SMUTS ME Secondary Coming Free Tibet October l, ji 999 The Husker secondary, along with the rest of the NU Filmed secretly in Tibet, the film “Windhorse” defense looks to make sure this year’s OSU game explores the Chinese government’s repression of doesn’t come down to the last play. PAGE 9 Tibetans. PAGE 12 VOL. 99 COVERING THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN SINCE 1901 NO. 30 Regents to vote on baseball stadium UNL’s partners in the venture $10.6 million, the biggest of the three Monday on whether to put its signa- ■ BY KIMBERLY Sweet would include the city of Lincoln, as partners. tures on the documents that would [ Senior staff writer well as Nebco Inc. The university is seeking private put the deal in motion. MHHHfli - If built, the complex would be funds for the project. Holding the votes of two of the The NU regents will get their say home to the University of Nebraska Scott Lewis, associate vice chan- core groups involved at the same time ject would be $5.9 million. Nebco today in whether Lincoln will be men’s baseball team in the spring and cellor for business and finance, will be beneficial in coordinating the would contribute $6.1 million to the home to a new baseball stadium. a Northern League professional base- wouldn’t say whether he thought the project, said Ann Harrell, who is project. The company will also pay At their 1:30 p.m. meeting in ball team in the summer. regents would approve or reject the Lincoln Mayor Don Wesely’s assis- the professional baseball team’s oper Varner Hall, the regents will vote A 2,500-seat softball stadium proposal. tant. ating and maintenance costs, whether to authorize the University housing the women’s softball team “I wouldn’t characterize (the “This time it worked well,” If the regents and City Council of Nebraska-Lincoln to participate in would sit next door to the complex, decision) either way,” Lewis said. “I Harrell said. “It’s important to keep vote to approve the projects, the part a cooperative project that would which would be located north of the think the regents will look at it very them marching along at the same ners can move forward, Lewis said. result in a $25.9 million baseball sta- Haymarketand west of Interstate 80. carefully.” pace.” - dium. UNL’s contribution would be The City Council is slated to vote The city’s contribution to the pro- Please see REGENTS on 8 NateWagneb/DN SGT. CHARLOTTE Voskrna accepts the Rnral/Metre Medical Service Award on Thursday afternoon for helping resuscitate 85-year-old William Williams by using CPR. Veskrna Is coming up on hor olghth year with University Police. Life-saving efforts praised at ceremony By Jake Bleed Senior staff writer City and university police gathered Thursday to honor the efforts of a UNL police sergeant in helping to save the life of an 85 year-old heart attack victim. University Police Sgt. Charlotte Veskrna received the award from Rural/Metro Medical Services for performing CPR on William Williams on Sept. 11. “She assisted us from A to Z,” said Rural/Metro Medical Services paramedic Tobias Theisen. “She just hung right in there with us.” Theisen, who was the'first paramedic to arrive to Veskma’s aid, presented the award to Sergeant Veskrna. With Veskrna’s help, Theisen and other Please see AWARD on 8 ——i—^PPM— / |j7 ^i?40HAM/l^^ JUDY EMEIGN, who has been cleaning resilience halls for six years, cleans out the sinks of Smith Resilience Hall eighth floor Thursday morning. She has worked at five other halls at the University of Hebraska-Lincoln during her tenure, but she said she liked cleaning girls’ floors the best. Custodian keeps cheery outlook on life By Sarah Fox Staff writer The custodian is one of the only smiling people on Smith Residence Hall’s 10th floor early Monday mornings. The yellow walls and the orange carpet give the hallways a brownish glow. In the bright lights of the group bathroom, college students rub clear circles of plastic in their palms. They aj£e trying to wake up enough to open their eyes and insert their contacts. The women do not talk; the bathroom echoes only with the splash of water on the thick plastic • shower curtains and the sudden flush of toi lets. The rest of the floor is quiet. In the hallway, a new sound suddenly rises over the elevator’s beeps. “Good morning, sunshine!” says Judy Emeigh, Smith Residence Hall custodian. Emeigh, 54, says she loves her “family” of college women on Smith Residence Hall’s seventh, eighth, ninth and 10th floors. Her cheerfulness in a demanding job demonstrates Emeigh’s life attitude of staying happy in tough situations. Emeigh’s life started with a tough situa tion for her mother. Emeigh’s mother gave birth to Emeigh and her twin sister, Joyce, in the back seat of a car on the way to the hospi tal in 1945. Her father, a World War II veteran who served in Germany, delivered the twins. He moved the family from Michigan to St. Edward when Emeigh and her twin sister were about 5 years old. “I have no idea why my parents moved to Nebraska,” Emeigh said. Alter Emeigh and her twin sister graduat ed from high school, Emeigh found her first job in Albion, a small town northwest of Columbus. She worked as a waitress for $4.25 an hour in a small Albion restaurant, serving hamburgers and chili to area residents and deer hunters. The restaurant compensated for the poor tips by giving her a high hourly wage, she said. Emeigh stopped working after she mar ried. “He was a well-to-do guy, so I just stayed home with my kids,” she said. However, when “things didn’t work out,” Emeigh and her husband divorced. Because the family had been living in Lincoln, she found a job cleaning the Ramada Inn to pay for her children’s tuition at Lincoln’s Pius X Central High School. Emeigh worked one eight-hour shift each day. “It was fast-paced,” Emeigh said. “Sometimes I worked double shifts, (and) Please see CUSTODIAN on 8 Read the Daily Nebraskan on the World Wide Web at