Hey Papa Cat, I know it's hard being apart, but we'd have plenty of time for each other over the break. Miss you! __ -Love, Your Tulip Hey Chewy! I hope you have a very good Christmas and have a happy millennium! I hope within those couple of weeks, you can find it. in your heart to talk to me and give our friendship another shot! I love you and I miss you! '"-Love. Gummy Craig, I hope you have a wonderful break. Don't forget to cal me! I will miss you very much. I love you! » -Andret Jill, Steph, Linds and Lori, I hope you guys have an exciting break. You guys are th< best friends a person could ask for. I hope you get every thing you want and more. Merry Christmas and Happ) New Year!!!!! -Andret THENORM even THOUGH I'M sieepiNG in Myoip eep IN My OtP ROOM— IT poesNT Feet u«e hcmp. ■i )HlL O • IF ^ I / to 1$ you really W3N+ -to do something... don'+ ask: perMissioH. 12.9 /Od F'inJ activities you \ caN all enjoy... OJO_ ___ /ITS 5**1-ABe^ f you GOING ID ■\sieep xu PAy? BY MICHAEL JANTZE I ' so-what \ wen, i weep (and I want to finish Twe\ ... you Hwe to translar? CAM I PO \TO PISCSOMe GQUlPMeNT MAlNTfiMAMOe, THe*I« INTO 'yOU's. io weLP Fieips sefoiae put up THe storm windows y? t ea7 e out, RAP?/ THe FReeze... \anp stack THe FiRewoop./ ^ l "V. - \ XU'uz X fuoiic / uey. pap I'M going \ / what shall rr profit a! fu. go lav Y see you > TO SKIP CHURCH J f MAN, IF HP GAIN the WHOL0 OUT My CtOTHeS) IN THe V OK Ay? / \ WORIR ANP uose HIS OWN RIGHT NOW. >( MORNING. -~~T- SOUL?" I THINK —7—- -r-/ ^S^p / ! MARK SAID THAT. / \ see,MOM? MAKING LMTesI lsee. DM>? COMPOreKS n ...otherwise, if II be is JUST LiKe/ujuvrUkv^pc' BKeMCOoWN f^'Z’Z' *$*Me-board -hoie/ «=t-b kk ,“ST“ J Sr/ vwrrae/ - Educationally discounted hardware and software HEWLETT On Campus sales-service-suDoort mm* n - * AP^ _-_ COMPAQ IBM, EPSON • B . Located at: 501 Stadium Drive Room123 On the web at: http://sales.urii.edu ■ . : « 2 >• ■ • i V’ f Phone: 472.5787 Fax: 472.8486 IP ■* - : :v- .: : ■ ■ ■ - - ^ . Answer to Puzzle # 5 Annette, Have a great break in Florida with the swimmers. Don't pack so much that you can't carry your three suitcases! -Randi Hey ASTROS. Thanks for being such a hard working, fun-filled bunch. I couldn't have asked for a better group of gals. Enjoy your break. You deserve it! Have a holly jolly Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! -Love. The Big Cheese To all the Ladies in the House! You know who you are: Kelly W., Shannon S., Stacy S., Trisha H., Alexis B., & Brianne B. Have a good break and love ya lots! -Bert& Brett Hey Mary, I wish you and your family a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Hurry home, I'll be waiting for you... -Love, Rony Eric, I want to wish you a very merry Christmas! I know that this has been a trying last couple of months, but thanks for being there for me! I hope all your Christmas wishes come rtrue. Have fun in Texas, don’t you and Bobby have TOO much fun under the mistletoe. -Love, Kate ACROSS e 1 Gives off 6 Banknotes 10 Cat, in Caguas 14 Bernhardt or Jessica Parker 15 Popular cookie 16 Pants presser 17 Opposite positions 19 Calf meat 20 Squiggly letter 21 Coconut and Key lime 22 Go—:see exclusively 24 Farm brooders 25 It’s sung twice after “que” 26 Climb 28 Mourns for 31 Tie the knot 32 Party pooper 33 Dull as dishwater ; 35 Retired for the ; night I 36 Bacon or ! Costner ; 37 Story i 38 Wee bit 39 Savoie summers 40 Begin's co-Nobelist 41 Monthly rent payers 43 Enjoyed 44 Engagement 45 Groom or best man, e.g. 46 Japan’s chief island 49 Al or Tipper 50 Windy City 53 “Peek—!” 54 Kinds of running water 57 Hit the—: get mad 58 Leg joint 59 Make happen 50 Camp unit 51 Desires Puzzle # 6 2 Glowing coal DOWN 1 Laborer of yore 2 Actresses West and Murray 3 Gershwin and Levin A Sailor 5 Beautifully built 6 International and Morse 7 Barks B Caspian, e.g. 9 Four — of the Apocalypse 0 Basis of a good marriage 11 Vicinity 12 Frog’s cousin 13 “For Your Eyes —” 18 The whole — yards 3 Unoedue 4 Kinds of sells 5 Rani’s dresses 6 Wooden shoe 7 Greek island 8 Adores 29 Swap 30 Leafy course 31 Mo. after Avril 32 Ms. Midler 34 Play the ponies 36 Daniel Boone’s state 40 Library sign 42 Sound of satisfaction 43 Zhivago’s sweetheart 45 Styles 46 Lyricist Lorenz 47 Orchestral reed 48 Midday 49 Secluded valley 50 Freshwater fish 51 Fireman’s line 52 Roman road 55 Countdown number 56 Hoover or Aswan Answer to Puzzle # 8 r * 7T Use the Internet for Something Other Than a Grade. www.doufiiheatres.com p: % ifS Is r * i m H DOUGLAS THEATRE CQ % 11.11 ■ n-'l.-. ■ !■ ■ .. I I !■■■■■' !'■■■■ ' ;7)regmmes... W ...can change your life in an S instant. Perhaps you would like to Miwq>kf the possibility of creating an adoptfan plan - far your child. Our case workers can answer your questions confidentially. If you would like to visit with us, please call today. V Sirv :v:>