The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1999, Page 6, Image 6

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    Buchanan debates change
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Parking stalls added
to UNL’s City Campus
“If we can utilize this and make
By ERIC RlNEER some space available for students, I
Staff writer think it would benefit us right now in
- the short-run,” he said.
Although plans to install a second The spaces, Carpenter, said,
parking garage at the University of would be open temporarily, untjl the
Nebraska-Lincoln remain in the air, construction at 171*1 and R streets
at least some students will find extra begins.
parking on City Campus starting The move to provide temporary
Friday. parking for students was mostly
Dan Carpenter, interim director because the project has not been pre
of Parking and Transit Services, said sented to the NU Board of Regents,
45 additional stalls near 18th and R Carpenter said,
streets would be opened for resident The regents have to approve the
and commuter parking. project before construction can
This week, 90 stalls were opened begin,
for residents and commuters near “I guess now was the best time as
18th and Q streets. any because of the perceived short
Carpenter said Parking Services age of parking,” he said,
wanted to offer more parking options Under the most recent campus
while plans to build a garage at 17th master plan proposed by university
and R streets remain behind sched- officials, the garage at 17th and R
ule. streets would be built by 2001.
■ The presidential
hopeful indicates he may
be receptive to a Reform
Party candidacy.
DALLAS (AP) - Republican
presidential hopeful Pat Buchanan
met Wednesday with the Reform
Party chairman and later said he is
leaning toward leaving the GOP to
seek the third party’s nomination.
“I’m leaning toward it,”
Buchanan said at a book-signing
after the hourlong meeting. “It’s a
real possibility. We are looking at it
very hard right now.”
Buchanan also said Reform
Party Chairman Russell Verney
“indicated receptivity to our candi
“This is not an easy decision,” he
added. “I’ve been on the Republican
Party side in the worst crises in the
last 30 years.”
Verney said he explained the
party’s state-by-state nominating
process. He declined to give his
position on a Buchanan bid, saying
party members would have to decide
on a nominee.
“He has got a huge decision in
front of him,” Verney said. “The fact
he has to weigh is: Will his support
ers and contributors stay with him if
he leaves the Republican Party. He
would be publicly acknowledging
that the current two-party system has
Billionaire Ross Perot, who
founded the Reform Party, did not
attend the meeting.
“Mr. Perot and Mr. Buchanan
decided it was not appropriate,”
Verney said. “Ross is going to
remain silent throughout the nomi
nating process.”
Buchanan, who twice has sought
the Republican nomination, has said
he will decide by month’s end
whether to seek the Reform Party
nomination for president.
“What we are looking at clearly
is to give the American people a
choice at the polls,” he told televi
sion station WFAA on Wednesday. “I
think the two parties in Washington
are really in bed with each other. I
think the American people need a
real choice in 2000. That’s the only
reason I would run.”
Former Connecticut Gov. Lowell
Weicker also is weighing a run for
the party’s bid. Minnesota Gov. Jesse
Ventura, the highest elected Reform
Party member, has tried to head off a
Buchanan candidacy and urged real
estate tycoon Donald Trump to run.
Perot has not ruled out a third
presidential race, although members
of the splinter American Reform
Party have voiced opposition.
Buchanan’s book, “A Republic,
Not an Empire,” has been criticized
because of its questions about the
U.S. entry in the war against Nazi
NU Directions examines goals a year after grant
GRANT from page 1 risky oenavior. the group is another task the coalition
—--=- Vignettes show undercover cops has had to take on.
celebrations. breaking up a party, a student being Sending out the message that the
■ Review, revise and clarify all NU admitted to the Cornhusker Detox group is fighting high-risk, not respon
policies dealing with alcohol. Center and similar situations demon- sible, drinking is a task the coalition
■ Reduce and control the prolifera- strate to students what could happen constantly faces.
tion of liquor licenses. when students engage in high-risk Other rumors have been giving stu
■ Increase the number of entertain- drinking, Major said. dents the wrong perception about NU
ment options for students on and off The coalition hopes to train stu- Directions, Major said.
campus. dents, in residence halls, greek houses “One of the rumors we heard was
Each goal the group has is accom- a°d °dier organizations, who will show that NU Directions is having campus
panied by a plan of action. die video and serve as a resource for security officers follow vans loading up
The coalition hopes to have tangi- alcohol education. with people,” Major said,
ble results by 2003, when the grant runs The coalition is also trying to work NU Directions coalition members
out. After that, it is up to UNL to decide whh parents and alumni groups who walking around with walkie-talkies at
which efforts they want to continue, o^11 give prospective college students tailgate parties is another rumor, Major
Major said. an exaggerated vision of what college is said.
The coalition took on some of its about- Major and other coalition members
first tasks this summer. Creating the “There are alumni who have very said they are trying to spread the mes
Web site was one of the sentimental feelings about college sage about what the group is really
first projects. It contains a database of drinking,” said Tom Workman, com- about - promoting responsible, low
activities that helps groups or individu- munications coordinator for NU risk (kinking,
als plan events. Directions. “We want to help alumni Coalition members who represent
Also, a video titled “Risky uud parents recognize when they tell the bar and alcohol industry say they
Business” was filmed this summer. The dieir stories, they are setting an expec- fully support the group’s goal of pro
video presents a number of scenarios tubon.” moting low-risk drinking,
students could facejf they participate in Clearing up misconceptions about “I feel it’s important that there are
Career Day 1999
College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
October 7,1999
•Where: Nebraska East Union, 3rd Floor •Time: 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
•Why: Talk to employers about job • Who: All UNL Students
• ' - - • - " -
American Institute of Banking
Archer Daniels Midland
Bureau of Reclamation
Cenex Land O Lakes
Dow AgroSciences
Earl May Seed & Nursery
Excel ...
