* A wresting of control University-run campus media takes away necessary freedom Student media are meant to be for the students, by the students and of the students. The last thing they need is the university to come and take them over. At Texas Tech University, the chairman of the School of Mass Communications has made a proposal to fold all of the student media on campus - the University Daily, the campus newspaper; KTXT-FM and KOHM-FM, the cam pus radio stations and KTXT-TV, the campus television station - into the mass communications department. What this means is that the benefits of independence from the university would shrivel up and fade away. According to the University Daily’s reports about the We are the student voice, not a laboratory newspaper.” proposal, the student editor would be replaced with a “non student staff member.” In essence, the newspaper would no longer be student-run. A teacher would be calling the shots. The responsibility is lost. Those of us who toil away at the Daily Nebraskan have long reveled in our independence from the university. We’re the student voice, not a labora tory newspaper. And there’s nothing wrong with laboratory newspa pers. We have one on campus - The Journalist - and it ful fills the function a laboratory newspaper should. Students get some required experience working for a newspaper, and there’s still a safety net in case they make a mistake. We here at the Daily Nebraskan prefer to shoulder the responsibility ourselves. We have the freedom to take risks, and the ultimate responsibility lays in the editor’s hands - an editor who is a member of the student body. With administration control comes a lack of freedom. No matter how open-minded advisors are, they will be more cautious than the students. Impetuousness of youth is an asset for a young jour nalist, however. It gives drive and ambition. To take the responsibility that encourages such dedica tion away would hamper the quality of the paper - some thing we’re sure every student working for the University Daily is well aware of. If Texas Tech thinks it needs administration-controlled media, that’s fine. Administration can make some new outlets, not take over those that already exist. We’re with you, UD. Editorial Board Josh Funk (editor) • J.J. Harder • Cliff Hicks • Samuel McKewon • Dane Stickney • Kimberly Sweet • Lindsay Young Letter Policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor and guest columns, but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any submissions.Submitted material becomes property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Anonymous mate rial will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major and/or group affiliation, if any. Submit material to: Daily Nebraskan, 20 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448 ore-mail to: let ters@unl.edu Editorial Policy Unsigned editorials are the opinions of the spring 2000 Daily Nebraskan. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, its employees, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion of its author. The Board of Regents acts as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, super vises the publication of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its student employees. The Daily Nebraskan strives to print fair and accurate cover age; any corrections or clarifications will be printed on page three. Obermeyer’s VIEW --- flON’T goTHeR THR ^O^WQr ■QCgttJ’TCMH&e' w __ — Letters to the EDITOR Cool Cards I would like to commend the A Team on Wednesday’s advertisement. I supported all points except one. Credit card solicitation should not be abolished on campus. Too often, credit cards are blamed for debt. Actually, unwanted debt is caused by the irresponsible behavior of con sumers. Credit cards are not a blank check and must be repaid just like any other bill. I was unable to obtain a credit card without a co-signer until I was enrolled at UNL in 1996. Being a col lege student guaranteed I would be able to start my own credit history that would help secure a loan for a home in the future. I also wanted a credit card to gain the benefits of insurance, ease of use almost any where, free extended warranties on larger purchases, itemized monthly statements, etc. I have never incurred a finance charge in four years and do not plan on one unless an emergency arises. You have free will, students - don’t buy into A-Team’s jargon that a booth on campus forces you to get a credit card and run up a high bill. Brett Otte senior finance Steak Stats If I were writing an article on veg etarianism in a state that is ranked first in beef export and beef slaughter and tied for second in total beef pro duction, I would not use sources that were dated from 1995. Unfortunately, Jeremy Patrick did not do his meat homework. The American Council on Science and Health stated that two to seven percent of all Americans are vegetarians. Of those, less than one percent completely explude meat, poultry, fish and shellfish from their diets. Foods derived from animals contribute 70 percent of dietary pro tein, 40 percent of dietary calories and 30 to 40 percent of dietary thi amin, Vitamin A, iron and magne sium. In concurrence with the dietary guidelines for the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, con suming animal-derived foods is an important nutritional contribution to healthful diets. A Penn State University study concluded women from age of 60 to 80 had immune sys tems nearly as strong as those of women age 20 to 40 when protein, iron, Vitamin B12 and folic acid (all animal-derived) were included in their diets. As for the wonderful insight into veal production (sarcasm intended), contact the American Veal Association and examine the pages of requirements and objectives needed to be a certified veal producer. Animal scientists, veterinarians and the Animal Health Committee of the American Veterinary Medical Association support the industry practices based on their special understanding of a calf’s nutritional needs and behavior, and the tendency for young calves to develop disease. My words of advice to you and any student who is involved in pro moting animal rights is next time, do your homework. Attempt to present a strong argument, not one that is pulled from 1995 sources or items that you have “heard.” Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go cook a steak. Jaclyn Wilson sophomore agribusiness and agriculture economics/public policy Painful Issues Jake Glazeski uses selective argu mentation and flowery language to attack animal rights. Unfortunately, in his word play, he never addresses the issue. As to the “illogical” philosophy behind animal rights, I fail to see where Glazeski ever attacks the logic himself. Animals feel both physical and emotional pain the same way we do. Any rudimentary dabbling in biology or psychology will reveal this. Why, then, can we cause them pain? What makes our own comfort sacred, yet atlows us to boil them alive or slit their throats? This issue is never addressed. The question we must focus on is simple: If pain is bad for us, what gives us the right to inflict it unneces sarily upon other beings that experi ence it? We are never given an answer. If you think you can provide an answer, Glazeski, I’d be happy to debate it publicly. The reason I sup port animal rights is not because of emotion. I support it because I have yet to find a logical answer to this seemingly simple question. Jason Nord senior philosophy and English president of Students for Animal Rights Emotional Ethics The animal-rights arguments pre sented by Jeremy Patrick are weak at best. I have a hard time believing eat ing meat will lead to lung cancer or alcoholism. It makes me question the motives of the “expert” cited. The ethical arguments presented j by Patrick also were poor. The i philosopher cited obviously is not informed on the issue and is basing his ideas completely on emotion. One1 of the main goals of livestock produc ers is to reduce stress in animals to! promote growth. They strive to’ increase the well-being of the ani mals. i I think the most discrediting part of the article was the comparison between someone eating a Big Mac * and teenagers stomping a puppy to death. I have tried to remain open-1 minded on the issue, but generaliza-* tions and emotional pleas like that seem to be the only basis for animal-' rights activists’ arguments. Evan Lewandowski senior agribusiness Real Racism Does anyone else see anything wrong with the bill LB 1379 (DN Feb. 16)? It is a bill that would continue to use state funds to support a scholar ship that actively discriminates against every ethnic group except for “black, American-Indian and . Hispanic students.” Using state money for a scholar ship to help underprivileged students is not a bad idea, but saying it isn’t good enough to have the need, you have to be a certain color or heritage, is a bad idea. It happens all the time, yet I bet you wouldn’t catch a senator introducing a bill that uses state money to fund a scholarship for stu dents of western European heritage only. Here’s a real example of racism. Mary Cornelius sophomore anthropology