Innocents Society Chancellor’s Senior Honorary Congratulations to the following outstanding campus leaders on their recent tackling into the 2000-2001 In nocents Society. Beth Augustine, Katherine Brady, Jim Cahow, J.P. Ladd, Dustin Manhart, Jason Mashek, Eryn McConnell, Jake Messersmith, Luke Schreier, Natalya Shannon, Brett Stohs, Kyle VanDenBosch, Jennifer Wagner. ____ INTRAMURAL SLOW PITCH SOFTBALL Tuesday, March 21 is the last day to enter co-rec slow pitch softball. Enter now at the Office of Campus Rec reation. For more information, call 472-3467. INTRAMURAL SOCCER The last day to enter men’s and women’s outdoor soccer is Tuesday, March 21. Don’t delay! Enter now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 for more information. Looking for tennis hitting partner/nale or female. 420-2949._ Nebraska Union Board 1 Deadline Extended The board assumes the role of advocate for the various segments of the University community to the Director of the Nebraska Unions and the Vice Chancellor for Student affairs. Deadline Friday, March 10. Also position open for Electoral Commission Director for next year. The Electoral Commission Director is in charge of the committee that evaluates and revises the rules gov erning the spring student government election. Deadline is Friday, March 24. Applications for both positions are at 136 Nebraska Union Needed 50 people to lose weight fast. 100% natural. Doctor recommended. Results guaranteed. (868)213-2388._ Rewarding Summer Program $20,000 in College Scholarship Opportunities Enroll in Army ROTC Camp Challenge for 5 weeks this summer. Catch up on 2 years of Army ROTC courses, and compete for a college scholarship worth up to $20,000. Call 472-4269 for details, email: or visit our website at SIFE Meeting for Students In Free Enterprise this Wednesday, 5 pm in Union. Everyone is welcome. SPRING BREAK COUNTDOWN Top 5 list Reasons to Use Alcohol Irresponsibly over Spring Break: # 3: You don’t want to remember how you revealed the unsettling secrets of your digestive tract to everyone anyway. *46% of NU Students do something they regret after drinking alcohol (Wechsier 1999). Don't be another sta tistic - have a safe and enjoyable Spring Break! Students With Children Support Group Wednesdays, 12:30-1:30pm in 338 Nebraska Union. Call Gail (or more information at 472-7450. Women’s Week 2000: Celebrating the Beauty in All of Us...Broadening Our Vision. Today don’t miss: “Shakespeare’s Sister Day" from 9-5pm in Bailey Lounge of Andrew’s Hall. Block & Bridle General Meeting Thursday, March 9. 7pm-lnitiates, 7:30pm-Members. East Campus Union.' CBA SAB Elections Tonight, 5:30pm, CBA 132. COLLEGE REPUBLICANS Join us at the City Union. US Senate Candidate George Grogan will be speaking. Wednesday, March 8 at 6:15 pm. Refreshments following. HUMANITIES IN MEDICINE Meeting, Wednesday, March 8 at 8 pm in city Union. Discussing NE AIDS PROJECT. IRTS International Radio and Television Society IRTS will meet Wednesday, March 8 at 7pm, 201 Avery Hall. Speaker will be Laurie Richards from the Nebraska Film Office. Both new and old members welcome. Pre-Dental Club Meeting March 9, 7 pm at the Dental College. Speaker Dr. Bhattacharya - Pathology. SAA There will be a meeting this Thursday at 5:30 pm in the Wic Alumni Center. ASA Congratulation* Jennifer Wagner on being selected for Innocents Society. -We’re so proud of you _, , |, , -Love Your Sisters fie^?Aeed Come join the fun Thursday, March 9 from 10 pm-2 am eating all the nachos you want. Proceeds benefit “Make a Wish Foundation." Tickets $4 at the door, $3 in advance. Talk to any Alpha Xi for tickets. Hope to see you there. B©n Congratulations to Mark Kratina Jr. and Aaron Scheibe on being tapped into Mortar Board. We're proud of you guys. -Your Brothers B©n Congratulations to all of the guys on the “B” Broomball team on winning the division. We wish you luck in the All University tournament. -Your Brothers xo Congratulations to Mike Rogers on being elected to the Student Advisory Board for the Teacher’s College. .-The Men of Chi Phi Now Hiring 50 positions | Flexible Hours f Great Hourly Wage | Apply Today by calling v 434-2626 Close to Campus Casual dress Career Opportunities £ ^Interactive 1 I Teleservices | 12th & Q Sts-Above Kinkos | AT Congratulations Katie Shamblin for being accepted into Social Work school at UNO. Good luck! ITB, Your Sisters AT Congratulations to Suzanne Minarick and Amy Nguyen on your new ASUN positions! AT Way to go Sarah Kelling and Angie Oxley on your Mortar Board invitations. Your hard work does not go un noticed. FarmHouse Congratulations to Todd Cruise on his tapping into Mortar Board. -Your Brothers FarmHouse Congratulations to our three new Innocents: Brent Stohs, J.P. Ladd, Jake Messersmith. ITKA Congrats to David Stevens on winning the National George Foreman Scholarship. Way to go, champ! -your brothers nKA Way to go Nick Fitch and Matt Knobbe on winning the Phi Mu Pitch Tourney. Is it just me or do we win a lot of stuff? -your brothers ZAE Congratulations to our 4.0 scholars: Russ Baumert, Matt Glathar, Andy Havelka, Brad Kwiatek, Travis Lucas, John Mai, Phil McBride, Seth Woodke, Derek Zimmerman, and of course Craig Langfeldt. 