Farm Crfdit Services of America
First National Bank of Omaha
LI-COR, Inc.
MoorMan’s, Inc.
Murphy Family Farms
National Park Service
NC+ Hybrids
NE Ag Statistics Service
Crop Quest
Hormel Food Corporation
IBP, Inc.
• Pioneer Hi-Bred Intemational, Inc.
’ Purina Mills, Inc.
' Servi-Tech
J.R. Simplot Soilbuilders
USDA Ag Research Service
West Fork Nursery & Tree Center
Nebraska Game & Parks Commission
Black & Decker
New Holland North America Inc.
Premium Standard Farms
Ag Processing Inc.
DDM Crop Services
Golden Harvest
AgLEC and NE Vocational Ag Assn.
Tractor Supply Company
Swift and Co.
Country General/CT Farm & Country
Lower Platte South Natural Resources
IGF Insurance Company
National By-Products, Inc.
FMC Ag Products Group
ConAgra Frozen Foods
AgrEvo USA Company
American Cyanamid
~, .* ■' - ’ ./V
DeBruce Grain
Farmland Industries, Inc.
Michael Foods, Inc.
Novartis Seeds, Inc.
United Nebraska Bank
University of Nebraska Cooperative
Extension Division
Christensen Family Farms
Pike Family Nurseries
Altec Industries, Inc.
Bunge Corporation
Novartis Crop Protection
Deere & Company
Nebraska Crop Improvement Assoc.
Lower Platte North Natural Resources
Communicating for Ag Exchange Prog.
Progressive Swine Technologies
Texas Farm Products, Company
Mycogen Seeds
Nebraska Department of Environmental *
UNL Agribusiness MBA Program
Rhone-Poulenc Ag Company
respectable establishment owners that
provide a safe place for socializing
without high-risk drinking,” said Becky
Smith, co-owner of Iguana’s, 1426 0
Smith said not all bar owners under
stand they don’t need high-risk drink
specials to be competitive. It will take
effort and patience on the coalition’s
part before bars realize it, she said.
“It will take time,” Smith said. “I
don’t think what we see will be imme
Matt Herman, president of D&D
Distributor and coalition member, said
NU Directions’ message of responsibil
ity goes along with the message the
beer industry is trying to promote.
Herman said the techniques the
coalition will use to realize the goals are
critical to reaching students.
“Right now I am a little afraid there
are too many sticks and not enough car
rots,” Herman said. “I don’t think that’s
the way to reach students.”
NU Directions can overcome this
by communicating and getting input
from students to determine the most
effective way to achieve its goals,
Homan said.
“I think it’s very important to get a
good cross section of students to see
how they really feel about it” Herman
Web site aims to offer
low-risk alternatives
By Kimberly Sweet
Senior staff writer
Creators of a new Internet site to
be launched tonight hope to elimi
nate the phrase “there’s nothing to
do” from UNL students’ vocabulary.
NU Directions, the group
responsible for creating the site at, hopes the large
database full of entertainment possi
bilities will help students plan events
for themselves and their friends.
“It’s really in response to how
many times we’ve heard ‘there’s
nothing to do,”’ said NU Directions
coordinator Linda Major. “We’re
challenging that”
The group came up with the idea
of an interactive Web site that offers
a list of activities based on needs,
interests and financial resources last
It spent the summer designing
the site and creating the database.
Students were hired to create the site
and received help from a graphics
professional, Major said.
NU Directions intends the site to
be used for small and large groups of
students looking for something to do
- whether it is an informal get
together or a large event planned by a
social chair.
Businesses are being encour
aged to come up with activities that
can be advertised on the site. P.O.
Pears restaurant and bar is one of the
first to participate, Major said.
Owner Bob Jurgenson is trying
to organize a tour of all the haunted
houses in Lincoln. Students would
ride the P.O. Pears bus and enjoy
food afterward, Major said.
The Athletic Department has
also joined the project. Teams are
working mi promotions to hue large
groups to their games, Major said.
Its really in
response to how
many times we ’ve
- heard ‘there’s
nothing to do.’ ”
Linda Major
NU Directions coordinator
Major said she hopes more busi
nesses will follow suit with activities
once the Web site makes its debut.
Becky Smith, owner of Iguana’s
bar, said she hoped to participate in
the Web site in die future.
“Eventually we will get a Web
site up and running,” she said.
Each business and activity listed
on the site must sign a responsible
business agreement
The agreement states the vendor
will train employees who serve alco
hol and avoid promotions that
encourage overconsumption of alco
hol by students.
More than 150 vendors have r
signed the agreement and are listed
on the Web site.
Since its inception, the site has
sparked discussion between NU
Directions and the business commu
nity about creating activities that will
be alternatives to high-risk drinking.
“We’ve never had these discus
sions before,” Major said “I think it’s
The Web site will make its debut
at tonight’s “Tailgate on the Turf” at
' Memorial Stadium.
Demonstrations of the site will
take place Friday and Monday at the
Nebraska Union.