smit And So it Begins ••• The countdown to Nebraska-Texas II starts with Frank Solich and Mack Brown grading their teams going into the Big 12 Championship. PAGE 7 «>e tu]— Dancing Ahead Novem The UNL dance program looks back on the last decade and forward to its next one in its fall concert. PAGE 9 Partly cloudy, high 59. low 34. f: VOL. 99 COVERING THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN SINCE 1901 NO. 66 Debate rises from NU use of fetus cells ByDaneStickney : Staff writer The recent findings revealing the University of Nebraska’s involvement in the use of aborted fetuses for medical research is stirring up the abortion debate. On Sunday, the Omaha World-Herald reported that the University of Nebraska Medical Center used brain cells of aborted fetuses in the study of Alzheimer’s disease. The fetal tissue was provided free of charge to the university by Dr. LeRoy Carhart. Federal law pro hibits the sale of any human body parts. Carhart operates an abortion clinic in Bellevue and has been a leader in the pro-abortion rights move ment. Gov. Mike Johanns will prepare a letter asking the University of Nebraska to stop the research, said “The governor hopes at minimum to establish dia- ? it logue between the university, the regents, the :| Legislature and himself on the future of the research,” Peterson said. “He will formally ask (the university) to stop later on this week.” Anti-abortion rights activists see the research as a victory for abortion, while pro--abortion rights activists don’t see the research as an issue at all. Anti-abortion groups have been talking to state senators about the possibility of stopping the testing, said Dan Parsons, director of Family First in Lincoln and an anti-abortion rights activist Please see FETUS on 3 SCOTT EBKEf a senior communications studies major, loads his gun Saturday morning to go pheasant hunting east of Ceresco with his 1 -year-old chocolate lah, Bogey. Ebke hunts about twice a week. Obscene calls prompt arrest By Jake Bleed Senior staff writer After more than two years of working the phones, University Police Ofc. Barbara McGill finally got the call she was looking for. Sean Robert Francis, a 21-year old Middletown, N.Y., man, was arrested Nov. 23 for making more than 75 obscene phone calls to women across the country, including 22 to UNL students. In each of the calls, Francis threat ened to kill or rape die women, feder al court documents said. McGill said she headed the uni versity’s investigation of the obscene calls received by UNL students, serv ing three search warrants on long-dis tance phone records and helping other law enforcement agencies across the country hack Francis down. • In addition to the calls made to UNL students, Francis is accused of making obscen.e calls to women in Kansas, Montana, North Dakota and Oregon, according to federal court documents. Francis will be tried in federal court in New York, McGill said. He is already on probation for aggravated harassment in New York after alleged ly making obscene phone calls to local women. McGill said Francis allegedly began making obscene phone calls to UNL students in April 1997. The calls were all similar in nature, McGill said, with the caller threatening to rape or even kill the woman answer ing the phone. An arrest warrant was issued against Francis by Lancaster County in August 1998 after McGill was able to trace several obscene phone calls to Francis’ home, McGill said. But McGill said the warrant was a misdemeanor, making Francis’ arrest possible only if he were caught in Nebraska. But as the phone calls continued, McGill said, they became increasing ly violent. Eventually, the warrant against Francis was upgraded to a felony crime, making his arrest out side Nebraska possible. Many of the obscene calls made at that time included the caller saying he could see the victim and that if she hung up, he would rape her. “These girls were in fear. I made contact with a good portion of them. They thoroughly believed he was right outside their window watching,” McGill said. McGill said Francis suffered from telephone scatologia, a mental condi tion that made making obscene phone calls sexually arousing. Throughout this time, McGill said, she worked with other law enforcement agencies, giving advice and helping them gain access to phone records, to help end the calls. “If someone asked, I’d share as much as I could,” McGill said. “I’m kind of the phone-call specialist.” McGill said she once heard a radio news report while relaxing at home after work that several obscene phone calls had been received in Lawrence, Kan. From the report, McGill said she knew what the situa tion was. “From what (the radio program) was saying, it was ‘Oh, I know who they’re talking about,”’ McGill said. McGill said she began cooperat ing with police in Lawrence soon after hearing the report. Eventually, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, working with local police in New York, took over the investigation and arrested Francis. UNL employees’ house catches fire By Jake Bleed Senior staff writer A fire in the north Lincoln home of two University of Nebraska Lincoln employees may have caused up to $60,000 in damages, City Fire Investigator Don Gross said. Gross said he was still investigat ing the cause of the fire, which burned through the basement of the home shared by Linda Endres and Doug Scheffert, both UNL employ ees. “The basement was full of stor age and combustibles,” Gross said. “The fire itself was limited to the basement, but the whole house had substantial heat and smoke dam age. Endres, a secretary in the com puter science department, said she had worked at UNL for 15 years. She said her husband, Scheffert, worked at Love Library and had been with UNL for more than 20 years. Lincoln fire and police units were dispatched to the home at 1046 Charleston St. at 12:59 p.m. Gross said the fire burned for between 10 and 15 minutes before being put out Mike Bills, Mike Rohwer and Jake Veach, all UNL students, live next door on Charleston Street and said a Cable Vision repairman told them about the fire shortly after the fire began. They said the repairman also called police. Gross said Scheffert told investi gators he’d left his home about 15 minutes before the fire started. The Red Cross offered to house the couple for a few days until they were able to find other housing. Gross said remodeling work on the home could take up to five months. Gross also said damage esti mates had yet to be confirmed. Damage to the house’s structure could range between $30,000 and $40,000, while damage to the home’s contents could be up to $20,0O0.The cause of fire will prob ably be determined today, Gross said