The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 10, 1999, Page 4, Image 4

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Josh Funk
Mark Baldridge
Lindsay Young
Jessica Fargen
Samuel McKewon
Cliff Hicks
Kimberly Sweet
— Quotes
The last time I heard, abortion was
English professor James McShane, in a let
ter addressing the fetal tissue research con
I finally got them. I can die now.
Husker Mike Brown, on beating Texas
The 21st century b going to be fascinat
William Grange, associate professor of
These matters should be discussed with
out reprisal threats.
State Sen. Don Pederson, supporting Gov.
Johanns’promise not to cutfimds to the
University over the fetal-tissue research
. -controversy
People ask us about our budget, and we
say pizza, beer, smokes and pie.
Steve Jackman, independent filmmaker
We just have to find a way to get better.
NU Basketball Coach Danny Nee
Working in space is a very harsh envi
Physics professor Ed Schmidt, on the loss
of NASA’s Mars Polar Lander
I’m crazy, I’m crazy.
Overheard statement of a 13-year-old-boy
accused of shootingfbur people
When society tells kids don’t have sex,
don’t drink, don’t use drugs, it’s just cre
ating forbidden fruit Society needs to
re-examine its way of dealing with kids.
-Ben Smilowitz, a University of Connecticut
Nebraskans overwhelmingly support
the death penalty, as do L
Gov. Mike Johanns
Some people call it lack of experience,
but we feel that will be an asset.
ASUNpresidential hopeful John D.
Conley, Impact party
Call me a moderate liberal, but I want to
turn ASUN upside down.
ASUNpresidential hopeful Heath Mello,
Empower party
No offense to Creighton, but some of our
guys have never heard of it
Gary Cochran, NU guard
It’s our job to provide music that doesn’t
offend anyone.
Rickio Woods, creative director of audio
architecture at Muzak, on why it doesn’t
play "SilentNight”
They definite^ should not use corn.
Whenever out-of-state people think of
Nebraska, they think of corn. When the
pioneers settled this area, there was no
corn here. We need to break that stigma.
Andrew Hammond, on brainstorming for
the design of Nebraska s entry into the
commemorative quarter realm
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' ' ' . _
S % ■ V-' V - •
I am writing in response to Josh
Moenning’s column (DN, Thursday)
concerning a so-called media double
standard in regard to reporting of
homosexual crimes.
I must say that I’m sick and tired
of DN columnists cloaking their vari
ous prejudices (particularly their
homophobia) under the aegis of “fair
{ness.” I -.
In this case, Moenning recounts a
recent crime in which two gay men
were charged with the murder of a
boy. Moenning claims that “the liber
al mainstream news media had no use
for this story” because it “would be
detrimental to a new media that
strives to mainstream and legitimize
homosexual behavior” and “die mere
casting of any members of the homo
sexual community in a negative light
is disallowed in the mainstream press
Which country’s, and for that
matter which planet’s, news media
has Moenning been watching? First,
for decades, the news media has vili
fied gays and lesbians often and with
out conscience and headlined crimes
perpetrated by “homosexuals.”
Second, this negative reporting
was, and is, complemented by the
media’s disregard for issues pertinent
to the lives of American gays and les
Third, Moenning’s ploy to use the
Matthew Shepard case as his sole evi
dence for his thesis is despicable. As
any thinking person knows, this case
was an aberration in terms of the
national attention it garnered.
Gay bashing is a national epidem
ic, and that is not reported. There
have been so many cases of brutality
perpetrated against gays and lesbians
(equal to and beyond that of the
Dirkhising case) that have not been
reported by Moenning’s so-called
“liberal news media.”
That, Mr. Moenning is die REAL
double-standard. Why don’t you
make your homophobic assertions
outright and not hide behind a poorly
thought-out and researched column?
And, by the way, how did you hear
about the story?
Robert Aguirre
graduate student
The headline “Award created for
GLRT Community” (DN
Wednesday) and Thursday’s editorial
cartoon (“We’re not gayi”) mate clar
ification necessary.
Any faculty, staff or student who
has contributed to creating a more
respectful, safe and inclusive climate
at UNL, regardless of sexual orienta
tion, is eligible for nomination and
selection to receive this award.
The award was not created for the
GLB’T community or for GLBT
members of the UNL community.
The award was created to recognize
the courage, dedication and convic
tion it takes to work toward the devel
opment of a welcoming and inclusive
community for everyone, including
gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgen
dered people.
Nomination or receiving the
award should not be construed as an
indicator of a person’s sexual orienta
tion. Unfortunately, many people
who are supportive of GLBT rights
and who work toward the develop
ment of a respectful and equitable
environment are presumed to be non
But heterosexual allies are vital
and appreciated members of the UNL
community and society in general.
No one deserves to be treated as a
stereotype for supporting a respect
ful, safe, fair and inclusive communi
Pat Tetreault, Ph.D.
Sexuality Education Program
University Health Center
Health Education Department
Sis Boom Bah
I wish to extend congratulations
to Matthew Hansen for his editorial
on the century’s great sports
moments. It is the best insight I’ve yet
seen into the idea of sport and of what
“epiphany” means in our individual
The intelligence of this essay
extends beyond its “insight " present
ing a quiet and eloquent “voice” of its
own making.
t ff.H; • . . :
Michael Knisely
eontinning studies
f MUZAKAttack i
I think we all have to get our pri
orities straight Why should we care,
on tap of everything else there is to
worry about during the holiday sea
son, what music is being played in a
Last time I checked, I went there
to shop, not to sit around and enjoy
the ambiance. Chances are, you are
so busy at one of those stores (and
there is so much background noise,
anyway) that you won’t notice the
music unless you’re out looking for
If you really want religious holi
day music, go home, sit on your
couch, get a glass of eggnog and
throw on a CD. Why make life so
much more complicated than it is
Amy Jirsa
1999 graduate of UNL
Ross Film Theater employee
Normal Guy
I am not happy with the Daily
Nebraskan dropping The Norm. Why
would you cut such an interesting,
thought-provoking strip?
Although I do not agree with
Mr.Trofholz’s (DN, Letters,
Thursday) scathing response to The
Norm’s replacement, Planarian Man,
I fully back his proposition to “bring
back The Norm.”
Those students, staff and faculty
who miss The Norm, or would just
like to correct a wrong, need to con
tact the DN and demand it return The
Norm. For those who would like to
catch up with The Norm, all strips are
available on the Web at
www. thenorm. com.
Jon M. Beilum
graduate student
educational administration
Editor’s Note: For those who
would like to catch up on Planarian
Man, all strips (from this story arc)
are available on the Web at planari
The Norm returns Dec. 14.
Abnormal Guy
I believe I speak for 99 percent of
this campus when I say Planarian
Man couldn’t suck more if he was
genetically spliced with the
Backstreet Boys.
Also, please do not bring back
The Norm. I would rather read a
comic that has Ziggy talking about
different types of protein diets every
day than read TJte Norm.
Bring back The Far Side..:.