Shooting may be race-related WILKINSBURG, Pa. (AP) - A black man accused of killing three whites and wounding two others in a shooting rampage was arraigned Thursday on hate crime charges. Ronald Taylor had “anti-white” writings in his apartment and singled out whites during the attack, reassuring a black woman in his path, “Not you, sister,” authorities and witnesses said. “The general tenor was that he was n’t shooting anybody but whites,” Allegheny County homicide Lt. John Brennan said Thursday as authorities tried to put together a portrait of the sus pect The third victim, Emil Sanielevici, 20, died Thursday, a day after Taylor allegedly targeted whites during a ram page that ended after a hostage standoff at an office building in the suburban Pittsburgh community. Taylor was to be arraigned today for the University of Pittsburgh student’s death. Earlier Thursday, police charged him with ethnic intimidation, Pennsylvania’s term for a hate crime, accusing him of setting fire to his apart ment and shooting the men with mali cious intent “toward white males,” court documents said. The FBI also said it has initiated a civil rights investigation into the shoot ings. District Justice Alberta Thompson asked Taylor if he had any criminal record or history of drug use, and he said no. When she asked if he had any history of mental illness, he said yes. The judge did not ask him to elaborate, and mental health records in Pennsylvania are confidential. Taylor was initially charged with two counts of criminal homicide - an umbrella charge covering murder and manslaughter in Pennsylvania. On Thursday, police brought him before Thompson and also charged him ” The general tenor was that he wasn’t shooting anybody but whites.” John Brennan Allegheny County homicide lieutenant with the hate crime, five counts of aggravated assault, one count of arson, a firearms violation and one count of causing a catastrophe. He is being held without bail on the homicide charges. On Wednesday, the 39-year-old job less man allegedly shot a maintenance worker at his apartment building and four other people at two fast-food restaurants in working-class Wilkinsburg. All five victims were white men. Brennan said when police searched Taylor’s home Wednesday night, they found anti-white writings. Brennan refused to release the contents. “They were just some of his thoughts,” Brennan said. “It was basi cally anti-white, anti-Jew.” Still, investigators said it was unclear whether his only motivation was racial. “Obviously, we’re still getting a lot of information from witnesses about comments he made and things about shooting white people,” said Wilkinsburg Police Chief Gerald Brewer. “There’s a lot of anger and hos tility in this individual, so I think it’s a lit tle premature to simply define this as a racist event.” Police shoot boy who killed deputy ■ Teenager shoots Kansas deputy and is killed later in shootout with police. HIAWATHA, Kan. (AP) - A teen age boy fatally shot a deputy sheriff inside a patrol car and fled, sending officers on a manhunt. The boy later ran out of a wooded area and started firing at officers, who shot him to death, the sheriff said Thursday. “The officers returned fire, and the suspect was shot and killed,” said Lamar Shoemaker, Brown County sheriff. The boy, whose identity was not known, was armed with a handgun. The deputy, a recent high school graduate who was studying criminal justice at Washburn University, had responded to a call from a motorist Wednesday night who saw the teen walking along U.S. Highway 36 in Hiawatha. The city is about 10 miles south of the Nebraska border and about 35 miles west of the Missouri state line. The motorist apparently believed the boy was suspicious or a runaway, Shoemaker said at a news conference. The deputy, Todd Widman, 21, apparently was shot inside his car and radioed for help, Shoemaker said. He was found outside the car and died later at a hospital. More than 50 officers from vari ous area law enforcement agencies converged on the scene, responding to Widman’s call. The boy was found a i short time later near the parking lot of a Wal-Mart store, and fired several shots on officers before he bolted, Shoemaker said. A half-hour later, the boy was spot ted in a nearby field and authorities cordoned off the area. He came out of the woods and fired on three officers, and two of them fired back, killing him, about 9:45 p.m., Shoemaker said. It was not known how many shots were fired at the boy or how many struck him. Widman worked part time as a process server and at the Brown County Jail. “It’s like losing a friend,” Shoemaker said. Most of the businesses in the northeast Kansas town closed because of the unknown nature of the crime that started when Widman was shot about 7 p.m. “We’re all, of course, appalled and saddened by the situation,” Hiawatha Mayor James Scherer said. At St. Joseph, Mo., when acting Police Chief Mike Hirter heard about the incident, he called the Brown County Sheriff’s Department to offer help from his officers. A St. Joseph officer was shot and killed a little more than a year ago, and a Missouri State Highway Patrol trooper was slain near St. Joseph last fall. “It’s very, very hard to put into words how it makes you feel when something like this happens,” said Hirter. Netiraskan Editor: Managing Editor: Associate News Editor: Associate News Editor: Opinion Editor: Sports Editor: A&E Editor: Copy Desk Co-Chief: Copy Desk Co-Chief: Photo Chief: Design Co-Chief: Design Co-Chief: Art Director: Web Editor: Asst Web Editor: Josh Funk Lindsay Young Dane Stickney Diane Broderick J.J. Harder Sam McKewon Sarah Baker Jen Walker Josh Krauter Mike Warren Diane Broderick Tim Karstens Melanie Falk Gregg Steams Jewel Mlnarik Questions? Comments? 