The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 21, 2000, Page 2, Image 2
/ ' igest _ primary begins I EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Fresh from a South Carolina triumph, George W.^Bush said Sunday he was campaigning to “bring our country together.” John McCain called his Republican rival a big-spender, then taunted, “if he’s a reformer, I’m an astronaut.” Both men moved through the first day of a tightly compressed campaign in Michigan as the pace of the Republican presidential nomination battle quickened. It fell to McCain, the underdog in uncontested need of a win, to outline the stakes. “We won round one,” he said, refer ring to his landslide in New Hampshire’s presidential primary on Feb. 1. “Governor Bush won round two,” a lopsided win in South Carolina. “Now we go to round three.” Bush strategists were hoping South Carolina would give their man the momentum. McCain countered with an endorsement from Rep. Peter King, R N.Y., who had supported Bush but said he was put off by the candidate’s appeal in South Carolina. One poll, taken before South Carolina voted, rated Michigan a toss up. It had Bush ahead in the GOP strongholds and McCain running stronger in the areas where independent voters and blue collar, Reagan-style Democrats reside. With the primary set for Tuesday, there was no time for either campaign to make new television commercials or even purchase additional time on the state’s stations. Bush, the Texas governor, flew in Saturday night and headed straight for the Republican strongholds around Grand Rapids. Later, in Detroit, he jabbed at McCain, saying voters would pick a leader like himself who is talking about reforms in education and strengthening the military over “somebody who’s try ing to cast aspersions on his opponent. I suspect they’re going to pick like they did in South Carolina.” Bush and several aides also took issue with McCain’s concession speech Saturday night, in which he said the campaign was a choice “between expe rience and pretense.” “1 think the American voters, the ” Now they ve had a chance to see each of us react to victory and each of us react to defeat.” people in Michigan, are going to have to judge how each of us reacts,” Bush said. “Now they’ve had a chance to see each of us react to victory and each of us react to defeat.” Exit polls in South Carolina showed that Bush’s claim to be a “reformer with results” had connected and also that voters believed McCain, more than his rival, had engaged in unfair attacks. That left McCain with a tricky task of trying to underscore his conservative credentials at the same time he was angling to undercut Bush’s claim of being a reformer - all the while uphold ing his pledge to run a positive cam paign. McCain questioned Bush’s integrity, comparing him to President Clinton, in an ad that aired in South George W. Bush presidential candidate Carolina but was not shown to Michigan voters. Appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” McCain said Bush’s record on spending compared unfavorably with Clinton’s. “Spending in Texas has almost dou bled, while spending under Clinton has been increased by 20 percent,” he said. At a rally in Livonia, he added that Bush had been a supporter of last year’s omnibus spending bill in Congress, a measure he said contained the “most outrageous pork barreling spending.” “I voted against it,” said McCain, who represents Arizona in the Senate. “Governor Bush said he’d support it and sign it.” Iran voter favor reform parliament Audit: Airline plant problems frequent JL TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - A former intelligence minister whose agents were accused of killing political ene mies was among leading hard-liners going down to defeat Sunday as it became increasingly clear that Iranians want a reform-minded parlia ment. If the returns from Friday’s elec tion continue to favor the reformists, as is likely, it will be the first time the parliament is free ofhard-line domina tion since the 1979 Islamic revolution brought the clergy to power. Results had been announced Sunday for 190 of the 290 seats in the Majlis, or parliament. Winners are list ed only by name, not affiliation, but a background check of the candidates by The Associated Press showed the winners included 137 reformists - or 72 percent. Conservatives had taken 44 seats, or 23 percent, and independents had nine seats, or 5 percent. The Interior Ministry, in charge of the elections, will announce the final results when they become known later this week. Meanwhile, four provincial cities were reported calm after election-relat ed violence Saturday that left eight dead, Kayhan newspaper reported. The paper said three teen-agers were killed and 10 injured when police fired into a crowd that was trying to get into the governor’s office in the town of Dasht-e-Azadegan. The young men were angry that their can didate did not win, the paper said. It did not give the candidate’s affiliation. Five people were reportedly killed in the town of Shush in clashes with police. They were protesting the re election of a candidate they accused of vote-buying, the paper said. A reformist wave has been sweep ing Iran since the May 1997 election of President Mohammad Khatami. The 56-year-old president, a moderate Shiite cleric, has captured the hearts of the young with his efforts to widen individual freedoms, free the press and reduce the cleigy’s interference in the government, the judiciary and peo ple’s lives. But Khatami’s initiatives had been stymied by hard-liners who controlled the outgoing Majlis. With the new parliament conven ing in June, what remains to be seen is whether the hard-liners will continue to use their key powers to block the reformists. Many in the conservative camp appeared ready to accept the people’s verdict. Nebraskan Questions? Comments? Ask for the appropriate section editor at (402) 472-2588 ore-mail Fax number: (402) 472-1761 World Wide Web: The Daily Nebraskan (USPS144-080) is published by the UNL Publications Board, Nebraska Union 20. i400 R St., Lincoln, NE 68588-0448, Monday through Friday during the academic year; weekly during the summer sessions.The public nas access to (he Publications Board. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by calling (402)472-2588. Subscriptions are $60 for one year. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 20,1400 R St., Lincoln NE 68588-W48. Periodical postage paid at Lincoln, NE. ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 2000 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Editor: Josh Funk Managing Editor: Lindsay Young Associate News Editor: Diane Broderick Associate News Editor: Dane Stickney Opinion Editpr: JJ. Harder Sports Editor: Sam McKewon A&E Editor: Sarah Baker Copy Desk Co-Chief: Jen Walker Copy Desk Co-Chief: Josh Krauter Photo Chief: Mike Warren Design Co-Chief: Tim Karstens Design Co-Chief: Diane Broderick Art Director: Melanie Falk Web Editor: Gregg Stearns Asst. Web Editor: Jewel Mlnarik General Manager: Daniel Shattil Publications Board Jessica Hofmann. Chairwoman: (402)477-0527 Professional Adviser: Don Walton. (402)473-7248 Advertising Manager: Nick Partsch. (402) 472-2589 Asst. Ad Manager: Jamie Yeager Classifield Ad Manager: N ichole Lake LOS ANGELES (AP) - An audit found sloppy work, improperly inspected parts and out-of-date blue prints at the McDonnell Douglas facility where the Alaska Airlines jet that crashed last month was built, the Los Angeles Times reported Sunday. Ih its 1991 audit, the Federal Aviation Administration said manu facturing procedures at the Long Beach plant were marred by clironic breakdowns, but the deficiencies did not threaten flight safety. The FAA was trying to locate the audit Sunday. Once found, it could be turned over to the National Transportation Safety Board, the agency leading the investigation, said FAA spokeswoman Rebecca Trexler. “We can’t comment until we find it,” she said. The MD-83 that crashed into the Pacific Ocean on Jan. 31 was deliv ered to Alaska Airlines in May 1992. The crew of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 reported problems with the aircraft’s horizontal stabilizer, and the pilots were trying to correct them when the plane crashed, killing all 88 people aboard. No official cause of the crash has been released. The Douglas Aircraft Co., where the plane was built, had been strug gling financially at the time of the audit in the early 1990s. The McDonnell Douglas subsidiary posted a $222 million operating loss for 1989, according to The Times, and was straining to fill orders for its jetliners. However, a spokesman for Boeing, which merged with ** ... We did not deliver airplanes that did not meet quality standards John Thom Boeing spokesperson McDonnell Douglas in 1997, said Sunday that the plane was mechani cally sound when it was delivered to Alaska Airlines and that it would be improper to draw any connection between plant problems and the crash. “Trying to tie the delivery of that airplane to that audit is irresponsi ble,” John Thom said. “Regardless of whatever regulatory surveillance the company was under, we did not deliver airplanes that did not meet quality standards.” According to the Times, compa ny supervisors urged employees to improve their work in January 1991, shortly before a team of federal audi tors arrived. A memo to workers warned that “consequences for fail ure are heavy fines, and in the extreme, loss of our production cer tificate.” Still, the FAA audit found prob lems throughout the production line at the plant. Thom said he had not seen the 1991 audit but said McDonnell Douglas would have addressed whatever deficiencies it uncovered. The plant passed two FAA inspec tions last year, he said. The MD-80 program in Long Beach delivered 1,167 airplanes to domestic and foreign carriers. Production was discontinued two months ago. The MD-80 has a strong safety track record, according to FAA data. Mechanical problems with its hori zontal stabilizer, however, have prompted the FAA to order mandato ry inspections five times since 1988. After the January crash, the FAA ordered the inspection of the hori zontal stabilizer on more than 1,100 MD-80, MD-90, DC-9 and Boeing 717 planes, which use similar con trol mechanisms as the jet that crashed. r*^^ tit ■ Yugoslavia Peacekeepers search houses for illegal weapons KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Yugoslavia (AP) — A crowd of angry Serbs pelted American and German peacekeepers with rocks and bricks Sunday during a massive house-to house search for illegal weapons in the tense, ethnically divided Kosovo town. The weapons search was a bid to halt a spiral of violence that has been building since Feb. 2, when two Serbs died in a rocket attack on a U.N. bus. Nine people have been killed and dozens arrested since then in Kosovska Mitrovica, which is divided into predominantly Serb and predom inantly ethnic Albanian sides of town. French Lt. Col. Patrick Chanliau, a spokesman for the NATO-led peace keeping force, said soldiers from a dozen countries found no weapons in the southern section, where mostly ethnic Albanians live. ■ New York ‘Cats’ to bring down curtain on its Broadway show NEW YORK (AP) - The cast and fans of “Cats” on Sunday coped with the news that the longest-running show in Broadway history will be closing, sharing tears, hugs and even a few smiles. “When I first heard the news, 1 was devastated,” said Hector Montalvo, a Manhattan computer software salesman who said he has seen the show 670 times. The musical, which has a score by Andrew Lloyd Webber, will bring down the curtain June 25, nearly two decades after it opened at Broadway’s Winter Garden Theatre after a record breaking 7,397 performances. “Cats,” advertised as “Now and Forever,” has long been a major tourist attraction. ■ Pennsylvania Web site lets parents track children’s progress in school HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - With a few mouse clicks and a password, Cynthia Banner is keeping track of her son’s progress in high school She has joined a growing number of parents across the nation who are able to bypass their children and go to Web sites that post daily grades, atten dance records, summaries of lesson plans, disciplinary reports - anything a teacher might keep in a grade book. John Poluektov, a spokesman for, a software producer based in Sausalito, Calif., said it is now possible for parents to know more than their children about what is going on in the classroom. Think Wave, one of the largest pro ducers of Internet grade software, cur rently has 215,000 teacher, student and parent accounts. ■Washington White House declares Y2K mission accomplished WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House declared “mission accomplished” Friday in squashing the Y2K computer bug and said it has . no regrets about spending billions of dollars to battle a millennium problem that failed to materialize. _ Scaling down the Y2K campaign, President Clinton met with John Koskinen, his senior adviser on the problem, and members of his team for a group photo. Koskinen said-his group has one last chore - monitoring what happens on Feb. 29, the extra day added by Leap Year. His office will go out of business by March 31. He said he did not expect any significant problems Feb. 29, “but we think it’s important to just make sure.”