3.5's and above: Powder Beckenhauer, Rob Biodrowski, Curt Boe, J.D. Bogden, Tyson Bolliger, Aaron Brockmeier, Lester Buckley, Jon Bunning, TJ Butler, Dave Campbell, Aaron Hurlbut, Jason Jensen, Jon Lien, Brandon Moller, Ehren Parks, Mitchell Periv, Nate Rembe, Brad Reynolds, Scot Ringenberg, Zac Roskilly, Craig Schimonitz, Reece Sukovaty, and Jonathan Talich. Phi Alpha, Your Brothers ZOE Congratulations to Jason Mashek and Jim Cahow on being selected into the Innocents Soceity. Good job guys. -Your Brothers ZOE We offer Andy Faltin our sincerest congratulations on his selection into the 2000 Mortor Board. -Your Brothers ★ STUDENT GOVERNMENT RUN-OFF ELECTION Wednesday, March 8,2000 THE POLLING SITES WILL BE: From 8am to 8pm Nebraska Union-City Campus Nebraska Union-East Campus Campus Recreation Center From 10am to noon Qwikick at Parking Garage From 4pm to 8pm Harper Food Service Neihardt Blue Parlor Sandoz Lounge Poll Workers will be members of the Women’s Faculty Club. If you have questions, contact Todd Franzen, 472-2581 ★ NU Student Government Different Time This Week Wednesday - March 8 8pm - City Union Information and Agenda Available 136 Nebraska Union LOST: Eye glasses with attached magnifier with red case. Used as low vision aide. Call 488-4118. I NEED HELP _BY VIC LEE ' f | MUST SAY, YOUR \ ( PROBLEMS SEEM WY SERIOUS. ^— Cl l UNFORTUNATEY. THEY'RE JUST r^Jk t \not very interesting. www.MngfMturas.coai ©MO# Vic Las. DM by King Factors* THE NORM BY MICHAEL JANTZE PN*ry act rue Ne»GH80R«' House/ i 1' s ' I 1 5 $ I I UH- I DIDN'T ICMOW BooMeg THey had so ] MANy FEieNDS1 rr 0 I BOOMeR/ it's"' am opeN House/ wnfreestuff ,c«m the easy way to win on the web __.... - T . Oassified Advertising 402-472-2508 402-472-1701 (FAX) Looking For A Place To Live? Ef Then check out The Housing Fair Wednesday, March 22 More information to come in the Daily Nebraskan YOU’VE PROBABLY SEEN OUR AD OVER AND OVER AGAIN... and wondered “Is this the right job for me?” If you like talking on the phone, but don’t want ^to sell widgets or do surveys, then this IS the right job for you! You’ll be an •ACTIVIST •ORGANIZER and •FUNDRAISER for non-profit groups who work to protect organic food standards, to protect the environment, and for women’s rights. Flexible scheduling, $8.25 per hour guaranteed. Great Management team who cares about you. Call 476-1010 to set up an interview Edited by Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 Mischievous type 6 Toward the stem 9 Suffix with arab 14 “All My Children” vixen 15 Caesar’s lucky number? 16 Pitcher’s place 17 In quick succession 19 Cream of the crop 20 Completed the purchase of, as a house 22 Jailbird 23 Knee jerk, for one 26 African antelope 28 Model Macpherson 29 Moon goddess 30 Capital on a fjord 33 The Tell-Tale Heart” author 34 Use a harvester 36 Rack-and— steering 38 Dessert-making aids 40 Clam or mussel 41 Think highly of 42 Bomb detonator 43 Sign of triumph 44 Student’s workplace 45 Israel’s Barak 47 Be dependent 48 Advertising tactic 50 Channel swimmer Gertrude 52 Apportionment word 54 Waters off Taiwan 56 Send to Washington 58 Basketball strategy 62 Kids’song refrain 63 Earth-friendly prefix 64 Actor Christopher 65 Do some road repairs 66 Striped-shirt wearer 67 Freud disciple Alfred DOWN 1 “— Rosenkavalier” 2 Historic time 3 Press conference granter 4 Frozen spike 5 Chowder server 6 Hertz rival 7 Eager and then some 8 Connected 9 Make changes to 10 The sun personified 11 Free-flowing metal 12 “I will sing — the Lord Exodus 13 Perfect place 18 Crafty rascal 21 Giraffe cousins 23 Acted as agent, informally 24 Plaza Hotel minx 25 “Sweeney Todd” locale 27 Hebrides island 29 —Cruces 31 Apollo 13 47 Brought up astronaut 49 Penn or Pitt 32 Feature of some 50 Guinness Book picture cards suffix 34 Actress 51 Winger of Charlotte “Urban Cowboy” 35 Catch 52 Look intently 37 been had!” 53 Nobelist Wiesel 39 Small dog, 55 Dating from briefly 57 Hush-hush org. 40 Sign of spring 59 Slithery fish 42 Heating 60 N.Y.C.’s Park. apparatus e.g. 46 Herd youngster 61 Prefix with plop ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: