INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Begin reading at bottom line of the d at right and continue to the top 2. Not the other way Caution: Reading Backwards Can Cause Eyestrain I have a kind of perceptual double-jointedness that allows me to do this. If you find it too difficult, you can begin at thetop and read normally, rearranging it in your head as you go, no? WHAT THE HECK YOU ARE LOOKING AT: At right is a diagram of the near future, suitable for hanging with refrigerator magnets. A map of the 113 days between midnight of 9/9/99 (surely some kind of dead line) and midnight of 12/31/99 (the beginning of the end of the 20th century.) As a Chinese ideogram it’s read from bottom to top, so / start at the bottom and read to the top. Each line of the major hexa gram contains its own, smaller, self-interpreting hexagram of text (read bottom to top.) An interpreta tion of the large hexagram is avail able, at the bottom of the page. All the hexagrams are numbered from the King Wen Sequence and can be looked up in almost any copy of the I Ching by the same number. * ______l wurti, u&riCiiiiDEin iu, j.uuu ■ umui nLDiuionnn mm i/iua u “Everyone’s entitled to an opinion. Here’s how I get mine. ” . —Mark Baldridge or ? not Will we have a good millennium What is it we see at the bottom the century’s bright edge dropping our crumbs over What is the nature of our feasting 43 Is something dying or is something being born Is it what ✓ we dreamed or are we more beautiful ;$ _ . --A the century’s faded footnote wondering about ✓ our place Looking for illumination 30 which the universe grinds difficult * teeth sometimes called “hexagrams” broken * or whole six lines * each Entirely composed of symbols 21 s. Interpretation: 54 Kuei Mei A Young Bride ' A young woman moves to a new place, takes up new duties. ) House cleaning! Confucius say: “Symbol of Man’s end and Man^ Beginning.” To achieve an enduring end, ine superior Person must recognize mistakes made at the beginning. The marriage reference looks promising, but what’s all this about mistakes made and “man’s end?” Certainly, the time has come to leave Mom and Dad behind and move our furniture into the future, to “marry” the next century and not try to cling to the past. That this involves certain losses, endings and dangers, we already knew... ¥ For the most intuitive I Ching resource on the Web: