I £ re c v5 ' c ; I \n ja J = I ! tWTc4-AFRiEND ®NTeLLAFRiEND Friend te^TeM-A FriEND -- ■ , ^ NOTICE TO STUDENTS All students are eligible to apply for a refund ^ ' of the "A" portion of their student fees beginning January 10 and ending February 4,2000. Students claiming a refund will lose benefits provided by Fund "A" users during the spring semester, 1999-2000. (See box at right.) Application forms are available at the f Student Organization Financial Services office, Room 222, Nebraska Union; and the ASUN office, 115 Nebraska Union. Applicants should return the form in person to 222 Nebraska Union or 300 Nebraska East Union. Students must bring their UNL student ID cards when returning the application. Students who are unable to return their application in person to the Student Organization Financial Services office should contact Dan Paez, 222 Nebraska Union, 472-2154, on or before February 4,2000, to make arrangements.__ Students who complete a refund application and return it on or before February 4, 2000, will be mailed a check for the amount of the refund claimed. Refund checks will be mailed between the dates of February 7-11,2000. Students claiming a refund will lose certain benefits provided by the above Fund "A" users. For details on which benefits may be lost, please refer to the cover sheet on the refund application. Congratulations From Valentino’s and Vniversity housing Jami Kitten Schramm Hall Michael Plouzek Harper Hall Winner of Free Tuition and Books for this semester Winner of Free Tuition . for this semester Other winners in the Residence Hail drawing held Dec 2: Free Books: Steve Anderson $100 Valentino’s card: Elizabeth Wilbrand $50 Valentino's eard: Lauren Kish Pettit reitres, leaving legacy of winning • PETl'iT from page 24 ended a 26-year coaching career (he coached three seasons at Louisburg Junior College in North Carolina before coming to NU) with a 743-159 11 overall record and 694-148-11 record at Nebraska. That included a 253-15 Big Eight/Big 12 mark, a 41 11 NCAA Tournament record and a 355-28 mark at home. Pettit spoke about his gratitude toward UNL and its athletic depart ment over the last 25 years, the enjoy ment of developing players and the Nebraska volleyball community that has provided the program with count less recruits every year. “I think my most important recruit was recruiting John Cook to follow me in on this,” Pettit said. For Cook, who was also an assis tant under Pettit from 1988-90, replac ing an icon and taking over the tradi tion-rich program was a “dream come true.” In seven years, he built Wisconsin into a national power, sporting a lOJ-/1 record and back-to- , back trips to the regional finals in his final two years there. In his 'Tinal game at the helm for the Badgers, Cook nearly stopped Pettit’s team on the road to their sixth final four by taking NU to five sets in the 1998 Pacific Regional Final in Lincoln. “I knew this day was coming, and it’s been very emotion al for me,” Cook, said. “One of the rea sons I’m here is because Terry asked me to come back. He’s my friend, he’s my meiitor and in some ways, he’s my father. The fact that he asked me to come back and do this - something that is so important to him - it just really means a lot. “I know what shoes I have to fill here. I know there’s going to be some pressure with it. That’s what I’m going to tell myself next year when I feel that pressure - you have to embrace it. I really feel that pressure, and the expectations of the program will help me become a better coach and be suc cessful here.” A challenge indeed. Pettit took over a two-year-old program in 1977, when Title IX and university budgets started allowing - and the public start ed accepting - official intercollegiate athletic competition for women. He quickly brought success and top volleyball recruits from the Midwest and national attention tocthe program in the early 1980s, evaporat ing the common belief that the West Coast was the only dominant volley ball region. Pettit’s vital statistics include one national title, six final four appearances, 34 All-Americans and 19 Academic All-Americans. Many fellow coaches, including Texas A&M’s Laurie Corbelli, Baylor’s Brian Hosfield and Texas’ Jim Moore called Pettit nothing short of a “legend.” Some say Pettit’s last season of coaching may have been his best work despite the fact NU failed to make its fourth final four appearance in five seasons. Constantly rotating a lineup '/ / I didn’t want to go to the University of Missouri or the University of Oklahoma and have the focus be that this is Terry Pettit s last match at Oklahoma and Missouri.’’ Terry Pettit Former NU volleyball coach of a team that lost two All-Americans from 1998, Pettit took thenlow-start ing Huskers to a come-frefm-behind Big 12 title, as they won 12 of their last 13 matches. And with a squad full of young tal ent returning, it was tempting for Pettit to come back and give a run at a sec ond national championship. But his urge to hand the reigns over to Cook convinced him 1999 would be his last season. He deferred to announce his plan until the season was over. “I didn’t want to go to the University of Missouri or the University of Oklahoma and have the focus be that this is Terry Pettit’s last match at Oklahoma and Missouri,” Pettit said. “I wanted that team to continue to focus as I was focusing on what need ed to happen. I’ve known for some time that I was moving in this direc tion, but it really would have been a disservice in my mind if that became the focus of this season.” Some of Pettit’s players said they were somewhat surprised when he announced his retirement in a post-season team meeting the day before his press conference announcement. They knew of the speculation con cerning his retire ment but had a hard time picturing the famously intense and hard-working Pettit doing any thing besides coaching. “I was sur prised because I know how much coaches love to develop players,” senior Tonia Tauke said. “With the great freshmen class that we have and the seniors next year, I think it was hard for him to just leave it. “He just stays up nights and watches tape. He studies like I study for a test. He has to know everything, I have to know everything. That’s his greatest strength. I think Nebraska volleyball will mils him, but he’s passing that on to Cook. He% going to be around. I’m sure he’ll be watching some video next year.. .maybe a little.” Cook said he only hopes to main tain the level of excellence Pettit sus tained for so many years and went back and read articles documenting Football Coach-Frank Solich wheij, Solich took over for retiring legend Tom Osborne in 1998. But with a championship-caliber team comingjback and having been groomed under one of the most respected and passionate coaches in college volleyball history, Cook is confident the program’s success will continue under his guidance. Senior co-captain Mandy Monson agreed, saying that Pettit’s love of the • game and loyalty to the program invigorated everyone within it - which could be his lasting mark. “I think today is the perfect exam ple of how he has passion for Nebraska volleyball,” Monson said. \ “He’s willing to give up something he loves to make it better. I attribute the love of the game I gained in col- . lege and a passion for winning to Coach Pettit, and he brought that to Nebraska volleyball.” Order Husker Merchandise at . www.dailyneb.com