The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 03, 1999, Page 4, Image 4

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Josh Funk
Mark Baldridge
Lindsay Young
Jessica Fargen
Samuel McKewon
Cliff Hicks
Kimberly Sweet
of the times
ACLJJ wants KU to
remove Moses from seal
The University of Kansas has made the
news recently, with the American Civil
.Liberties Union working to have its tradi
tional seal removed or changed.
The seal depicts Moses before the
burning bush, a familiar theme from the
KU, as a public institution, should not
have a religious icon on its seal, the ACLU
Of course, Moses does represent a plu
rality of peoples; he is revered among
//- Jews, Christians
c and Muslims
UJ course, (diversity, any
Moses does onep'. , ..
And though it
represent a is also true that,
j j. r as a prophet, he
plurality OJ represents a reli
neonles • he is gious PersPec‘
peoples, ne is tive> the signifi_
revered among cance of Moses
goes far beyond
Je\VSf this.
'pj ... i The figure of
Christians and Moses looms
Muslims large in Western
culture, particu
(diversity\ larlyinhisroleas
0 v lawgiver.
anyonec). The advent of
the written law
code had vast implications for western cul
ture, including the development of democ
racy. Moses was a vital part of this process.
No longer would judges rule at a whim
or in favor of the largest bribe: Anyone
who could read could refer to the law for
And Moses represents something else:
the liberator of a downtrodden and
enslaved race.
If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were
depicted on the seal, would the ACLU
complain because he was also a reverend?
The separation of church and state is
■not a light-hearted whim of America’s
founders but the very capstone of religious
However, the concept can be misap
plied, particularly incases where other
interpretations or emphases are possible
and even productive.
Moses stands for all of us, for the high
est traditions and aspirations of the West.
Not as opposed to any other of the cardinal
directions, but as opposed to the arbitrary
tyrant of economic or political power with
out the civilizing influence of law.
But the times, they are a changin’, and
maybe KU should change with them.
May we suggest the cost-cutting mea
sure of simply replacing Moses with
Charlton Heston?
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’___JZ_r _
' /Se court MOVES #1** U* Sf*f« OW\
I BLOCK US Gubfi 6w tXJlNG- ITS \
I BUSINESS-fcuilJiiy *- liW-kve1 rtJio- J
\ A6h> WASTE iite /n NEBRASKA. /
To Catch an Emu
There is no reason that that emu
had to be shot.
If you can get close to it, you can
catch it. So how do you get close to it?
Let it come to you. Do not scare or
chase it. A bucket of feed works
They are a curious bird.
And how do you actually catch it?
Well, first you need the right
tools. All you need is a broom stick, a
coat hanger and a pillow case. Make a
large loop out of the hanger and fas
ten it on the broom stick. Then attach
the pillow case to the hanger. It is
kind of like a butterfly net.
Now all you have to do is get the
pillow case over the bird’s head.
Cover the bird’s head, and you can
lead the bird anywhere. I personally
use a sock, but if the bird is scared,
you should use the net.
And if you do get the bird netted,
don’t try to hold him with it. He will
stop on his own.
My family raises both emu and
rheas. If they can’t see the light of
day, you can guide them all over the
place. This is how we move the birds
from one pen to the other.
Kevin Marquette,
freshman f
computer science \
Sarcasm £
Mr. Obermeyer, how ^
dare you? Your cartoons, if /
you will - and I think you /,
will - do not reflect what I If
and this university are all 11
about: red. If
Day in and day out, I If
put on my Nike pants,
zipped at the ankles, m
and my red Husker A?
jersey (mesh) and jr
gleam with pride as I 1J
step on to this / /
campus. a f h
I am re<r*y^
You should try Ljb
it, too.
Sometimes y^
I get beat up, but
I put on my smile/
and swerve
on and keep
it going.
Mr. Obermeyer,
realize what’s true. Start making fun
of things worthy of making fun of, if
you know what I mean - and I think
you do.
Make fun of me if you want.
Punch me, toss me, whatever. Just
please keep your cartoons in good
Your friend, Red.
Seth I. Witkowicz
Ober-rated Cartoonist
I am writing in response to the
cartoon in the paper on Oct. 27 and
the follow-up cartoon on Monday.
Two days before the first cartoon
appeared, golf champion Payne
Stewart boarded a small jet in
Orlando, Fla., bound for Texas, where
Stewart would be competing in the
Tour Championship this weekend.
Shortly after they were in the air,
the cabin lost its air pressure and
everyone aboard died. The plane flew
on autopilot until it ran out of gas and
crashed in South Dakota.
So, what does this have to do with
the cartoons in the paper? I don’t
know. You tell me.
I would like to know who in the
hell is so sick in the head that they
would think this is funny. Maybe the
first cartoon wasn’t supposed to be
directed at the crash, bbt rather at the
Reform Party, but it was still wrong.
A lot of people are angry at these car
toons because they deal with a great
loss of a great man, a role model, a
leader and a hero to many, including
I took his death as though some
one whom I know and love had died.
You made light of a situation that
is a tragedy for his family, friends and
the golf world.
He came such a long way. From
his father’s death in 1986, to his
mother’s alcoholism, he raised a fam
ily and won tournaments when
nobody thought he could. He was
such a fun person with an unforget
table personality who will now be
remembered by photographs and past
So the point is, if you are so stuck
on making fun of something, and you
can’t come up with any other way to
do it except by making light of a
tragedy, then you shouldn’t be work
ing for a newspaper.
Cartoons are supposed to make
people smile, and the only thing it did
. tome was break my heart and
Nas*. put a tear in my eye.
You should be ashamed of
Kristin Kucera
business administration
Delan Lonowski/DN