,-'.V - v =* % : l ' INTERTAINMENT J ? Monday, November 1,1999____ _ Page 9 Pr i Story By Jason Hardy Photos By Nate Wagner Haydon director lends hand to artists ivareiy uo you ima an an major who also majors in business. Historically, art and business have not coexisted in total harmony. For whatever reason, artists tend to have trouble bridging the gap between creat ing their work and marketing it For artists in the Lincoln area, this can be^ven more difficult. A large number of quality artists live in the area, but a relatively small amount of galleries and buyers exist to show and buy their art. One gallery helping to market Lincoln artists is the Haydon Art Gallery, located in the Hardy Building, 335 N. Eigftth St. A project of the Nebraska Art Association, the Haydon was designed to help with fund raising for the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, to sup port professional Midwestern artists and to offer artistic education through exhibits and artist workshops. Ann ragei, director oi me nayoon, said the gallery currently represents about 100 artists who pay the Haydon a commission for the work Pagel and her associates sell. Itfc an arrangement that she sees as very advantageous for busy artists. “We make a gallant effort to sell the works, so we do require a commis sion,” Pagel said. “It’s worth it to (the artists) to pay for the marketing side, so. they can spend more time in the stu dio.” Ed Rumbaugh, a local painter and photographer represented by the Haydon, agreed, saying the Lincoln market was tough. “You don’t have people knocking on your doors 24 hours a day,” he said. “But Lincoln is a pretty small town, and there are a lot of good art patrons, bid there is no shortage of quality, so it’s hard to sell work. “I think Ann does an excellent job with what she works with.” What Pagel works with is a tiny staff, consisting of a few co-workers and interns, and an extremely tight budget. Despite its limitations, the Haydon still has a visible impact on the local and regional visual art communi ty. we provide a wonderful service for professional artists to live in this region and make sales,” Pagel said. “I also feel very good about die quality of work that’s offered through the Haydon. We only take about 2 percent of the artists who seek out our repre sentation, so there is nobody represent ed by this gallery that isn’t profession al.” The size of die Haydon’s staff lim its the promotion the gallery is able to offer each of its artists. “I don’t think you can find a hand ful of artists who are making it by just their art in Lincoln,” Rumbaugh said. “In fact, I don’t think I know even one. “You hope that your relationship with a dealer is a stepping stone to independence, and for the last three years, I’ve been able to paint about 20 hours a week.” Despite Rumbaugh’s increasing independence and creativity, he has yet to make a considerable profit “I’ve made some sales, but I’ve never made enough sales to cover the cost of my work,” he said. “But Ann has definitely helped the art community as a whole. She’s given them exposure, and if you look over a period of years, she’s given people shows at a time in their career that really boosts them up. “It’s all part of one big machine, and if it works well together, we’ll suc ceed.” Time has shown that Pagel and the Haydon Art Gallery have been able to offer artists a means not only of selling their work but learning how to go about seeking representation outside of the Midwest Despite the incredibly fast pace of operating the Haydon, which has already scheduled exhibits into the year 2006, Pagel stilffinds satisfaction in the Haydon’s day-to-day operation. “I believe in visual art. I think it makes lives better. It’s something that is enriching, and it’s very satisfying for me to match a client with a piece of art work,” Pagel said. “I’m always making plans. “We always stay busy, and there are always still a zillion things I want to do.” ABOVE: JUDITH ERNST CHERRY’S exhibit “Unswept Floors and other Facts” ran at the Haydon Gallery in October. Her work “open hand” is a mockery of dirty floors la the Capitol. TOP RIGHT: ANN PA6EL is the director ef the Hayden Art Gallery, which features a different artist’s work each month. The Gallery is already beaked until 2006. TOP LEFT. CHERRY’S pictures of palms represent someone's life and profession. The three palms are of “Elaine, Custodian,” “Christie, DJ and Diver” and “Jeff, Glass Worker.”