/ Ex-Husker Shevin Wiggins pleads guilty to lesser charge Former Nebraska football player years in jail and a $ 10,000 fme. Shevin Wiggins pleaded guilty In a statement, defense attorney Monday to a misdemeanor of con- Terry Dougherty said the misde tributing to the delinquency of a meanor charge does not specify sexu minor. al contact but that Wiggins admits to Wiggins was formally charged being in a place he shouldn’t have with a felony of sexual assault on a 14- been. year-old girl. “It was this error in judgment that With his plea, Wiggins faces up to he acknowledged (Monday) by plead a year in jail and a $ 1,000 fine, said ing guilty to contributing to the delin Gary Lacey, Lancaster County attor- quency of a minor,” Dougherty said, ney. If he had been convicted of the Sentencing for Wiggins was felony, he would have faced up to five scheduled for April 13. r 1 ■ i I I ■ i I NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED i Most brands are available. J7th& N St 476-9466 SERVICE I I I May 31,2000 1 Moa-Fri8ta6 I Sat 8-4 I ipoal Fat lad. ■i ■ i 728 Q. Street Haymarket ___V__■ ' EVERY Wednesday 5-7 p.m. Internet Courses Offered at Southeast Community College March 28-June 7, 2000 BSAD111053LN_Business Communications BSAD109053LN_Business Law i „ BSAD130053LN_Introduction to Business BSAD101053LN_Computer Literacy with MS Office BSAD201053LN_Principles of Accounting I BSAD202053LN_Prindpies of Accounting II BSAD235053LN_Prindpies of Management BSAD241053LN_Prindpies of Marketing ENGL101053LN_Composition I ENGL102053LN_Composition II ECON211053LN_Economics I ECON212053LN_Economics II MATH115053LN_College Algebra Courses are offered as quarter credit courses (4.5 cr. hrs.) equivalent to 3.0 semester credit courses Tuition: $132.75 plus cost of textbook. Registration Deadline: March 7,2000. Classes begin March 28 Prerequisite for all courses: Home computer, CD-ROM, and Internet access Contact Neal Henning @ 1-800-233-5027 x326 or 402-228-3468, ext. 326 or e-mail, nhenninqflteccm.cc.ne.us. or sfielderflteccm.cc.ne.us Southeast community college http://www.college.accm.cc.ne.ut Gay, American-Indian student embraces identity By Veronica Daehn Staff writer Daniel Justice is gay and an American Indian. But you can’t tell either by look ing at him. Justice, a doctoral student in Native American literature, spoke to a room of about 30 people Tuesday night about his ethnicity and his sex ual orientation. “I’m proud to be a Cherokee, and I’m proud to be gay,” Justice said. “But the pride came too late.” Justice, a member of the Cherokee nation of Oklahoma, said he grew up not wanting to be American Indian. When he was 3 years old, he found out his .father was an American Indian over breakfast at a restaurant with his parents. He was disheartened, he said, because the only image he had of an American Indian was the one por trayed in Bugs Bunny cartoons and western movies. When Justice turned 21, he said he realized the importance of his tribal heritage and has since embraced it. It hasn’t been long that he’s been ^ When you are marked, you are always looking for safe zones and for allies.” Daniel Justice graduate student in Native American literature openly gay either. Justice said he had known he was gay since he was 18 but didn’t acknowledge it until last year when he was 23. “To be gay in America today is not a happy experience sometimes,” he said. “In high school, I was the school faggot, and I didn’t even come out until last year.” UNL’s campus environment isn’t welcoming either, Justice said. He never feels safe, not even in a gay bar where the purpose of going there is to feel secure. “When you are marked, you are always looking for safe zones and for allies,” he said. Justice said the problem is ideo logical. The university has made a commitment to diversity, but it has a long way to go. He said he doesn’t expect people to feel guilty about what happened to the American Indians or about how gays are treated. “Guilt is like shoveling smoke,” he said. “It doesn’t do a damn bit of good. But it is an issue of responsi bility.” Gays and American Indians have similar ties, he said. They are the only minority groups that people still openly, unashamedly bash, he said. People need to be responsible and stop practicing discrimination, he said. Both groups are still striving for equality. “We just want to live, exist and walk with our heads held high,” he said. “If the only way I can be safe is to walk around in shame, then I’m not going to be safe. I can’t do that.” LET TIAA-CREF HELP YOU BUILD A SECURE FINANCIAL FUTURE. -■? ■ For over 80years, TIAA-CREF has been the leading retirement company on America’s campuses. 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