier, instead of
having to see the same teacher every
The fraternity’s philanthropy chair
man, freshman pre-law major Tyler
Laflin, has helped to set up some of the
events for Clinton, such as the cross
walk project and Floats for Clinton.
“I think personally that there are a
lot of guys who, not through just these
programs, come over here and volun
teer on their own time, just to get a
sense of helping out,” Laflin said.
Galvin said the teachers and the
students have appreciated the work the
fraternity has done.
“The biggest impact is that they are
truly making a difference with the stu
dents,” Galvin said. “And with their
participation (at Family Reading
Night), that allows parents to be with
their own students, and their children^
“Therefore, we don’t have to tie up
all the parents on our staff to operate the
family event, which is truly what the
full purpose of the family event is -
families interacting with families, and
families interacting with their own
Frahm said the fraternity members
canceled dinner at the house to eat din
ner at the Pancake Feed.
“They’re always very willing,”
Frahm said. “The kids love to see
Participating in these community
service projects has helped the fraterni
ty win state and national awards, Laflin
It was presented with the Hugh
Shields Award from its national frater
nity, which distinguished it as one of
the top chapters in the nation. The
University of Nebraska-Lincoln has
also awarded the fraternity with the
C.B. Schultz Community Service
Award for the past two years.
“The partnership gets stronger
every year,” Galvin said. “They just
become more and more involved. I
think that’s the beauty of this partner
“The more continuation that you
have, the stronger the partnership
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Board of Regents race fills up
REGENTS from page 1
Breslow decided earlier this year he
would not run for the Senate. He opted
for a regent seat because it would allow
him to stay in Nebraska.
“I decided I wanted to remain living
in Nebraska,” Breslow said. “It seemed
very logical for me to run for the Board
of Regents.”
Breslow said he has done every
thing, from going door-to-door to
attending fish fries in Sarpy County, to
show his dedication for the office.
Miller, a regent who has been out
spoken in defending fetal tissue
research at the University ofNebraska’s
medical center, said this year’s race will
be a high-profile one.
Anti-abortion groups will be chal
lenging the candidates, forcing them to
take a stand on the issue, he said.
“Pro-life groups will be targeting
regents for defeat,” he said.
With this year’s controversy over
the fetal tissue research, Miller said he
has been subject to many personal
Skrupa said the issues change
quickly, with each week bringing a new
hot-button topic that the regents have to
be responsive to.
Even though regents don’t get paid,
working toward the good of the univer
sity makes the job worth it, Miller said.
“It defies rational reasons why peo
ple want this job, but we believe in the
work we are doing,” he said.
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Fulbright Grants for Graduate Study Abroad
Workshops for the Fulbright Student Grant Program
will be held on March 21st and 22nd to explain the
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