The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 11, 2000, Page 8, Image 8
—CAMPUS BRIEFS— Honest Abe’s birthday party to be celebrated Saturday Lincoln area Civil War re-enacters will be celebrating Abraham Lincoln’s birthday Saturday. The fourth annual event is open to the pub lic. The ceremony starts at 10 a.m. on the west side of the Capitol in front of the Abraham Lincoln figure on the pedestal with the Gettysburg address chiseled into a back ground wall. Along with the group’s uniformed Union Civil War re-enacters, Mayor Don Wesely will speak. A brief chronology of the people of Lincoln will follow, including its American Indian and black histories. Cowboy poet Terry Lane Fitzgerald will also speak. In case of bad weather, the ceremony will start at 10:30 a.m. on the 14th floor observa tion level rotunda. California professor to lecture on V-chip on Monday The second installment of the Children, Families and the Media: New Challenges, New Research lecture series will be held on Monday. Dale Kunkel, a communications professor at the University of California at Santa Barbara, will be speaking about the television industry’s use of the V-chip, which blocks tele vision programs with questionable content. The lecture will be held at 3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. The lecture series, which is sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences and the Family Research and Policy Initiative, is aimed at giving a look into the effects of main stream media and entertainment on children. Student Involvement looks for potential leaders Students looking for leadership experience can apply for Student Involvement’s 2000-01 academic year Leadership Team. L-Team members spend two to 10 hours each semester training to assist student organi zation officers, residence halls and greek houses, college advisory boards and other campus groups. The team will work with the groups on officer transitions, team building and recruit ing and retaining members. Stacey Duncan, a senior psychology major and L-Team assistant, said students on the team can gain leadership experience and the opportunity to work with different groups on campus. “Our biggest obstacle right now is getting the word out that theLeadership Team is there,” Duncan said. She said the first year has been successful, though. “We’ll have more to build on for next year,” she said. Team members will be trained on leader ship skills and how to share information. Applications for the L-Team are due March 6 at 4 p.m. in the Student Involvement office at Nebraska Union 200. For more infor mation, call (402) 472-2454. Love me do Heather Glenboski/DN FRESHMAN MSTORY MAJOR Jarred Brand leads freshman advertising major April Johnston to the stage lathe Lounge in the second annual date auction in Neihardt Residence Center. The auction was held as well as a way to nise money for Big Brothers/Big Sisters and Make a Wish Foundation, senior accounting major Ryan Braasch said. It raised $1,300. i .; r JL' Searching for that I g “Beary9 speciai gift? _ ^ Let us help you. We’ve got someting . _for every personality! | Grannies “Drawers, GOLD PAW DEALER I Bearstones, Folkstones —■ * ■ft Dollstones and Plush j 1537 N. Cotner Blvd. - 466-52 12 BOUTIQUE VALENTINE HQ His & Her Lingerie Leather, Vinyl, Lace Plus Sizes Stockings & Garters Bridal Shower Gifts Always a Sale Rack 122 S. 52nd 483-2263 tgi PIPER’S FLORAL C 2901 PINE LAKE ROAD. SUITE P y LINCOLN. NE 00510 402.421.2211 800.848.7961 N *FF ANT FREiOl FL0VER arrangement *Ver 43<9. IN "TCAVN DQ.UN/E.RY <7NL_Y *Mu^»T &IZ.INC IN C<7UP*?N._*LxPIRJLS pEORUARY l6m ...... ■M S" ValentineV Day Cake $1.00 off 11 & Holdrege, 4?4-433t# qood 4hrw 01-14-00 i Regular Burger & foiall )hafce i $1.00 U & Holdrege, 4?4-4$}1, qood thr* Ol-M-OOj