The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 2000, Page 10, Image 10

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Students, senior citizens dance
at Valentine’s weekend Senior Prom
ByTonyMoses *
Staff writer
The Nebraska East Union moved to the sounds
of swing and big band Sunday afternoon.
About 100 senior citizens danced at the
Nebraska East Union for a Senior Prom organized
by UNDs Pepsi Service Scholars and the Lincoln
Area Agency for Aging.
It was a chance for Lincoln-area senior citizens
to dance and socialize with college students, said
Jason Dubs, a senior Spanish, international studies
and economics major.
About 35 students volunteered to help, said
Dubs, a teaching assistant for the Pepsi Scholars.
The students had been planning the event since
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November, he said, but had received dance lessons
only an hour before the dance started.
“A little training is better than none. I think
they’re doing a great job,” Dubs said.
“I’m very, very impressed with the Scholars
class this year.”
Volunteers did not spend the whole afternoon
dancing. They were also in charge of setting up,
cleaning up and videotaping the event.
They served refreshments and greeted guests.
Volunteers also took photos of the guests under a
terrace draped with lights and lace.
Freshman Adrieene Foley, a Pepsi Scholar, vol
unteered for the event “Everyone seems toenjoy it
a lot,” she said.
Etta Natalie was one of the senior citizens
attending the free event She said she heard about
Josh Wolfe/DN
BOB SOUKUP and Romona Rhoades dance the afternoon away at the Senior Prom in the
Nebraska East Union on Sunday. The prom was held by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Pepsi
Service Scholars and Alpha Phi Omega.
the event through a local senior center.
“I’ve done the Waltz, the Jitterbug. A little of
everything, as long as you’ve got someone to
swing you,” Natalie said.
The event was funded by the Nebraska
Consortium for Service Learning.
Diane Podolske, Pepsi Scholars sponsor, said
the consortium wanted the event to serve as a
model for other volunteer organizations.
The Pepsi Scholars is a service learning orga
nization that met weekly during the fall semester to
learn about community service.
Service learning is a form of volunteering. The
idea is to use what is learned in'Coursework
through hands-on experiences.
For example, an English class is learning about
literacy this semester and plans to see its placement
in the real world by working with Lincoln Literacy,
a group that teaches others how to read, Dubs said
Pepsi Service Scholars have volunteered at the
Children’s Museum, University Child Care,
Habitat for Humanity and the Humane Society.
The Pepsi Scholars also invited members of
Alpha Phi Omega, a service fraternity, to volunteer
for the Senior Prom.
“They’re helping us a lot,” Foley said.
This was the second Senior Prom at UNL, and
Dubs said he hoped it would become an annual
event. He said he enjoyed watching the Scholars
use what they had learned during the fall semester
about volunteering to plan the event.
“It’s an opportunity for the Scholars to put
some of the things they learned into practice,”
Dubs said.
Hackers traced to two California college laptop computers
investigating recent attacks against
major commercial Web sites say a com
puter and an Internet device used by
vandals as weapons have been traced to
two California universities.
The vandals used a desktop comput
er at the University of California, Santa
Barbara, and an Internet router - a
device that can amplify data traffic -
from Stanford University, officials at
both schools acknowledged Friday.
There was no indication that anyone
at either university was involved direct
ly, only that their equipment was used.
Experts believe dozens of computers
nationwide were hacked and had elec
tronic attack software secretly installed.
“They’ve attacked us in a way that
hurts what we do as a university and
hurts all universities,” said Robert
Sugar, chairman of the information
technology board in Santa Barbara. The
school’s computer was believed used in
the attack against CNN’s Web site
Stanford said one of its routers
located at a remote wildlife preserve
was used to transmit some of the data
aimed against the Web site of auction
operatoneBay for about 30 minutes
before engineers blocked hackers from
using it.
“It’s really out in the middle of
nowhere,” said Dave Brumley, assistant
computer security officer at the univer
sity. He said engineers have checked
Stanford’s other routers to prevent their
similar misuse.
Meanwhile, investigators suggested
that the vandals in Monday’s attack
against the Yahoo! Web site - the first to
be shut down for hours - may have been
far more sophisticated than originally
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Ronald'Dick, a senior official with
the FBI’s National Infrastructure
Protection Center, said earlier this week
that automated hacker tools widely
available on the Internet mean that “a
15-year-old kid could launch these
But e-mail from engineers for
search engine l&hocft describing the
attack in detail said the vandals appar
ently “knew about our topology and
planned this large-scale attack in
K advance,” and that other companies hit
#&is week also were targeted “where it; /
hurts the most.”
This e-mail, sent as a warning to
some Internet providers and obtained by
The Associated Press, also described
the Yahoo! attackers as “smart and
above your average script-kiddie,” a
derisive term for an unskilled hacker. It
said the vandals “probably know both
Unix and networking... pretty well and
learn about site topology to find weak
You mean more to me than anyone has before,
and more than anyone will. If I ever lost you I don't
know what I'd do, cause this world is a prison without
a girt like you.
—Your Lit Countryboy”
Ybu are the wind beneath my wings and the ship in my
sea. Will you be my Valentine from afar?
I love you and your woobie!
Love, Casey
Big Willie
Roeee are rad, your eyes are blue, your girlfriend needs
twin’, whatta ya gonna do?
To think that one year ago this day brought us together,
and that this was the one day out of the year that I
despised the most!! Of course, I have no one but you to
thank Sweetie. I love you and I always will.
C daug,
I love your cupcakes!
Love, Butch
I’m down on my knees for you.
Gary xoxo
Craig, Happy Valentinetota^niss you.
» Michelle
Dear Fred (and you know who you are!)
How are you feeling today? Just wanted to wish you a
Happy Valentine's Day with lots of hugs, kisses ande
little whip cream on the side!
Love yah, Wilma
If you want my body and you think I'm sexy, come on
baby, LET ME KNOW!
Love, Rod S.
P.S. Call me!
Happy Anniversary. Several hundred still to come.
I anrays thought that life would never be this great but I
was wrong because you have made mine so wonderful.
Happy Valentine's Day!! I Love U =)
’|Vbur Irish gH
It’s been two years Leewee. I look forward to a thousand
Love ‘George’
I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
Happy Valentines Day honey, f love you!
Joe B,
Richie, I want to spend every day of forever loving you!
I love you so much, and I always will! Happy Valentine's
Happy Valentines Day! This is a very important day,
that only you and I realize. To the first of many!
Love, Bratley
Happy Valentine’s Day! How are you? Give me a call!
To Miss Erickson:
Happy Valentine's Day to one of my best friends and
K.B. partner.
Miss Hallman
To: Quick Stop GW:
What can “$1.39" get me?
Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Nic