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ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 2000 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN - Computer of suspected hacker, 17, seized by FBI WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal agents investigating last month’s Internet attacks have seized a comput er from a 17-year-old New England boy and are considering charging him with computer crimes unrelated to those disruptions, a federal law enforcement official said Thursday. The youth uses the screen name “coolio,” one of the aliases the FBI sus pects may have been involved in last month’s sensational attacks against popular Web sites, this official said, requesting anonymity. But federal investigators believe he is only one of a number of people who have used “coolio” as a screen name. The charges that federal prosecu tors are weighing do not stem from the so-called denial-of-service attacks that shut down Yahoo!, eBay, and other Internet sites for hours at a time, but rather from evidence of other, unrelated hacking found on the seized computer, this official said. The 17-year-old, who lives in New Hampshire, claimed to FBI agents that he had hacked into 100 Web sites, including one based in Los Angeles, Ofc. Joe Buscaino of the Los Angeles Police Department said Thursday. Los Angeles police became involved while investigating an attack on, an anti-drug abuse site it founded. The Los Angeles police com puter crimes unit traced that attack to the youth, Buscaino said. After the youth’s residence was searched Wednesday, he told investiga tors he has been using computers since he was 3 years old and spends about 16 hours a day on the Internet, Buscaino said. The boy claimed he had attacked a Commerce Department site that out lines rules for exporting chemicals that could be used to produce chemical weapons, Buscaino said. The teen also acknowledged dis rupting, operated by RSA Security Inc., one of the nation’s most prominent Internet security compa nies, Buscaino said. On Feb. 13, a hacker calling him self “coolio” redirected visitors to RSA’s Web site, which proclaims itself “the most trusted name in e-security,” to another hacked computer at a uni versity in South America. There, a nearly duplicate hoax site proclaimed: ^ My office and prosecutors have been cooperating with the Department of Justice and FBI since shortly after events of a couple weeks ago.” Philip McLaughlin attorney general “Trust us with your data! Praise Allah!” The hacker left the message “owned by coolio” and also derided RSA’s earlier announcement that it had developed a countermeasure to the types of attacks suffered a week earlier at major commercial Web sites. Last month, Justice Department officials identified “coolio” as one of three hackers, known only by their monikers, sought for questioning in the string of attacks on popular Web sites. The federal law enforcement offi cial said the youth has not been arrest ed by federal agents, and his arrest is not imminent. Federal prosecutors planned to meet with New Hampshire prosecu tors Friday to discuss charges, Buscaino said. In New Hampshire, Attorney General Philip McLaughlin would not identify the boy or give his age or hometown. “My office and prosecu tors have been cooperating with the Department of Justice and FBI since shortly after events of a couple weeks ago,” McLaughlin said. Assistant New Hampshire Attorney General Mark Zuckerman said, “We do believe there’s a New Hampshire connection to some of that activity,” he said, referring to the spate of Web attacks in February. Partly cloudy high 66, low 40 Partly cloudy high 53, low 34 Alleged owner of gun used in child’s death faces charge MOUNT MORRIS TOWN SHIP, Mich. (AP) - Prosecutors Thursday planned to bring invol untary manslaughter charges against a man they believe pos sessed the stolen gun later used by a 6-year-old boy to kill a class mate. Jamelle James, 19, was to be arraigned Thursday afternoon. The manslaughter charge carries up to 15 years in prison. Investigators believe the .32 caliber semiautomatic gun used to kill 6-year-old Kayla Rolland on Tuesday had been left, apparently loaded, under James’ blankets in a bedroom at the house where the boy was living. Investigators also found a stolen 12-gauge shotgun and drugs at the house. ■ California Study finds vitamin C could be harmful to arteries SAN DIEGO (AP) - A new study raises the disturbing possi bility that taking vitamin C pills may speed up hardening of the arteries. Researchers called their dis covery a surprise and cautioned that more experiments are needed to know for sure whether mega doses of the vitamin actually are harmful. Many people load up on vita min C and other nutrients on the assumption that these supplements are good for their health, even though there is little scientific evi dence this is true. The study found no clear-cut sign that getting lots of vitamin C from food or a daily multivitamin does any harm. But those taking vitamin C pills had accelerated thickening of the walls of the big arteries in their necks. In fact, the more they took, the faster the buildup. ■ London Petroleum exporters advise oil production boost LONDON (AP) - Three major petroleum-exporting countries recommended a boost in crude oil production Thursday to ease a world shortage and trim the high prices consumers pay for home heating oil and gasoline. But the oil ministers from Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Mexico wouldn’t specify the amount or timing, and oil industry analysts said this lack of specifics means prices aren’t likely to ease significantly any time soon. A final decision will likely come at a long-anticipated meet ing of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries in Vienna on March 27. ■ Washington, D.C. Clinton plans meeting on gun safety locks WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton, lamenting that 13 children are killed by guns every day in America, said Thursday he will seek a meeting with congressional leaders next week to “break the logjam” on leg islation to require gun safety locks. The president referred to the fatal shooting Tuesday of a 6-year old girl in Michigan and a gunman who killed two people in Wilkinsburg, Pa., on Wednesday. Clinton is seeking legislation that would require safety locks on guns and ban the import of large capacity ammunition.