%■ UNL magazine staff hopes to div magazine that is .limited to publishing the work of only English majors. And, not surprisingly, the bulk of con tributors are ftofrt that department The genres of writing printed also remain in that aesthetic realm. “Our core interest is in creative works - essays, poems, stories,” Kuzma said. “But we’re interested in diversity. There are hun dreds of topics we’d like to address.” Krista Magnuson, one of four editors on this year’s Laurus staff, agreed that one vision for Laurus is to get contributors from other departments in the university. we re trying to make Laurus more ot a campus tradition, rather than an English one,” Magnuson said. “We’re getting good work from English majors, but we want to get work from everyone to show that ybu don’t have tltf be an English major to contribute.” On top of being thought of as an English publication, many feel that students from other disciplines aren’t even aware Laurus exists.* i' v Karen Kune; an art; some students in the art < about Laurus. “Students are aware bin prot much as they ought to be,” Kunt when students participated in were thrilled.” “I’m not sure too many students know about Laurus,” said Tice Miller, a professor of theater arts and dance. “It needs a little cam paigning, but it’s a wonderful publication.” This year’s copy of Laurus has included some work from students in other depart ments. “We’re using art. (from students) and have made a connection with the theater depart ment,” Kuzma said. In addition to the inclusion of art, a few other forms of writing appear in this edition of Laurus. Among them is a play by Justin Bottsford and a panel discussion among four artists by Adryan Mallorey. But Magnuson and Kuzma said they feel the scope of their vision can be better realized. “We made some headway in the current issue, but not near as much as we hoped. We’re working really hard at it,” Magnuson said. “If we could get contributions about sci ence or sports, it would be really great,” Kuzma said. “But it will be tough.” Kuzma said works of all kinds could be submitted. , _ '■ ‘ A w • **• ‘ ■* ■ . >k‘ 'V ■ ■ -• . 'z,fy involved in the whole process. “Graphic desigh students would love a whole section wheie they could manage the design ^ and content, Kune said. Some question whether these are realistic goals for s L A IT_R 3 • Nebraska Bookstore _ | • Page One Book Store__I 4 -— ^^EnglishAdvisincCgUe^o^6^^^^J liiow to contribute; 3Ma#0SCripts can be dropped ~ f i in the Laurus box in the English department 4mailroom across from Andrews 202, or at the Englislf 1 Advising Center, Andrews Hall, room 123.