Sharon Kolbet/DN FROM TOP TO BOTTOM: THE “WHEM06” tofcos » how Is order t« dwell hmoth« stro«tli|ht. Balloon handlers had their hands full navigating tha eartaoa flan dan tt* windy liicoli stmts. aii Sharon Kolbet/DN WHILE anew m lip inside an antioua a aarada oarticloaot waves to tha crowd. Panda »*—"iw« tthwiMi ■Wnee^VmB ■PBP^BoPIhRbIP BP* BBS^PBGB^D SH GBBBGSBgB^BP BoG^Bp V flPGBBw^B^^B pPGBD'BMGRDJPGR^BW.WHwi^^B^^W'GSR Bm^BP BOBBP^Bw Bsm V BBPBBBI^^P BPB ^yGHIIdo^PI^P ^BwBGIoBwAG^PBJI 4kdBMB umaha JJJ BhBBdB Gam AMR AAA BkAdBBlIdk Aft 4ft £4a«% dd>ia«M4lllB«M AUAIl4 mere were woifiAei to euyUiiu people pemeree to wotcb mo oownrown OvOHTa Nate Wagner/DN ITS A BIRD, A BIG RED BIRD, aad It was let loese la dowatown Lincoln for the Star City Parade. Saturday morning the downtown streets wen filled with stars, clowns, hands, cars, animals and especially the big red bird. * Cold weather doesn’t dampen success of Star City Parade * *_ By JillZeman Staffwriier People attempting to drive down town Saturday encountered quite a roadblock. More than 3,400 people marched down O Street for this year’s Star City Parade. The theme of die 15th annual parade was “A Millennium of Stars.” The parade boasted 68 entrants, with 12 walking units and'20 marching bands from across Nebraska, said Suzi Shugert, executive director of planning for fee Star City Parade. The parade route began at 10th and O streets, traveled down Centennial Mall and M Street, and ended at the Comhusker Hotel, 333 S. 13th St Shugert estimated there were about 35,000 to 40,000 spectators at the parade, in addition to those who viewed the parade live on Channel 10/11 KOLN/KGIN. Attendance for the parade was down from last year, mainly because the weather wasn’t as nice, Shugert said. The parade featured five balloons: Underdog, Mr. Potato Head, a jack in the box, the Statue Of Liberty and a space shuttle. Maneuvering the balloons through downtown can be hard, especially under fee O Street skywalk, Shugert said. Following the parade, 14 awards were given to fee bek entries. Mayor Don Wesely declared the Wm I think it's great so many people volunteered their Saturday morning to promote community pride'' Jessica Jenkins UNL freshman biology major Statue of Liberty balloon, sponsored by Bryan LGH Hospital, as Best of Parade, TTie unique vehicle award was give* to the Volkswagen Club of Nebraska, whose entry, “Y2K Bugs,” entertained many throughout the route. Entries were judged by a panel of three adults and three children. Several citizens had Ihe opportunity to enjoy the parade without having to endure the chilly weather, Shugert Shugert published a press release that offered people a chance to walqb the parade fiW the O Street skywalk. More than 200people sent letters to Shugert, and a computer randomly selected 45 people for die prime parade^ viewing spots, Shugert said. Saturday’s parade marked the sec Please see PARADE on 6